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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Back in high school, I knew there was something fishy with my Geometry/ Algebra II teacher. He now works for the cable company that also does the high speed internet. Hmmm :-k I'll have to keep an eye on him.
  2. OOOpss. I got distracted and was meaning to say the reward money didn't need to be that high. :confused3: :confused4:
  3. I'm so ashamed. :-#
  4. So, did she stop breathing and/ or became unresponsive just prior to arrival or just as unloading her? What was her original chief complaint, SOB, general weakness, hip pain, all the above? If she was tachypneic, what was the rate and quality of her respirations? What were her changes to make the paramedic think it had became an emergency? IV may have been called for by the paramedic earlier, but being the Sr., that was his call. Just a side note, I could be wrong, but, is this Shane?
  5. firedoc5


    Interesting. I think it also had to do with how much money mommy and daddy had too. I know Col. Robert Gould Shaw of the 54th Mass. Reg. was appointed as an officer (Capt.) due to money and his father being a Judge. But he turned out to be an outstanding officer, unlike so many that weren't.
  6. It was Goober. I don't guess Spenac's capture is too important. There's no reward money posted. I'd at least have $20 on his head.
  7. Shifts aside, it sounds like it's almost around the clock for you. We were pretty much consistently inconsistent. Hard to nail down any certain time of day or night.
  8. In some cases DCFS (Dept. of Children & Family Services) are contacted. When you have a kid that you know needs immediate treatment and the family does not take them, that falls under neglect. In adult cases, 9 times out of 10 you get called to the home and wind up transporting them anyway. Not much you can do for that legally, unless you feel that the patient is not capable of making that judgement. If not, a family member needs to be sure that he does get seen in a timely manor. They too can be reported if the patient is elderly and/ or not physically/ mentally capable of making decisions.
  9. Citizens arrest! Citizens arrest!"
  10. Good list, Annie. Some other good points: When you ask a question don't argue with whoever answered it. If you disagree then look it up yourself. Always ask questions. It's not stupid. Stupid is not asking. And someone else may have had the same question but was afraid to ask. So don't be afraid. Don't get ahead of yourself. Learn what is currently being discussed. Don't try to get too advanced or technical. Don't try and "show off" what you do already know. Like don't try to impress everyone, especially the Instructor/ Preceptor. Do the homework. In doing so do it correctly. Don't rush it to get it done. If you don't know or have poor study skills, then you had better improve them. You are dealing with people's lives. Keep all discussions professional. Don't make any "lively" discussion(s) personal. Tudor those who are struggling. If you see someone having difficulty, help them out. I know it sounds corny, but don't leave anyone behind. If you are allowed to miss so many classes (which is rare), don't miss them just because you can. Attend every class. Do not trade shifts with someone else when it is your time to ride because you don't like the Preceptor, Or because you prefer another Preceptor (especially if you are in lust with them or because they seem "easier", or if you just don't want to do it at that specific time. If absolutely needed, trade with someone in your own class. But don't make a habit of it. Take whoever or whenever you are assigned.
  11. Sounds like a bit of heaven. But I'm sure it can get old after awhile, huh, Harold?
  12. Anytime we treated someone at the scene but they wanted to go by private vehicle, we always followed them, especially if it was a peds patient. Wanted to make sure they did go to the ER like the family said they would.
  13. firedoc5


    I think it should be a combination of both. Have to have so many years plus require passing classes or courses that are relevant to the higher position.
  14. I always liked that show, especially the older ones. One of the newer quotes: Q: What is the name of the non-reproductive female bees? Caroline Rea answered, "Les-bees"
  15. SCS- Should Commit Suicide DTAR- Dumber Than A Rock
  16. "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" - Iron Butterfly Suppose to have been "In the Garden of Eden" but the lead singer was too drunk to pronounce it. So they just left it at that.
  17. That's one way to go about it. How about just not calling or sending an e-mail? :?
  18. In LA we did our best to avoid hitting them. I know a few folks that had their oil pans busted from them. When we have hit them we'd ask someone if they were up for Road Kill Stew.
  19. If you missed it by just one point you may not even need to study, but do it anyway. Do you have any idea what your weak area(s) were?
  20. That goes along with asking a woman how far along she is and she says she's not pregnant. :oops:
  21. You came to the right place. Have fun.
  22. "AWTH" - Accident Waiting To Happen
  23. "All Summer Long" - Kid Rock
  24. At first it sounded almost as bad as Leprosy or something. Yes, Leprosy is still around. In the deep south it is usually caused from eating armadillo meat. Still very, very rare, but it still happens.
  25. firedoc5


    The dept. I was on you had to be FF II. And to advance in rank you had to go higher. I had the entire FF III class, but wasn't able to take the test. The night of the test I wound up in a hospital for about ten days. Depends if you want to become and officer with better pay and respect or stay a FF I for the rest of your life. For vollies at least you get more respect from other members and the public. Your decision.
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