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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. I just hate it when that happens. And you're right, it never fails to happen.
  2. The OP was just a question asking what CCEMT-P stood for and what it meant. How did we get to the issues of billing? I understand that when submitting charges for services rendered, especially for insurance, you may have to list someone as a Paramedic to prove that paramedic services were provided. But do you get more money if you list someone as a Critical Care Paramedic as apposed to a "regular" Paramedic? Maybe some places you do, I don't know.
  3. firedoc5


    Guess it depends on how your agency is and the size of it. If it's too large of an operation there needs to be some kind of leadership order for organization. IMHO
  4. All I can say is Thank God for spell check. Maybe we should add grammer check here too. But a lot of times it's not that I'm a bad speller, just a lousy typist. #-o
  5. Hope it didn't seem like I was questioning or doubting you, Rich. Just wondering what the source was from.
  6. I'm pretty much the same way. In the mid 80's had one guy that looked just like that guy on "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", Jeff Spacolli that was played by Sean Penn, working with me. Some of the guys sort of steered away from working with him. But he was one of the best EMT-A's I worked with. He was right on top of things. Really good common sense. And was great with patients, especially the elderly. So if someone who doesn't appear to look like what society thinks they should look, whether long hair, tatts, etc....don't knock 'em.
  7. Rich, is this the actual document/ letter that was sent? Someone need to run spell and grammar check on it. The Ryan White law is a must for EMS personnel and for the medical community in general nation wide. Don't know exactly why they want to repeal it. Law makers and bureaucrats, go figure. :roll:
  8. Yep. You are right, Mike. But I think he would have stopped posting soon anyway, no matter how is posts were addressed. Also saw what was on his blog. Not very professional and had nothing to do with EMS.
  9. Where, oh where has Baron gone? I had a feeling he'd disappear quickly. I'm not even sure he's involved in EMS. Just someone coming to rattle some chains. :roll: You know the type.
  10. Chalk another one up for the cell phone factor. #-o
  11. firedoc5


    Yes it was. But I was familiar with him before the movie. He was an actual person. From what I had read, Broderick played him very well.
  12. "Wild Thing" - The Troggs
  13. Hey, Baron, are you always this condescending to women and us "yanks"? Like itku2er said, it's a joke. Lighten up. Have fun. This is the funny side of EMS.
  14. The Dept. I was on, as of 1989, when hired you had three years to become a Paramedic. So when anyone applied after 1989 you knew up front that you also had to become a Paramedic. If you didn't want to become one, then don't apply. There is positive and negatives to it. It's helpful to be able to make sure that in the future there would not be a shortage of Paramedic coverage, which it was quickly becoming when I got on. A negative is that someone may be a great Firefighter, but not be able to obtain Paramedic status. Or someone who is already a Paramedic may struggle to be a sufficiant Firefighter. So you can lose quality people that really can't do "double duty" It can also show that what people that can do both jobs successfully can reflect more positive for the Dept. with the public and state and national officials. Not only do you have to become a Paramedic in those three years, but you have to be certified in HazMat, at least a FF II, Pump Engineer, and Extrication. Since I've left they may have amended some of these things, added or removed them.
  15. "AOBD" - Another One Bit the Dust "DRUG" - Drug Requesting User Guy/Gal "DBSA" - Death By Stupid Actions "DUSC" - Death by Unknown Stupid Causes "BDTP" - Belligerent Drunk Teen Punk
  16. Luckily I had never been involved in a MVA in an ambulance, especially with a patient on board. But I know it happens, have seen it happen. Sounds like your service has had more than it's share of accidents. If your service is having that many accidents that often, a class in driving should be taken, or at least an in-service. Something's not kosher. Address what ever issues were contributing factors. Ambulances and other emergency vehicles should not be in accidents as often relative to civilian traffic. Emergency drivers should be the safest, most courteous, cautious, and best drivers on the street. Contrary to popular belief they are not and should not be balls-to-wall, speeding, roaring through traffic type of drivers.
  17. Yes, for your initial/ base line BP do it manually. Don't rely on machines the best you can. NIBP is for monitoring at certain intervals. Even if you are using NIBP, occasionally take a manual BP. I worry less about human error than machine error. If you are wanting to compare bi-lateral BP's, don't do them at the same time, at least that's what I've always been told. Check with your Project Medical Director or Supervisor to find out what is preferred. Same with lead placement. Check with someone who calls the shots for your program. I've found that if you are just wanting to do a three-lead ECG in the field to more or less monitor your patient, just place your leads on the chest where the electrodes instruct you to. Just don't place them directly onto a bone such as a clavicle. At first you might have to practice by trial and error to see where the lead placement gives you the best picture. After awhile it'll become second nature. And of course it depends on the patient. Their weight, body type, breast size, needs to be taken into consideration. Just a side note. When defibrillating, watch your wires and electrodes. Don't defib on top of them. Move them if you have to.
  18. I know several places that on your name tag you are limited to only your name and highest cert. or license. Any additional initials can go on your name badge. Then that can be limited to your main specialty and/ or dept. you work in.
  19. Man! I can't keep track of who's who and who's where anymore. Guess I need to get a note book and a map to log any changes. :roll:
  20. DUCK!!! What would you do if you had a choice of making love to your favorite celebrity or making love to your biggest high school crush that you always felt was unattainable in your life time?
  21. "Outlaw Women" - Hank Williams, Jr.
  22. More truth than fiction. Especially when you got two teenagers running around. :?
  23. firedoc5

    Emotion Toys

    Some times toying with someone's emotions is worse than beating them with a ball bat. It's just something I don't and won't tolerate.
  24. The quicker you can defib. the better. Time during an MI causes more damage to the cardiac tissue, which means less quality of electrical conduction. So it's easier to convert a dysrhythmia with earlier defibrillation.
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