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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. The anesthetic was only local, no gas? I'd say the anesthetic with an underlying undiagnosed cardiac problem or even anaphylaxis.
  2. I always stuck with Sir or Ma'am. It wasn't a patient but one day I called my nine year old niece "baby". She turned around and flat told me that she was not a baby, and that she was a big girl now.
  3. The tow truck just dropped my truck off at the house. Last night everyone was telling me how "bad" it was. I guess my definition of "bad" is different due to past experiences. It is totalled, but it's not bad. Looks like he left the road way going down a steep embankment and went into a field. At the edge of the field there was a row of trees that looks like he side swiped a few then center punched one. There's a lot to salvage from it at least. Now if he rolled down the embankment, that would have been another story. So he was very lucky in that respect.
  4. We had a guy that used the term "dear" all the time. Him saying it wasn't the problem, it was the way he said it. It always sounded as if it was belittling or condensending to the patient. Don't know why but that's the way it always sounded. Drove us nuts and I know it bothered the patient and families. We talked to him about it but of course he said that he was just using as a term of endearment. Maybe it was because he had that "Chicago accent" or something. So, maybe it's not always what you say, but how you say it.
  5. I've said many, many prayers and even written down a few. But they get lost or accidently thrown away or something. I've never had a prayer published, but I've had a couple of articles published for the Fellowship of Christian Firefighters. I wish I could sit down and write more often. BTW: These were good.
  6. I have just started to post pics on MySpace. What I've got there now isn't even a scratch in the tip of the iceberg of what pics I have. I'm having to post them as I find them. They are still packed away from our last move, but do have some envelopes of pics scattered around that I find occasionally. But if you are looking for "posed" pics at scenes or whatever, they may be hard to come by. Most of us, me included are not too fond of being in front of a camera. We don't want to appear to be in a "hero stance". Too many times a reporter may ask if they could get your pic at a scene and we turn them down.
  7. We knew yesterday was going to be tough on wife's family. It was the first anniversary of my wife's brother's death. Other than seeming a little solum, everyone seemed OK. Then last night my boy hydro-planed in heavy rain and totaled my truck out. He's OK. A little bit of a fat lip from the airbag is all. This morning he denied being sore or stiff. He probably is but won't admit it. He went ahead and went to school. I think the heavy rain and inexperience were the main contributors. But he ran off the road just before a construction site. He was so afraid I was going to be mad at him. I told him that accidents happen and that as long as he was OK that is all that matters. I haven't seen it yet. They are suppose to bring it this morning. In matter of fact, they should have been here by now. So I'm going to have an interesting day. Just getting all my stuff out of it is going to take most of the day. So, how was your day?? :?
  8. Sorry I was in a hurry and not paying attention. I'll even take away five points on myself.
  9. "Life's Been Good To Me" - Joe Walsh/ Eagles
  10. I don't live in NY, but I was going to say that knowing them (FDNY, NYPD, etc) it would be resounding NO way.
  11. At first I was going to mention low sodium, but he's got too much going on, so that blew that out of the window. Any ETOH? Vicodin + ETOH = BAD. What about his fluid intake? Did he try drinking coffee or hot tea to try and get warm? Exactly what was his surgery? Any chance of Staff Infection? (I know, I'm reaching)
  12. At least with my "old school days", any successful defib/cardiovert received an anti-dysrhythmic. Not only has the heart had complications before the defib, then a huge "zap" with the defib. Those ventricles are going to be irritated. Need to "calm" them down. Matt, I'll go half way with you. Good argument on the Atropine. But after re-thinking, I'd only give him 0.5 mg instead of 1 mg. since he did now have a rhythm. If his rate does increase spontaneously, there is still no harm with what Atropine you have given. Hanging a Lido. drip would only be if transport was more 20 mins.
  13. "Aqualung" - Jethro Tull
  14. Glad you had a better preceptor and shift. The main word I can come up with for your service, which others have too, is unprofessional. If you are hired as a Paramedic, then you get everything a Paramedic gets up front. Uniform wise, proper ID, etc. Personally I'd refuse the fanny pack. Never could get comfortable wearing one. Not only should you not have full access to the protocols, but get your own personal copy of them. And a big thing, r-e-s-p-e-c-t! You are a Paramedic. I was fortunate to have been with my system long enough that everyone already knew me. On some of our BLS calls the Paramedic would step back and give the whole thing to me (or another). So once I became a Paramedic I didn't have all the "pay the dues" type attitude. Other than experience, what does a Paramedic with 10 yrs. experience have that you don't? Nothing! It may get frustrating at times knowing that you are going through your "provisional" stage, but hang in there. It'll be over with before you know it. And remember, all those preceptors were "Probies" at one time too.
  15. I was in Houghton Lake (Rosscommon Twp). The hosp. out of Grayling seemed OK. Met a few guys from Traverse City. At the time that's where it seemed like things were happening.
  16. Just to back up a little bit and probably repeating some of the others. Sinus-brady after defib, you are right with the Atropine, but would hold off on the Bicarb (down time not long enough). Give 1mg. Epi, and 1mg/kg of Lidocaine. You want to protect those ventricles and keep him from going back into v-fib. How long of an ETA? If too long, hang Lido drip. I might have missed it, but when you get a sinus rhythm back, does he regain any kind of consciousness? Spontaneous respirations? I've been out of the loop for a day or two and there are so many reasons for a kid like that to go down and I'm sure it's already been given so I won't even start to guess.
  17. "Joy to the World" - Three Dog Night
  18. We all started at square one. So don't feel so lonely. It depends on where you are at, like what state, city, etc. , that can dictate on how to advance after becoming an EMT. Find out more about your local EMS system, they should be able to direct you in the right direction.
  19. For the short time I lived in northern MI, I was impressed by some of the EMS systems up there.
  20. We use to have "Rock-a-thons", but they were for 12 hrs. Is yours like a relay or something? Good luck on raising the money. BTW: If you raise a little more than expected, could you send some my way?
  21. CONGRATS, bro. Knew you could do it. Now go forth and make us proud. :salute:
  22. Whew All that and, was he handling the ball or on another part of the field? Just prior to collapse, did he seem sluggish? Was he known to be a "charlie hustle" kind of player? Any difference in his play that day? Was there a gunshot heard? (Just kidding) Vitals, what is his LOC? If still unconscious, O2 12L per NRM and check O2 sat. (before & after). IV NS TKO. Any cyanosis? If he had been hot and sweaty, notice how quickly he stops sweating.
  23. I just had to send that to my high school social scieneces teacher. He'll drop a nut from laughing.
  24. "In GOD we Trust!" Barack Obama, the lead Presidential Democratic Party candidate, is for banning all guns in America . He is considered by those who have dealt with him as a bit more than just a little self-righteous. At a recent rural elementary school assembly in East Texas , he asked the audience for total quiet. Then, in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence. Then he said into the microphone, 'Children, every time I clap my hands together, a child in America dies from gun violence.' Then, little Richard Earl, with a proud East Texas drawl, pierced the quiet and said: ''Well, dumb-ass, stop clapping!'
  25. "Touch Me, Baby" - The Doors
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