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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. firedoc5

    My MySpace

    I thought you were. I'll take care of it.
  2. "Cheap Sunglasses" - ZZTop
  3. I hope the one officer was a gal. :oops:
  4. I knew my high school math teacher was up to something, just didn't know what. :?
  5. See my topic of "Freak Out" and that is one instance for using prone. When it takes seven police and fire personnel to just get him to stop digging his finger nails into the asphalt, trying to kill anyone in his arm reach, and feeling no pain, yes, it's time to put him prone. Try getting all those people into the rig, along with yourself and your partner. In that case he was prone for all of 7-10 minutes. We had a high incident rate of such cases for a town of a little less than 20,000. I've seen guys that have already been given 100mg. of Thorazine and massive amounts of Valium and keep right going. How do you restrain someone that had just been tazered six times and still go on to break a police officer's nose? Shoot 'em. I've seen that before too. I'm not trying to get anyone to change the way do it. If you're against it, then don't do it. But for those of us that have had to do it, don't put it down. Nobody died from it in our care. We had safeguards for both us and the patient. I've heard of instances where someone had died while being prone, but how much of it was from other influences, OD, alcohol toxicity, whatever was making them violent in the first place? That's what should be looked at first.
  6. I'll flash my lights to warn of deer or some other kind of hazard, but I don't think I have for a speed trap. If they get caught for speeding, oh well.
  7. There's too much of that also.
  8. Transporting a pt. prone is something used for the very combative, violent subject. Once they are prone, 1) They are never left alone, 2) They usually still have a couple of people restraining them. 3) They are not left prone for any extended period of time, when they calm down enough that they will not hurt themselves or others they are turned over. 4) Prone, supine, fetal position, they could die. 5) I'm not going to say that you might not have dealt with extremely violent, out-of-their minds, subjects. Perhaps you have. I'm still old school you might say, and through experience I've seen what works the best. PS I'm not saying it's something you should do, but it's something you could do.
  9. I would attempt an IV one more time, possibly by someone with your back up. If only "uncomfortable" and difficulty with an IV, then pain management may not be necessary, but would be nice. What did she have to drink? Juice, water, tea, etc. Keep comfortable as possible. Continue O2. Transport. Notice any gas passing or small amount of any BM or discharge such as mucus. Keep up the good work.
  10. Do these people thing that the KKK is a joke? Do they think it's something from the past that doesn't exist anymore, so make fun of it? Believe me, they are still very active. It's sort of gone underground in some areas, but there are so many groups that have branched off of it that are very public. You've got the "skin heads", neo-Nazis', all kinds of white supremacy groups, etc. I'm not going to get started, but I have an unique hatred for the KKK and these other groups.
  11. Depending on how low the BGL is dictates on how much D50 is given initially. I've heard the arguments before on how much to give right off the bat. Give 25 and see how they respond over a certain amount of time, or save time and just give the whole thing. Nine times out of ten of only giving 25 you wind up giving them the rest anyway. For some reason we didn't carry Thiamine in the field. But have given it in the ER when doing clinicals. Usually to alcohol induced hypoglycemia. But if the doc felt like any pt. that was hypoglycemic and is malnourished he would order it. Some docs give it no matter what, sort of like "hand-in-hand" with the D50.
  12. I was searching for something else, can't remember what, but came across the City and after just looking for about half an hour, I joined. Lucky me.
  13. firedoc5

    My MySpace

    So I guess I won't be expecting a friend request from ya. :wink:
  14. "Light My Fire" - The Doors
  15. This is something I'm still trying to comprehend. It's unbelievable. When I worked for a private ambulance service we could be somewhat "outrageous". But this... We wouldn't have dreamed of doing something like that. And we never "hazed". The rookies may have been given somewhat of a hard time, but they were hired as professionals and treated as such. It's not right to put them into an unprofessional situation. I think these guys should lose their state and national certifications. I don't think they'd be able to use them anyway since no service is going to hire them as medics. Maybe as janitors, and that's a big maybe. They'll be lucky not to be prosecuted under any kind of anti-hazing laws. Did the video that was turned in done by someone who was not agreeing to the activities and wanted to report it? Or was it one of the three idiots? I may have missed that in the articles.
  16. More power to y'all. Have fun, but not too much fun.
  17. That's why I said may rule it out. Did she seem to have at least some temporary relief after BM? Any excessive thirst lately?
  18. Definately take algebra. It will help. And at least basic physics. Sometimes it seems like the two go hand-n-hand.
  19. "Don't Bring Me Down" - ELO
  20. That's alright. I'll type slower next time.
  21. I just think crocs are ugly. And look unprofessional. But that's just me.
  22. "Aqualung" - Jethro Tull
  23. Are you already an EMT? If not you'll have to work your way up. Depending on the state you are in there are different levels to go through. Check with your closest college. You just can't decide one day to become a Paramedic and take classes just for that. I'll tell you right off the bat, it is your typical over-worked and under-paid job. It does take a lot of your time. Long hours and a lot of studying. And that's just the begining of becoming an EMT.
  24. firedoc5

    My MySpace

    Lately I've come to the conclusion that other than here, MySpace is one of the best ways to communicate and to keep up with everyone. So, if interested tap into my MySpace. What do you got to lose?
  25. Brought in a full arrest one day and the ER was busy. So they had a few of the floor nurses come down. The head nurse from one of the floors came down and she was wearing a nurse's uniform dress, somewhat short. She was going to relieve me from doing compressions. Since she was short she couldn't use her body as leverage from standing on the floor. What does she do? She hikes up her skirt and kneels on the side of the bed. They were those wide Stryker beds so there was room. We all knew her so it didn't surprise us a bit. But the ER doc working that day was fairly new so he was a little awestruck.
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