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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Outstanding article. Reminds me of a drowning I may start a new topic on here.
  2. I mentioned Lasix earlier, but not sure of adm. rate. I might have missed something, but how is his I & O's without diuretics? And after?
  3. If not able to check BGL, which we didn't have an accucheck very often, and the ones we did have weren't very reliable. We'd give the D50 just in case of hypoglycemia, and like you said, Doc, if it is hyperglycemia, it won't hurt. Also the Narcan wont' hurt if there is no drugs present. We just tried to cover all the bases in an unknown unconscious pt.
  4. Unknown unresponsiveness and no visible trauma, amp D50 followed by 2.0mg. Narcan. That was just our protocols at the time. Remove clothing, especially his shirt to check for small caliber GSW. Heart sounds, clear or muffled? Any JVD? Any posturing? I know, I'm reaching.
  5. I was hoping that you'd post here, Doc. No penetration noted. Any way that pressure on the rectum could have caused some kind of spasm of the colon? Other than possibly hitting high striking the flank/kidney area can there be direct trauma to the kidney.
  6. A CAT (D-9 Catapillar) operator, mid-50's, had a bunch of brush get caught in the under-carriage. Crawled on his back with a small chain saw. While cutting the brush out he hit a metal piece causing the chain saw to kick back. When arrived there was about 200 yards of knee deep mud to trudge through. Chain saw caught him in the forehead, literally between the eyes, down to his chest and upper right abd. quad...
  7. If he was on a ladder, did he come in contact with any electrical lines? I agree with all the above statements. Any burns to the extremities from electrical contact? How far may he had been on the ladder, distance of fall? What was he doing on the ladder in the first place?
  8. If the serum of almost any medication is a heavy oil base it is easier to push, especially if it's IM. I use to have allergy shots and a couple of those went in so much better and less pain when diluted. The prefilled syringes in the field was a God-send. But there were a couple of meds. which weren't and you had to fill them from the vials, Narcan comes to mind first. It would take five vials of 0.4mg to get the 2.0mg that was normally ordered. Sometimes I'd dilute it, and sometimes I wouldn't.
  9. "White Rabbit" - Jefferson Airplane
  10. Sure, I'll do compressions...with my foot. Forget mouth- to- mouth. How about getting some of that canned air for ventilations?
  11. I've heard that before.
  12. I have no problem with it. I've worked with many that wouldn't, or couldn't. To each his own. Like you said, it's not a requirement.
  13. Spinal tap (not the band). I went through aseptic viral meningitis about eight yrs. ago. But I had no seizure. Spinal taps and "blood patches" suck big time.
  14. Anytime I was stocking a new drop bag or ambulance, I always requested the longer 14g needles. Luckily our resource hosp. had them.
  15. My niece turned down a Sorority with that kind of reputation. They were also known for their "entrance practices".
  16. Stupid me, I only glanced at the x-ray. TB, pneumonia, CHF, Emphysema? How are the extremities over all, edema, especially hands and feet? If entubated, was there any edema of the epiglottis, epiglottitis? (Lost a 35yr. old due to that) If over all edema consider Lasix, foley cath. Attempt any kind of breathing tx., doc's choice. I know, I'm still reaching.
  17. I use to know several of the TKE's here at Northwestern State U. They were appalled by it. They could be a handful, but for the most part they were pretty good boys.
  18. I can feel for you, Andrew (Travis). I stopped counting at 12 stones myself. After 16 yrs. in the field I had to retire and go on disability for neuro muscular problems. The field can be strenuous. But you can take the EMT class for the info and education, even take the EMT test, but you don't necessarily have to go into the field if you choose not to. Good luck to you. Anytime you have a question, there are several of us here that are more than willing to help.
  19. DARN
  20. A while back I remember where there was a case of college hazing that a 19yr old boy was spanked so hard and continuous that eventually he had to have dialysis. He did receive other injuries from other activities. But it always stuck out in my head of how spanking could cause the need for dialysis. And if I remember right he had to have a colostomy. Needless to say, the frat. (TKE) lost it's charter and the participants were expelled. One possible thing I thought of was that while being spanked, the spanker missed and hit high over his flank and striking the kidney.
  21. Nicotine poisoning. Check liver and kidney function. Heavy smoker and for some reason the nicotine taken in is not being processed and staying in the blood system until toxicity occurs over time. Any chance he could have even chewed on a used cigarette butt(s) for some odd reason? But I could be wrong.
  22. Amen, Brother
  23. "Love the One You're With" - Stephen Stills
  24. Having a good bed side manor can be considered treatment. It all goes hand in hand. (pardon the intentional pun)
  25. Remember, it's not the age but the mileage. :-({|=
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