After sixteen years it was very evident that my time was up in the field. But it took me the last five years of that being in denial of it. I had to hang it up due to a nero-muscular problem that effects my neck and legs but is spreading, and other health issues. When I did so I was debating about just teaching. But after a short time I came to the conclusion that I just didn't have the time or patience to do so. So I got out of it altogether. At first it was very discouraging and took some time to adjust. Guilt, depression, frustration, adrenaline with-drawl, I felt it all. But I knew that I would just be endangering myself and others. The pain and the immobility was just too much. Now, if I hadn't quit when I did I'd already be in a wheel chair, which is inevitable in the future. "Retiring" slowed the process so that now I still get around slowly but surely occasionally needing a cane. But I'm more than happy to give advice or even tudor anyone here at EMTCity. If anyone needs help please don't hesitate. If I can't help I can probably guide you to others here that may be able to.