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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Reminds me of the scene in "The Jerk" where mama is reading a letter from Navin. She thought his girlfriend was really nice by offering him some work. Said that if he was good she would give him a couple of bl0w jobs. :sign5:
  2. And don't forget to add Wayne and Jefferson Counties in IL on that list.
  3. Happy Belated Birthday, Bro. Another year older and deeper in debt. :occasion5:
  4. Has anyone come up with an absolute number of emergency workers that died on that day? I know we here of the 343 Firefighters, but what's the total number of the others? On my old Fire Dept. on all their new trucks, the maltese cross has 343 incorporated into the design to always pay tribute to those fallen brothers/sisters. It looks pretty sharp. I've always said that in 1941 it was said that Japan woke a sleeping giant. On 9-11-2001, they p!ssed the giant off.
  5. Wearing red socks is a new one to me. :wink:
  6. Don't do like I use to do, try to tough through to the last minute. Number one, take care of yourself. You are your most important aspect in your job. If you deal with whatever is wrong with you now, it won't be an issue that may be more serious down the road. Good Luck. During your down time, don't worry about work. It will still be there.
  7. Exact reason for sandbag. Patient stated that slight pressure on her side helped relieve some pain. Monitor showed sinus tach @ 110. BP: 130/85 P: 100 reg. O2 Sat: 98%. Rinsed arms and legs thoroughly but still had burning sensation and redness becoming more prevalent. No hives. Patient did present slight orthropnea upon flat lay, but "not bad". Lung sounds remained clear bilaterally. Stated also upon flat lay that her left breast, when move upward caused more pain. No bruising or swelling noted to breast, just the redness as stated before. Since coming from the beach she was not wearing a bra, just a tube top. Also upon flat lay started to have upper lumbar pain described as an "burning ache".
  8. Now that is thinking out of the box. I'm impressed. It's something I'll run with. How long has he been celebrating? Last ate, and what? Is the beer green? And if so, what did they use to turn the beer green, if not food coloring? Any other ETOH? BGL? If available, ETOH level. (I still think ambulances should have breathalizers, IMHO) What does the monitor show? Allergies to meds and other allergens? How has is urinary output been, especially with the ETOH consumption?
  9. How much did you miss it by? If it was by just a point or two I'd say you did over think it. Or you could have just had an off day. Find out which areas you had problems with and go over them again, almost like starting from scratch. You may catch something that you missed the first time you studied it. Just relax. Don't get stressed out about it. You're not the first to fail the test the first time and won't be the last. If you feel like you need help in understanding something or would like to be tutored, don't hesitate to ask. And there are many here that are more than willing to help out.
  10. I know that over the years a lot of things have changed. The "Tac-Medic Team" course I'm familiar with had nothing to do with actually going in the Entry Team. We were staged close by. Sometimes, if needed in the yard usually on the side of the house. We wore the gear but never entered until the "all clear" was declared. But if we were called in before the "all clear" we were prepared.
  11. "Cover Of Rolling Stone" - Dr. Hook
  12. I think with the closed head injury that may occur, no amount of light will illuminate any kind of beauty.
  13. Now that's bad. Had an EMT-I that misspelled so much they wouldn't let him do the run sheets. On one report he wrote," The patient had a brock (broke) leg, and was uncontewus (unconscious) for a little while." Didn't know to laugh or cry.
  14. See what I mean? Thank God for Saturday morning's School House Rock. If it wasn't for that I'd been in DEEP in trouble.
  15. I've been accused of driving like I would if I was still driving an ambulance, especially by my mother. But nothing illegal. I still sometimes wonder what make her think that. But this guy is a true idiot. Sounds like he's a wanna-be/ whacker that did become involved in EMS and let it go to his head. With his reasoning that he can drive anyway he wants to at all times, especially while not in an emergency vehicle is completely idiotic.
  16. I'm getting in on this late. I might have missed it in some of the lengthy posts, but I would just say to talk with whatever agency you are trying to get on to see what their stand is on it and to see if some are willing to work around it. It was a mistake, hopefully one you won't make again. That's including any time that you were driving DUI but didn't get caught. On an application don't lie about it. Include it when asked. They look into your driving record no matter how you respond to it. When you're honest about it, it could be a snag. But if you lie about it then you have zero chance of getting in.
  17. It can never be forgotten. Like with Pearl Harbor, it's a date that will live in infamy.
  18. I stay clear of it. Like the plague. After a few years you get use to it. But if you think PMS is bad, wait until menopause kicks in. I never had an english teacher like that. Maybe if I did I'd know what a clause and a prepositional phrase is.
  19. I like it. Thank God for spell check here. But sometimes I think we need grammar check like some other sites I've seen. Don't know how easy that would be for Admin. to add that.
  20. Um, yea. A BIG no-no. After saying something like that will result in you seeing nothing but darkness.
  21. "Fat Botton Girls" - Queen
  22. I just loved it at Christmas time, people would receive new phones as gifts and when they would try to program 911 on speed dial they would test it to see if it worked. "911: What is your emergency?" "Caller: No emergency. Just testing my new phone"
  23. "Tube Snake Boogie" - ZZTop
  24. All I know is that around here, no LEO training, no weapons can be carried or used. Even if they had weapons training.
  25. You could always run as an Independent. :usa2:
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