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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. firedoc5


    Years ago we had a similar discussion while talking about DNR's. But we got to wondering, what if a patient had the choice that if their health would become considered as being in a vegetative state that euthanasia could be an option. I know many, including myself, that would rather be euthanized than to live and not have any quality of life anymore. Would something like that be as feasible as a DNR? And say if there was such a law, who would be appointed to make the call? A judge, the doctor, the family? Or all three would have to be in agreement?
  2. When you least expect it, expect it.
  3. "Sunday Morning Coming Down" - Johnny Cash
  4. I wonder if they ran his finger prints it would show the donor's identification? Would they "reassign" his ID in the system?
  5. Have no idea.
  6. My favorite teacher in high school is still there. He's told me to call him Charlie but I just can't do it. To me it's like going up to the Pope and saying, "Hey, Benny, how's it hanging?". I'm the same way with a few of my former teachers. A few of my peers do call some of our old teachers by their first names, but for some reason I'm hesitant to. Would that be a respect issue?
  7. Don't get in a hurry. Focus on the class you are in. The rest will come later. Like Dust Devil said, you can't get a head start on Paramedic training.
  8. They oral surgeon that done my wisdom teeth became an ACLS Instructor. We taught a few classes together. He had stories of things going wrong in the dentist's chair. Of course he never had any kind of incidents. But his office was well prepared. He probably had more equipment than some small ER's had.
  9. "Come Together" - The Beatles/ Aerosmith
  10. I don't know. Let's try on a few friends of mine, Jim Beam and Jack Daniels, and maybe some Scotch. Do a little "sampling" and sit around and discuss. Who know what we can come up with.
  11. I'm about the same way. And many times I'll come up with the answer but can never explain how I got it.
  12. "Do unto others...then split."
  13. "Bohemian Rhapsody"- Queen
  14. The only thing I can add to what the others have said is that in the Basic class good old fashion common sense will carry you a long way. Pay attention, don't hesitate to ask questions or answer them if they are from the instructor. Relax and have fun with it. As you go through your Basic class you can get information on the more advanced classes and levels of EMS. Good luck.
  15. This happened at one of my old services I worked at for about five years. Litton Ambulance struck by lightning By TESA CULLI tesa.culli@register-news.com MT. VERNON — No calls were missed and systems are back online after lightning struck Litton Ambulance just before 9 a.m. on Tuesday morning. “It sounded like a bomb going off,” owner Angie Litton said. “At first, I didn’t know what happened.” What happened was a thunderstorm produced lightning that struck the radio tower at the ambulance service, blowing apart cables leading into the business, the electrical lines and sparking a small fire where those lines entered the building. Litton said rain from the storm extinguished the fire, although there was some smoke inside the building. “I immediately called the police station and 911,” Litton said. The emergency service has two backup generators and those were used to bring up lights and computers. Some computers were blown from the force of the electrical surge, but others came on fine, she said. Through her communications to other emergency agencies, Litton said all emergency radio calls were transferred to a phone line, and she began contacting hospitals and other agencies that regularly call the ambulance service. Radios were back online within two hours of the lightning strike, she said. Litton said had 911 been unable to reroute the radio calls, plans had previously been made to set up a dispatch area in the 911 center at the Jefferson County Justice Center that would have been used to keep the emergency ambulance service going. The strike was powerful enough to burn out the switches in the power box, and AmerenIP worked to rewire the box and signed off on it. Litton said an electrician would be going over the entire electrical system Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. “We were very lucky,” Litton said. “And everyone that responded was right here and got things back up quickly. Motorola was right here and got all our radios back ... everyone was great.”
  16. Good thing I kept my money where it's at least covered by FDIC, if that means anything anymore. :roll:
  17. "Smoke On the Water" - Deep Purple
  18. I heard about this word years ago. Then they were saying it was the complete word meaning "black lung disease". When I was in the Navy, we had one guy who's last name had 23 letters in it. We just shortened it to Surge.
  19. Anyone remember the "Faces of Death" films? They were having this same discussion about them at one point. Real or fake? Freedom of Speech or being responsible? How would showing suicide and/or accidental deaths, whether real or fake, would effect the public especially the youth? Back then everyone seemed to talk in circles, and it seems like they still do. But I don't mean just here, society in general.
  20. Ma'am will also get you around Miss, Mrs, Ms. :female:
  21. It seems like I remember something about a dentist accidently injected the anesthetic into a vein and it caused some problems. I've had it done to me before but nothing happened other than a funky pain going all throughout my face and head. But in certain patients it can cause convulsions and other cardiac problems.
  22. A long time ago there was a series of politicians dropping out of elections due to some remark they made or some uncovered picture surfaced or something. I think it started with Gary Hart. But ever since then I've said that I've blown any chance of running for public office by the time I was 17. But of course, I do plead the 5th.
  23. Me too, over the phone. The caller was complaining about a neighbor burning leaves. I was going to hand it over to my Lt. and said, "One moment, ma'am." and the caller said "I'm not a ma'am, I'm a sir." How do you apologize appropriately enough for that?
  24. Bummer, dude. There's always tomorrow.
  25. If they wanted to take pics as we worked or even ask us to show them how we did something, then we had no problem with it. But we had a few reporters that had the habit of asking the Officer in Charge if they could get a group pic of us, usually when we were mopping up. Or they might have stopped one or two of us and ask if they could get a pic of us doing something that was staged. They expected us to stop and drop what we were doing just so they could get a pic. That's where we drew the line. Sure if they came by the station and asked for a pic or two for whatever reason, sure, no problem. Personally I hated my pic took, and still do. But I would still do it.
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