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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. When someone would make the comment that "it is not in my job description", I had a Chief that would say that your job description is for you "to do what the Chief tells you to do." He could be a real "jerk" (and that's putting it lightly)
  2. "I've OD'd and Loving It"
  3. "My Head's in Mississippi" - ZZTop
  4. Dalmation: I'll do it when I'm good and ready. Beagle: I'll take it out, but it's up to somone else to put the new one in.
  5. Over worked and underpaid seems to be the norm. Just stick with it. Your pay scale will eventually improve.
  6. Know the feeling, bro. :banghead:
  7. To extricate an MVA patient while trying to maintain full spinal immobilize, a KED is useful to go from a sitting position to transition them to a flat lay on a full spine board. Also the tension of the chest straps can help stabilize any rib or sternal injuries. For the past several years they've had KEDs that can be x-rayed through. If need be, once layed flat and properly secured onto the spine board, you can undo the chest straps to expose the chest to place a monitor or to auscultate the chest or any other examination. All in all, a KED can be very versatile. In this case, we were fortunate to have used a KED on her. Her breast implant was an older one made of the kind of silicone that they don't even use anymore. By applying pressure as we did prevented more of the silicone from leaking out.
  8. Reminds me of the joke of when a little girl sees a boy naked she says that now she knows why boys are faster than girls. " They have two ball bearings and a gear shift." :read:
  9. And don't forget at least three to somehow high-jack the thread getting off on some other tangent about their experiences of how they have changed light bulbs or other similar objects. And two to say how changing light bulbs is below their expertise and make some rookie do it, under their supervision of course.
  10. "Whiskey River" - Willie Nelson/ The Outlaws
  11. At least you were wearing panties. :bootyshake:
  12. Sounds like a tough and complicated situation. Miscarriage along with psych? Two elements I would rather avoid, especially at the same time.
  13. CONGRATS, darlin'. It must feel great to fulfill a goal which you have been hoping to achieve for so long. I hope everything will be what you expected, and more. Just a side note. When you'll be starting on Sept. 19th, that will be the anniversary of my first official ambulance run 25 yrs. ago.
  14. You know, sometimes I think my first wife was attracted to the uniform. As I gradually wore it less and less, so did a lot of other things in our marrriage. But maybe that's just in my head. :salute:
  15. ... now the fight shall commence.
  16. "Smoke on the Water" - Deep Purple
  17. I believe that many girls, and some women, don't realize that there is a physical effect on the guy. It's not just a disappointment for the young man. I don't want to sound crast, but a comment on Saturday Night Live by Tina Fey seemed appropriate, "Remember, your mouth can't get pregnant."
  18. My sister just sent me an e-mail showing a semi-truck that was painted up and had every name of each person who lost their lives. It's quite impressive. I'm trying to figure out how to post it here. I'm so ashamed of what I don't know that I should for as long as I've been working with computers.
  19. Thanx for the info. I really appreciate it. :usa2:
  20. I know it's been changed and retaught, and possibly changed back, but for testing purpose the measurement to suction with an oralpharangeal airway in place was to measure from the corner of the mouth to the tracheas of the ear. For the ET insertion was, like already mentioned, was insert until you feel resistance. VentMedic may know this one. It was once argued to never insert a suction cath. past the end of the ET tube. Is that still something discussed? I might have missed that in an earlier post.
  21. See if you can observe a monitor tech in your local ICU. We frequently got to sit and watch the monitors. If an interesting strip pops up run a strip of it and document the situation. Also a good tech will explain a lot and give some really good advice.
  22. And they should be ashamed of themselves!!!
  23. I know PE is the culprit. Other wise 100mg Thorazine IM may have done wonders. At least it helpd me one time, even though it was only temporary.
  24. BINGO on the breast implant. The opening of the airbag ruptured the implant. Don't know exactly why it was just the one and not both. Perhaps how she was sitting, maybe turned to the right just a little bit. It was believed that the airbag did more damage than the actual collision. Patient jokingly said that if maybe she went with a D+ cup it would have given her more cushion. One of the other guys commented saying that any larger, she wouldn't have been able to wear the tube top she was wearing. The kids in the car was the adult passenger's kids. But I've known several gals at the age of 26 having a 12 yr. old child. (different thread possibility) She also receive a flailed chest from the door arm rest. Lung sounds remained good bilaterally. Still increased pain upon deep inhalation. Went ahead and placed her on 12L O2 per NRM. Improved the support to site of flailed chest. Did start an IV NS TKO. Patient denied enough pain to adm. MS. As for the redness and burning of the legs and arms due to powdery substance from the airbag, evidently she had an allergic reaction to it. Copious amount of irrigating and Benadryl corrected that. Due to using a KED to remove her from the vehicle and place on long spine board we were not able to fully inspect spinal column. Enroute, no change in condition. Patient actually seemed relaxed and comfortable considering what she'd been through and her injuries.
  25. "Working in the Coal Mine" - Devo
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