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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. You know that Mel had to have been smoking something good to come up with some of his ideas. Who else could make the Spanish Inquisition a comedy? "...they played ping-pong with my balls..."
  2. Had one gal told me she was allergic to mosquitos. They made her itch. But I have seen where people are highly hypersensitive to them though.
  3. The way my old pickup is, it's almost a necessity to carry a gas can. Can't trust the gauge. But only in the back. I wouldn't put a gas can in the cab or in the passenger area of car for any reason. Unless it's like taking gas to someone who had run out of gas or something and it's not left in the car for an extended period of time. I don't think they make a fuel can that doesn't let out some amount of fumes. They have to be vented some way to "breath" or they could possibly rupture. So my advice to you, don't have a gas can in your car.
  4. I'd rather take a beating myself than having to deal with another abuse case. It always broke my heart for the victim and then be angered by the aggressor. A real roller coaster of emotions. But I have seen where it has been a simple accident where a lot of people get involved to make sure it was an accident. One night we were called where a little boy had got hurt. We didn't know how until we got there. When we did we found a seven year old boy sitting on the floor with his arm being propped up by his uncle. Supposedly the boy and uncle were just wrestling around goofing off. The uncle accidently rolled on top of him and fractured the boy's clavicle. The parents and a couple of other adults witnessed it. But they still had to have DCFS, the police, and a couple of other agencies come in to make sure there wasn't some kind of abuse or beating going on. It was a six week circus. It was finally ruled an accident.
  5. Naked and carving a turkey? Are you sure he wasn't trying to "stuff" the turkey? :read:
  6. I couldn't believe it when they re-elected Nagin. After all that city went through with him at the helm it was unbelievable. I still say he's got blood on his hands from Katrina and Rita. As far as I know, Jindal was a good choice for Governor. Now let's see how he does with this situation.
  7. In the book about Viet Nam by Al Santoli that I read, at the beginning of each story gave the name of the person who submitted it, their rank, and area where the story took place. So it showed more or less how Santoli just compiled the stories and still gave credit to those who told their stories. I don't know the legalities of royalties for book sales. I'd say they were paid per story and then signed a release from having to be paid for each book sale. Something to look into with a publisher or lawyer I guess. And also, the first computer class I took in high school, which was the first time it was even offered, was teaching BASIC language and programming. I still have some of my old books and notes, like they're going to help me now. :computer:
  8. I know I'm not paranoid. Because I know everyone is out to get me. Roses are red Violets are blue I'm schitzophrinic and so am I. :tard:
  9. We were able to do that with all our fuel trucks. Anytime we had a large working fire or a truck on standby for something, when the fuel gauge got to half a tank we'd bring in the fuel trucks where they sat. We even had a couple of pick-ups that had tanks with the hand cranks. We didn't worry about storage of fuel. On Saturdays we fueled all vehicles whether they needed it or not. Instead of driving each one to the city's pump station we just took the fuel trucks to all the sub-stations and topped them off. It was great doing it that way, especially in bad weather. So the fuel was constantly used from those trucks.
  10. I am getting out of the line of fire.... :walk: :blob6:
  11. I was more or less trying to make a funny. I'm on Zoloft too. No infection, but is febrile? Is that his normal temp? Hypersensitive to certain medications including the Ultram? Did he double up on the Ultram or other meds?
  12. Car is stable, still on road way and traffic controlled. The road is a long sweeping curve. The driver was driving too fast around the curve causing her to lose control striking the guard rail. We responded to that stretch of road many times.
  13. "Amazing" - Aerosmith
  14. A buddy of mine had one of those. Don't know if he still has it. I do know he still has his old Odyssey home game system.
  15. When we'd have friends or family visit for the first, especially from the north, they would always comment on the Hurricane Evacuation signs along certain highways. They'd say they never thought they'd be that close to hurricane prone areas. We'd explain that even though we were in the northern part of the state that the people from down south had to know were to go and how to get there. And that some of those hurricanes are large enough to reach us.
  16. I don't know if it's still enforced, but I know at one time to apply for a IL State Trooper position you could not have a tattoo below the elbow. There was an argument at one time that if someone did have a tattoo that low they could wear a long sleeve shirt to cover it. That would mean all year around also.
  17. That's what I first started out using in high school, on Tandy "TRaSh 80's". But most of what I still have is on IBM disks.
  18. Gotta love it. And notice, not a drop spilled. :occasion5:
  19. It happens. Not a problem, at least for me. :read2:
  20. Just giving a follow up. Deanna is doing fine. She's back to work and is on light duty until she see's her doc again around the 26th. She's had a few headaches but probably either stress or sinus. No new numbness, and what numbness she has had is not spreading. I don't think she'll have any more problems. Thanx one and all for the thoughts and prayers. :wav:
  21. Eh, probably a typo.
  22. Responded to MVA. Upon arriving you noticed the car struck a guard rail. Impact was on driver's side, not head on. Air bag did deploy. No side air bag. Driver is a 26 yr. old female. Passenger also young female and three kids in the back ages 8-12 yrs. old. They were coming back from the beach. Driver is the only one with any complaint. All others denied injury. Driver's c/c of both forearms burning and chest pain. Chest pain is sternal, but also complained that her left breast was also hurting. She is "well developed" (about a 34 D). Notice a fine white powder on forearms, hands, and bare legs. Probably from airbag. Complained of some shortness of breath, but appears to possibly be hyperventilating from anxiety, very worried about the kids. More to follow.
  23. BTW: Just because someone is on Zoloft doesn't mean they're crazy. :tongue3:
  24. At the bottom of everyone's posts there is a menu of what each member has. Whether it's MySpace or what. I'm guilty of going over them every once in a while. I'm always up for new friends, especially from here.
  25. We had our own fuel trucks that carried gas and diesel. But the questions you posed, your guess is as good as mine.
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