The best I can offer is some advice, especially to those just starting out or going to a new level. You have to be careful not to get over confident. Don't think that you will have everything covered for everything thrown at you. Just when you think you've seen it all or experienced all, that's when a curve ball comes at you. If you make a mistake, which you will, don't get discouraged. Learn from it. Take that lesson and pass it on to others before they make a similar mistake. And yes, admit your mistakes. And don't get bent out of shape if some gives you constructive criticism. No matter how much you learn, someone will know more. And nobody learns everything.
Have talks with everyone. Sometimes it might sound like a round of "war stories" but knowing what others have dealt with may prepare you in case it happens to you. Sometimes after a call, break it down. Look at it at different angles. What did you do? What could you have done differently? What would so & so have done?
No matter how long you've been in your respective field, you are not going to have all the same experiences as others, and they won't have your same experiences. Learn from others and let others learn from you.
I found that burn out itself has stages. I won't go through them because I know it's different with everyone. But if you are in the field for any length of time you will have burn out. It's inevitable. Be prepared for it. I myself, when I started, thought I'd be doing this til I was 65. Burn out would come and go. You can go through it many times if you are determined enough to get through it. When it does come along, get help. Don't do it on your own. After 16 yrs. my down fall was burn out along with physical problems. To this day I question myself whether or not I could have toughed through it if it was only burn out or if it was only physical problems. I just knew I couldn't though through both at the same time. Save your body. It's the only one you have. Know your limitations, (physically, mentally, academically), and respect them. You start to over extend yourself in any way and you're just asking for trouble.
One thing I've noticed is there are those who are in too big of a hurry when starting out. Take your time. The experiences, the classes, the advancements. They will come. You'll get the calls and the classes in due time. They will still be there.
Good old fashion common sense can be one of your best friends. Use it.
I'm hopping off my little box now.