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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. One problem would be that maybe they were relying on the computer too much. You can't remove the human element. I had a buddy that lived in Brooklyn and the Bronx and he told me how much longer they would have to wait for EMS or Fire in the Bronx compared to Brooklyn for some reason. I have no idea how the dispatch works in NY. But IMHO they need a shot of good ole common sense.
  2. We kept it "luke warm". He seemed to respond well to it. His core temp. went up substantually, but not too quick, keeping him from going into shock. A lot of people sort of rolled their eyes when Dr. Tarlow requested the pool to be stored in the ER. But having to use it just once (at that time), paid off.
  3. Thought I was going to have to do this with a semi driver, but he was trapped above my head. The truck was on it's side and he was basically crushed in his seat by the steering wheel and dash board. While others were trying to extricate him, a 70 min. job, I was taking care of and monitoring him medically. I got two large bore IV's and luckily he was breathing well on his own. Having to do all this over my head, I was quite relieved it went as well as it did. If it was going to be another 10mins. I knew I was going to have to decompress his chest. But got him out finally and transported him. Had him stable in the ER. Called for Arch Helo out of St. Louis. Actually my partner started transport by ground and met the helo enroute to save time. They just stopped traffic on the Interstate and transferred him to the helo. Another route we practiced was going to the 5th intercostal space mid-axillary benegnth the arm.
  4. Sounds like Anne Frank. Maybe she could have sent Hitler a bomb-o- gram.
  5. "Dark Side of the Moon" - Pink Floyd
  6. Oh yea, they did do NG lavage. Actually had a little blood return from it. Hx. of ulcers. I don't believe it was from insertion of the NG tube. And they did insert a foley cath. I know they did not do chest tubes. That I would have remembered. I've heard some docs disapproved of water immersion with the frost bite. But I think it helped with what little debridement they did in the ER.
  7. Over night it had got to -10 to -20. Had a report of a man found on a porch. We couldn't believe what we found. At first we thought he had got locked out. The patient, male, mid 30's, slight build, was wearing only a heavy wind breaker. Had been drunk and was just waiting for his girlfriend to come home. I believe he was actually stalking her. Sat on the porch all night. She hadn't come home until she found him. He was completely "iced over", obvious frost bite to nose, chin, and cheeks. Resp. 16, pulse 50 weak, BP 60 sys. Did a quick load. It had warmed up to about 0 to 10 degrees at that time. Removed all clothing, placed on a monitor. Sinus brady @ 60. We couldn't find the hypo-thermometer in the ambulance. We did make a habit of taking IV fluids and throw them onto the defrost vents on the way to a call so they could be warmed up a bit. Miraculously two IV sites were established. We got another call so I wasn't able to ride in with him. But I reminded my partner who did to watch closely for a-fib and v-fib while warming up, and the need to warm him gradually. When I got to the ER with my cardiac patient, they had the hypothermic patient in the cardiac room. I forget what his core temp. was but it was alarmingly low. The doc had worked in MI for a time and said that he never seen such a low temp. personally before. He did have enough experience though to request having a kiddie swimming pool tucked away in the ER. They inserted a rectal probe warmer. After wrapping the frost bit parts they placed him in the pool with luke-warm water. He was in the ER for about three hours before a helo arrived, they were grounded earlier that morning. Luckily he never had any dysrhythmias. He lost most of the finger tips on one hand, and I believe two fingers on the other. I know he had many surgeries for skin grafts to the exposed areas of his face, and reconstructive surgery on his nose. I know some would disagree with the swimming pool part, of which I questioned, but it seemed to help greatly. Any other ideas?
  8. Seems like any service I ran with, especially fire, that was my job. Since was smaller than almost everyone else (I didn't waste my hormones growing tall) I got stuffed inside and they would just cut the car from around us both. I didn't always have bunker gear on, but always a helmet and long pants.
  9. There were a few times that I've personally known the patient or the patient's family and was asked to actually hold them, and I did. On a cardiac transfer I made the family requested me, even though it was my day off. I was very good friends with the patients son and his wife, and I knew his sister. His wife was an EMT-I so she rode with me in the back. After getting to the hospital in Springfield, IL that patient's family asked if I wanted to stay the weekend with them. So I thought why not. Wound up we all four, Marty, Brigette, Tina, and myself, in one hotel room. To make a long story short, Tina and I sort of shared the second bed. Eventually we started dating. Inappropriate???? Not really, I don't think...Even though it didn't work out we remained very good friends. Oh, and their mother. Had a cardiac cath. Rode home in the family car and they thought it was a good idea that I did ride with them just in case. She's still alive and kicking.
  10. "He's Alive" - Don Francisco
  11. More power to ya, Bro.
  12. We've had those paper/structure fires. Unfortunately you eventually just have let it burn itself out. It's the kind of thing that makes you think, "What am I doing here?"
  13. A glutton for punishment.
  14. I have absolutely no problem with shorts if they are covered up. Sure we'd wear shorts at night especially to bed, but always had either bunker pants or jumpsuits. Many times after a late night/ early morning call, we'd later go to Denny's for breakfast or at least coffee. At the door we'd peel them off and would be running around in socks and shorts. They never minded. We'd even go as far as getting our own coffee, and if they were busy we'd even grab the pot and help out the waitress. My problem was wearing shorts only on a call. Especially if their legs are as white, hairy, and skinny as mine. :wink:
  15. GO CELTICS. My favorite team sine I was a kid. Had my Taz/Celtics shirt on just the other day.
  16. When I was in the Navy one of my best friends was from Springfield, MA but he had that Boston accent. He told me that I had a weird accent, Southern Speak, is what I think he called it. I told him that, "I ain't got an accent, y'all up there do". He always encouraged me to come out there, but I never did. Another of my best friends was from Brooklyn, now talk about another accent that was different.
  17. I'd still come in last. I'd start puking after the first 300 yards anymore.
  18. IMHO, sorts are a no-no in the field in any situation. Sorry for y'all in hot geographical areas. To me they are not necessarily professional and do decrease protection. Please, no body hit me. :?
  19. The first time I broke my nose, (long story, motorcycle when I was about 13) went to the doctor's office and the nurse told my folks that I couldn't stay inside because she was afraid I might bleed on the carpet, and she wouldn't take me back. So my father said that they'd just go ahead and take me to the ER. She said he couldn't do that. He said, "Watch me!" When the doc heard about it through the ER he flipped. He didn't know I was at his office in the first place. That nurse was gone.
  20. In filling out some reports I found a little experience with creative writing helps.
  21. "Born to Be Wild" - Steppenwolf
  22. Something's just never fail to amaze.
  23. I started the summer between my 11th and 12th yrs. of school myself, so I know exactly where you are standing. Just stay focused and learn all you can. You'll be cramming a lot, but academically and in the field. Where your peer's most pressing issue is how to cover a zit or getting lucky somehow, you're going to be out there with lives on the line. Be ready for it. It it's something you really want, don't get discouraged, and you'll make it. More power to ya, and good luck.
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