I think I already posted that I stopped counting at 12 kidney stones and had to have cysto w/ retro-grade about nine times to remove them. One thing I found out is that no matter the size, they tend to hurt the same. Never had any kidney failure, but I went through liver failure about 12 years ago. I was in the hosp. for nine days, given 125mg. Demerol q 4-6 hrs. with 75- 100mg. Visteral, whether I asked for it or not. It did cause me to loose weight that I needed to, but it's not the greatest way to do it. You will not dig it. :puke:
Needless to say, afterward I did have with drawl. It was made worse that I had to travel from LA back to IL, about 600 miles. Luckily my parents came down and got me. Took me about two weeks to recover from that alone. :sad1: