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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Probably. It sound too much like a Penthouse Forum article.
  2. The best I can offer is some advice, especially to those just starting out or going to a new level. You have to be careful not to get over confident. Don't think that you will have everything covered for everything thrown at you. Just when you think you've seen it all or experienced all, that's when a curve ball comes at you. If you make a mistake, which you will, don't get discouraged. Learn from it. Take that lesson and pass it on to others before they make a similar mistake. And yes, admit your mistakes. And don't get bent out of shape if some gives you constructive criticism. No matter how much you learn, someone will know more. And nobody learns everything. Have talks with everyone. Sometimes it might sound like a round of "war stories" but knowing what others have dealt with may prepare you in case it happens to you. Sometimes after a call, break it down. Look at it at different angles. What did you do? What could you have done differently? What would so & so have done? No matter how long you've been in your respective field, you are not going to have all the same experiences as others, and they won't have your same experiences. Learn from others and let others learn from you. I found that burn out itself has stages. I won't go through them because I know it's different with everyone. But if you are in the field for any length of time you will have burn out. It's inevitable. Be prepared for it. I myself, when I started, thought I'd be doing this til I was 65. Burn out would come and go. You can go through it many times if you are determined enough to get through it. When it does come along, get help. Don't do it on your own. After 16 yrs. my down fall was burn out along with physical problems. To this day I question myself whether or not I could have toughed through it if it was only burn out or if it was only physical problems. I just knew I couldn't though through both at the same time. Save your body. It's the only one you have. Know your limitations, (physically, mentally, academically), and respect them. You start to over extend yourself in any way and you're just asking for trouble. One thing I've noticed is there are those who are in too big of a hurry when starting out. Take your time. The experiences, the classes, the advancements. They will come. You'll get the calls and the classes in due time. They will still be there. Good old fashion common sense can be one of your best friends. Use it. I'm hopping off my little box now.
  3. I have no idea how things work in Canada on such things. Too bad I love the South so much....Wish I was in the land of cotton....
  4. Was he tasered at any point, or sprayed? Maybe that's why he didn't fight back too hard. Narcotics or ETOH? Did he have a reason for running? If it was only for a traffic stop, he must of had a reason to run, unless he's one of those idiots.
  5. Since the patient care is already taken care of...Regarding the bees. Try to look up and have a list of bee keepers in your immediate area. We were lucky to have between 3-5 bee keepers on our list. We probably used them three or four times a year for swarms that would fly in from time to time. I don't think we used them to take of a situation involving to a patient.
  6. Pretty much covered what I was going to say. :wink:
  7. Advil-Ibuprofen allergy...Like me. It's almost identical to what I have with ASA or Ibuprofen as of about three years ago.
  8. Reminds me of a story one of my co-workers said that happened to him. I still don't know if it's true or not. But he went in for a physical and only had on one of those paper gowns. The nurse taking his info was gorgeous and wearing a short nurses uniform skirts. He did his best to keep from getting aroused. The nurse noticed and said that they couldn't have any of that. So she gloved up and gave him a "massage with a happy ending". With him anything is possible.
  9. "Going Up the Country" - Canned Heat
  10. Is she leaning forward in the chair, orthropnea? Any new cleaning materials or even new carpet. We just had a gal at our church be admitted for formaldehyde poisoning from getting new carpet in their house. Did she have any breathing problems before going to bed or during the night? Was it sudden onset or gradual?
  11. Normally I'd jump at the chance. But got too many people to do and things to see at home. I've never been to Canada, even though I lived in northern MI for awhile (not the UP though). And besides, I couldn't let y'all foot the bill for me. Especially after what you and the baby has gone through. I hope money doesn't become an issue in the future due to medical bills. How cooperative has the other driver's insurance carrier been? You don't have to say anything about any money, but just hoping they are not giving you a hard time or jacking you around.
  12. History of asthma or other breathing problems? Does she have a rescue inhaler? Chest pain or palpations? Lung sounds? Percuss chest. Diaphoretic, skin color and temp? Recent cold or flu? Does she smoke? And how much for how long? Anyone else in the house smoke (second hand smoke)? Numbness to extremities or around mouth, in case of hyperventilating from anxiety. Is she crying? Was there an argument or altercation between her and her mother? Or with anyone else that had left? Monitor. Low flow O2 per NC. Wouldn't worry about IV just yet. Set up for breathing treatment (Medical Control's choice on request). O2 sat before and after starting on O2.
  13. Was the catheter a completely new sterile one, or a used one that had been cleaned and sterilized either at home or a doc's office? Had the catheter tube going into the bag been pulled or accidently yanked at anytime? Any bladder or prostate pain? (I might have missed that in the earlier posts). Any flank pain, such as kidney discomfort?
  14. Good one. 8) Like Spenac, you've posted one that will now be stuck in my head today. :roll:
  15. Before we started doing 12 lead in the field, I would just put the electrodes on the torso for III lead. But when we started doing the 12 lead I did put them on the extremities, if possible. When it came to dealing with "extra weight" patients, sometimes you do have to lift and push and separate things. You have to be aware of your lead placement and compensate to be accurate. I know it sounds bad, but you have to "get in there" and under the rolls. Now when it comes to large breasted women, I think that's another topic.
  16. "All of My Love" - Led Zeplin
  17. She also had it in her lower back and legs for a while. I don't think she was diagnosed with strep throat, but along with the flu it's possible. She was diagnosed with RF at Children's Hosp. in St. Louis about five years ago. My father had RF in the early '70's. Sort of grounded him from flying. Ever since then he shows a 1st degree block on a ECG.
  18. A whole lot. Years ago I remember a reporter doing something similar and it was just a .22. He cussed and rolled on the ground, and cussed some more. Guess he thought the vest was also impact proof.
  19. It's just something off the top of my head. I have a niece who had similar symptoms, but also effected her left arm. That was following flu and boarder line pneumonia. She's basically on PNC for a very long time.
  20. Can I come? Please, please! Actually, too far away.
  21. Some of the most playful and energetic breeds. When you do find that something works, stay consistent with it. Have fun. :wink:
  22. "Great Balls of Fire" - Jerry Lee Lewis
  23. OMGS - Oh My God Squad (bystanders and rubber-neckers)
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