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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. In the late 80's we had one regular pt. with active TB. Gloves, masks, sometimes gowns, were used all the time, even if we were called on someone else in the house, which happened frequently. We were all tested twice a year. One Medic, who is now a Capt. did develop a "spot" on his lung. It just needed to be watched. As far as I know he hasn't had any problems. At our main resource hospital, on their campus, they had a huge facility in the 50's and 60's that was a TB sanitarium. It's now used for office and classrooms. But most of it is just abandoned. We always wanted to play laser tag in there.
  2. Thanx for the info.
  3. Matt was around Atlanta. I know he was going back to school eventually. He'll be around here. Just watch out for him. Or you can look up his profile here, Scott.
  4. You know you're in trouble when you put the AM/FM radio on the loud speaker during standby at an event and you've got a small party going on around your rig. Found that out the hard way. What happened to the "white shirt's" sense of humor? But the gals in the bikinis made up for it. 8)
  5. Criminal charges should be made. They would if it was a civilian. Pretty stupid reason for doing it too. For one, don't be late. Second, if you are then call and tell them about it. And don't make a habit of it. At least he wasn't doing it for kicks & giggles, or to be a first on the scene "hero".
  6. Howdy, you are round'a'bout where Mateo is/was. I lost track of the young'un.
  7. We're the same for photography, but I'm not up to the 2yr. old level yet. Working on it.
  8. Have fun. Keep your butt down. Want everyone to come back in one piece. A buddy of mine will be heading your way AK. He's going to Afgahnistan in Sept. or Oct. He's a former EMT. I'll have him look you up.
  9. We've all had them, call for one patient becomes two, but... Called to home of elderly couple around 03:00. Gentleman answers the door with slurring speech and points to his wife in a chair. To make a long story short, obvious CVA after assessments... He then sits down "not feeling well" himself. So start to assess him. During assessment, he becomes nonresponsive prior to being able to give us hx. and medications. We knew his wife was on hydrocodone due to a past hip fx. (put 2+2 together?) Monitor showed sinus tach@ 120. BP: 120/90 Resp: 24 and deep. Adm. D50. Pt. then went into coarse V-Fib, Defib x 2 = sinus brady @ 50 Adm. 1mg. Atropine. 80mg. Lido. Followed ACLS protocols. This is very interesting to me. I'll let you know why later.
  10. I find that it depends on what level you are going to be teaching. For me it was always harder to teach a Basic class, especially from day one. I constantly had to remind myself that I had to slow down and simplify things sometimes. Now if I had an EMT-I or Paramedic class, especially if I knew most of the students, I could cruise along and possibly get into some of what I called "extra stuff". It would be more or less Q & A, but anyone could answer any question. Spread the wealth of knowledge. A few things to remember for any class, encourage questions. There are no stupid questions. If someone challenges you and says you're wrong, give them the chance to prove it. Most of the time they just hang themselves in the end. If you are proved wrong, chalk it up to a good student (even if they are obnoxious), and that it's something you learned, then move on. I know these points are pretty basic, but my coffee hasn't got to my brain yet.
  11. Years ago (about 20ish) I was naive enough to think it didn't happen that much. But had an ER nurse get busted. She was caught in the supply room as she still had the Demerol needle in her thigh. Come to find out she had been caught on the floor about five years before that. Then the hospital did an investigation, finding at least 18 nurses, pharmacist, CNA's, etc. to be in a sort of "ring". Took a long time for the hospital to recover from that insult.
  12. Seen it happen several times. One was a nurse who had been an EMT with our agency at one time. They busted him for that and coke (not cola). They should have buried the guy under the hospital, but they only fired him and he got five years probation. Disgraceful. :x
  13. Who? What? Me? Where? Sorry, couldn't resist. I know, 20,000 comedians out of work and I'm trying to be funny on a non-funny issue. :roll: I'm punchy this morning. :oops:
  14. "Break On Through" - The Doors
  15. Man! I knew I was screwing up somewhere. But where??? I know, when money went bye-bye, so did the gal.
  16. Anyone remember Jim Henson (who is one of my heros) having Muppets on the first season of Saturday Night Live? He did a lot of adult stuff too, especially before Sesame Street.
  17. Seems like everything comes in three's. The stage of the moon definitely makes a difference. When you least expect it, expect it.
  18. Yea, pretty much. :confused4:
  19. What about Bert & Ernie being gay? Guess that didn't make it past the FCC. That video is just so wrong, but hilarious.
  20. "Lola" - The Kinks
  21. Don't worry, we've all fumbled around here in the beginning, and some of us still do. Welcome, relax, have fun.
  22. That's something we had to do all the time, no biggie. Biggest problem was that we were 20' up on a catwalk about four feet wide, and it was curved. Brad and I did everything on the catwalk. When bringing him down on the forklift was a challenge. There was just enough room for the patient on the board and for me to stand over him straddled while holding the IV bag and monitor. Didn't want the weight anywhere on his lower extremities. It's a good thing I had good balance then.
  23. Had one of the guys taking his girlfriend home in one of the suburban transporters (yes, we were allowed to do that), he had a pick-up with a very long trailer pass him but pulled back into the driving lane too early. The trailer clipped the front from the driver's side door and up. Bill got on the radio, "Dispatch, I've been involved in a 10-50, AND IT'S NOT MY FAULT."
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