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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. At 21yrs. old, it's unlikely, but not unheard of, but she could possibly have acute on-set of late development of asthma. First treat the SOB and find out possible trigger of it. It could be Anaphylaxis due to developing a new allergy. Had she taken anything with aspirin lately? Or any kind of anti-biotic.?
  2. I've had ambulances pass me like that and I watched them closely until they got out of site. A couple of times I just knew I was going to pull up on a wreck.
  3. firedoc5

    George Carlin

    I started tearing up when I first heard about it early yesterday morning. Couldn't believe it. A true man of true wise words. We were able to listen to him in English class every now and then. Rest in Peace, my friend.
  4. Had something similar to that. A drunk couple stopped in the middle of the road. They both got out to pee. She didn't make it to the bushes, and she just laid in the road. Passer by called it in. Come to find out, he wasn't her husband and she wasn't his wife.
  5. "Comin' Home" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
  6. Congrats Dude
  7. "Amazing" - Aerosmith
  8. Why did the pervert cross the road? His %^&* was in the chicken.
  9. That's what we're here for. :wink:
  10. I have, and always will help anyone that needs it. I'll help them get help, and support them. When working for a private ambulance service there were a number of times we confronted this. Even though the owners could be real "jerks", they would do anything and everything to get them through it. But some that didn't want the help and insisted on going ahead of smoking, shooting up, and snorting, were released. Luckily some of them did clean up and they were welcomed back. So, no, they weren't dropped like a hot potato. But there are some places, especially municipalities that will. Depends on Mayors, City Managers, and Agency Management.
  11. Thanx for the site. 8)
  12. Are there more accidents, or are we just hearing more about them? Giving the right-a-way to any emergency vehicle is a "courtesy". You always slow down at an intersection. Never assume they are going to be courteous.
  13. Congrats, Mark. By the way, Disco Sucks
  14. I worked with a nurse that had an ectopic pregnancy. She said she missed a period, but not uncommon for her. The next month she started cramping and she thought she was about to start. But after a day the pain was excruciating. They did the ultra sound and found it. That's always stuck in my head, so I thought that was the best guess.
  15. What I've wound up doing is using the book as a guideline. You need to work out your own system in assessment. Make sure what you do covers anything and everything. If you work with a certain partner(s), work out a system together. That way if something comes up and either one of you get distracted, the other one can take up where the assessment was left off and finish the same way. Team work is important. If I remember right, "The Arkansas College of Emergency Physicians" is a good book to start. I believe that is what the title is. Anyone help me on this?
  16. Hate to hear it. God Speed, 'Shrek'.
  17. What is a tornado? Mother Nature doing the twist. _________________________ What were the people singing when the earthquake hit? "All Shook Up" _____________________________ Why do fish swim in schools? They can't walk into schools. __________________________
  18. "Sundown" - Gordon Lightfoot
  19. Tubal pregnancy. Ovarian cyst, even possible rupture. At what age did she start menstruating? At any time did she have any interruption of her cycle with no pregnancy, and for how long? Was she regular before being on her current BCP? How has her stools been? Passing gas? Spastic colon. Ulcerative Colitis. History of any ulcers? Has she been more stressed lately? When was the last she had intercourse? Was it painful? Any anal penetration? (you gotta ask) Pain in either groin, femoral tenderness?
  20. firedoc5

    Going Back

    Thank you all.
  21. I really can't think of anything now, but I can share what I wanted to do in my younger years, which I still haven't done. 1. Join the Mile High Club. 2. "Make out" with a nun. 3. Live in a Sea Lab. Remember the old cartoon Sea Lab 20/20? 4. Be in the Olympics. Winter games: Bob Sledding, Summer games: Almost anything. 5. Be a helicopter pilot.
  22. Congrats, DocZ. I'm sure you made your family and creditors for your student loans very happy. ;)/
  23. "Taking Care of Business" - BTO
  24. People never fail to amaze you.
  25. Ding, ding, ding, We have a winner. Dissecting aortic aneurism. No recent trauma. Birth defect never detected. Luckily she was not playing basketball or running track. Emergency surgery. Was back in action in nine weeks. Sort of kept up with her and her family for a year or so. I know they are rare, but at one point we had three in five days.
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