Responding to any fire or EMS call has it's inherent dangers, that's for sure. I'm not sure if the Chief is leaving that out or just not thinking about it. And being on scene, even as just an observer or in a support capacity has dangers. It seems like they are leaving that info out.
I'm not against Explorer, or in this case "cadet" programs, especially if the kid is wanting to be a Firefighter or EMT. But according to this article three of them are wanting to go into the nursing field. Nothing wrong with that, but how would firefighting help with that? I can understand if they just went on EMS calls but they are doing the fire biz too. But hey, if they want to be nurses that volunteer to be firefighters, more power to 'em.
I noticed it didn't mention their ages, just their classes. I started EMS the summer between my Jr. and Sr. year in high school. I was 17, but would be 18 just a couple of weeks after the class was complete. So surely you would think these kids were at least 17. But I don't know of any dept. or dept. insurance that would let anyone under 18 be on scene and/ or under 21 to drive or do hands on firefighting, especially entering a burning structure. Some Dept's. may allow it, but I don't know of any personally.
I think this Chief is really down-playing how it really is. Is he trying to get more "cadets"? I don't like how they are using the word cadet. Cadet implies someone who has just started and is wanting to advance in Firefighting.
All in all, I agree with DD.