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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Those concerns just come with the job. But you can't be obsessed with them all the time. It will drive you nuts. Sounds like you had a real blast camping. I miss those days. Now it's just with my wife's immediate family and their kids along with our boy. Pretty subdued most of the time. When it come's to Ryan's death it hit everyone hard, especially in the mid-west. I should have gone to the funeral as a representative for the Fellowship of Christian Firefighters. But I know there were a few from St. Louis there anyway. Sleepy, when's the big day? You might have said but I can't remember. You know you'll have to go camping with just her for your honeymoon. If not, shell out the big bucks for five star digs. :thumbup:
  2. Somebody had too much time on their hands. We use to kid around saying that we wish we had something that could barf on someone. So, what do they use to "supply" the puke? Do they have something already made or do you have to mix something yourself? Actually, I applaud whoever it was that designed something so high tech. But like I told every CPR class I taught, it's not like the actual real thing. This may bring it closer, but I don't see it completely realistic. But that's just me.
  3. Call to a woman who had been burned. When arrived find an elderly lady laying on the ground. She had been burning a little brush and trash when it got away from her. Caught her rubber boots, over coat, and dress on fire. Rubber boots melted to skin, no socks on. Rule of nine's estimated just over 50% third and second degree burns. Fire possibly flashed up to her face with slight reddening first degree burns. No SOB. Needless to say, extreme pain especially to hands and legs. While running hand under her back prior to moving, skin still burning. Melted my rubber glove with slight blistering to finger tips.
  4. If only we had something like that about 12+ years ago... :tongue3:
  5. Yep, had 'em and will have 'em again. They are really cracking down on that in IL very seriously. Even if you are on the side of the Interstate, if they don't get in the opposite lane, they will be ticketed. My understanding that if it is a two lane road and they pass at a normal rate of speed, even if someone is guiding traffic, they get a ticket and loose their license for 3-9 months. Right at a year ago on the Interstate had a Greyhound bus not get into the passing lane and struck a fireman killing him. Plus, how many officers are killed every year while trying to write a ticket or even just getting out of their cars by drivers not moving over?
  6. We had to take the LifePack 5 off the woman to use it on him. Hated to do it, but...For her, O2, IV NS TKO, monitored vitals. Him, CPR and other tx. as above. In the rig had the EMT-I do ventilations, the Med-idiot was doing compressions with one hand while holding onto the "oh crap" bar. I was adm. meds and watching monitor while kneeling on the floor. Had her on the squad bench and him on the cot that was side mounted. This was before center mounted thingies.
  7. Bring it on :usa2:
  8. OOOPPSS! While listening to the scanner about another agency's call, "Man, they get all the good stuff!" I'm taking a shower.
  9. So...Where is John 3:16 written? :shock:
  10. I plead the 5th... Actually, how about a serial killer that commits suicide? Yea, that's the ticket.
  11. At that time we didn't have any kind of glucose testing in the field. Many protocols called for, and some still do, adm. D50 and Narcan for unknown unresponsiveness, especially if no Rx. history. Found out he did have diabetes, but controlled only by diet. COD, AMI.
  12. Wow, some of these are really deep. I think I'm already doing the playing it safe thing. If you could, be a Cardiologist, or a Pediatrician, or even a Pediatric Cardiologist?
  13. Didn't know if anyone is interested to watch and discuss the upcoming Olympics. If not, just disregard this. GO USA
  14. What? Who said that? I can't hear! It's already starting....
  15. But I want to answer your question, Terr. Millionaire, buy a house and property. Become an eccentric recluse. What would you do if you had the choice of being a movie star or a rock star?
  16. A type II Wheeled Coach. You had to move up front to sneeze hard. Had that guy, an EMT-I, and an EMT-A driving. Luckily it was a 5-7 min. ETA to the ER.
  17. Good luck, bro.
  18. In the city you don't have many tractor roll overs. In the country you don't have many riots. But with both you still have shootings, stabbings, MVA's, cardiac, etc. Just depends where you live, who you work for, and your response area(s)
  19. Congrats to you all. Relax, listen, learn, pay attention to every detail. Don't be in a hurry to try all your new skills at once, unless it's called for. You'll know when. Zebra, you don't sound like a know it all. Taking the test is one thing, the field is another. Known a lot of "acers" that were useless in the field, but I know you'll do great. Oh, and have fun.
  20. "Slow Ride" - Foghat
  21. Now you've done it. AAARRGGHH
  22. This was the deal I had to put up with. The initial call was for the woman, after assessment, obvious CVA. No med. hx on him could be determined, could not find any bottles with his name on them. But due to the way he answered the door and knew she was on Vicodin and who knows what else, thought that just maybe...So I thought D50, just in case, and Narcan. He coded before I could get to the Narcan. We did get a rhythm back for about five minutes, but lost it and could not resuscitate in the ER. Now, I had a Provisional EMT-P from another agency was there. He tried to have me written up because he thought that if I hadn't taken the time to start an IV, give the D50, we could have already had both her and him in the ER and that he wouldn't have coded on our hands. He thought that if I hadn't "stayed & played" we wouldn't have had to go through a code. One point he tried to make was that when he became unresponsive that we should have just did a "load & go", no treatment. I don't think he realized that if we did load & go, it would have been in back of a cramped rig. Oh, and no back-up for some odd reason, I think there was at least one other call going on across town. The ER nursing Director acted like she was taking it seriously. And actually to this day I'm still not sure if she was taking it serious. The Project Medical Director laughed it off, chalking it up to an up & coming "know it all", which he was. Then he wanted me to sign off on him since he defibbed once and gave epi. and atropine. Needless to say he didn't last long. I think he went to a much smaller program south of us and got certified.
  23. Been there, done that. "Welcome to the Machine" - Pink Floyd
  24. Great review. Now I'll have that stuck in my head for the rest of the day. :roll:
  25. Just the one time you go into work just a "little" hung-over, BAM, you're slammed the entire shift...So I'm told.
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