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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Nine months old, still have the phots. Uncle Sid and cousin Kenny put me up there, Now I'm a life long rider, when I can.. Yippy Kiyaa Y'all How old were you when you first remember going to a zoo?
  2. "Catscratch Fever" - Ted Nugent
  3. We had 8-10 train tracks in town with a big switching facility for mainly coal trains. But every now and then someone would jump out in front of one on purpose. That's what happened one night. The guy lived. After calling medical control and let them know what was going a police officer showed up, with the guy's left leg. He put it in the deep sink and said that the rest of him was coming in about ten minutes.
  4. I think there's been a movie "Alfie" already made. Is "Alphonso" a possiblity???
  5. Glad you asked. You know how some docs are wanting the patient at the receiving hospital, like an hour ago? Back then there was only four helo's in our area and was a miracle to get one there within 2 hrs. Between about five of us we had a good reputare with some of the docs. We were almost always requested. I even had one doc ask how fast the rig could go. I asked him how fast did he want it to go. He was straight to the point of put the pedal to the metal and not let off until we got to the receiving hospital. I tried to explain to him that would not be safe, but I would do my best to get there alive. He accepted it. After these request were made, those of us who were "deemed" rapid resonse drivers per doctor's orders just started to call them Kamikazee runs. Sorrt of like an inside joke.
  6. WSAZ Update, 9pm -- The State Fire Marshal's Office says Lt. Johnnie Hammons, 49, and Timothy Nicholas, 26, were the firefighters killed. Hammons was ann 11-year veteran, while Nicholas served for about a year. Investigators believe they might have died after the roof of the trailer collapsed. Read More at WSAZ.com >> CRAIGSVILLE, W.Va. (AP) -- Two volunteer firefighters have died while fighting a fire in Nicholas County. Craigsville Beaver Cottle Volunteer Fire Department Chief Tim Blake said in a statement Friday the two were killed after the department responded to a structure fire about 10 p.m. Thursday. The fire occurred in the Cottle area. The statement did not say how the fire is believed to have started, or how the two firefighters were fatally injured. Their names were not released Friday morning. The fire and the deaths are being investigated by the state Fire Marshal's office. A call to the Fire Marshal's office was not immediately returned Friday. FFN Update: A video of the 9 am press conference Friday by Tim Blake, Chief of the Craigsville-Beaver Volunteer Fire Department is posted online here or watch below.
  7. Yep, some would say they were "d!ckheads" for doing it, but they would go to court over it. With me a short blast from the airhorn would startle them and they moved to the left pretty much immediately. I forgot earlier to comment on the interstate driving. I know some would disagree, but if there is no traffic and nothing but open road, I strattled the center line. Gave me extra room to the left and to the right just in case something happened and I had to make a drastic move. Luckily I never had to. I was making what we called a "kamikazee" run to St.Louis. It was a coal minor with near traumatic asphixiation. I picked him at the coal mine, worked with him in the ER and they requested me as the driver, especially the nurses that went. I stayed on that center lane every chance I got. I even passed the service's owner and he congratulated me for doing that. I only had to pass someone on the right decause the old man driving the caddilac had no business even driving. Crotch is right, you can never say never on passing on the right. Only do so when absolutely have to. Buut weaving in and out of traffic causes confusion of other drivers not knowing which way you are going. You don't want to zig and someone else zags.
  8. IMHO, and I might get called to the carpet on this, but.....I think it has to be a fine line between both. That's why I prefer that anyone advancing to Intermediate or Paramedic has GOT to have at least a couple of years in the field. They get the adverse situations, exposed to experience and deal with the general public. And yes, I know there are some that think going A( to I to P is the way to go, but I guess I'm old school enough to can't help thinking that is the best way to go. It also let's you know before someone get's into the P class whether or not they can handle field work. It also gives them a chance to be proficient with all the gadgets and gizmos used in everyday EMS life. Jumping off my little box now.
  9. Whether on the Interstate or in town, it is best to stay in the first lane. If someone see's you are in the same lane constantly, you'd think common sense would take over and they know you are going to stay in that lane. And if they are in your way then they should get out of your way. I've had to pass on the right but I hated to do so with a passion. I know in IL it is the law to pull over to the right for any emergency vehicle to stop or slow down. Unfortunately, there's too many idiots that don't, or don't care. I've never done it but I know guys that have gotten license plate numbers to report them. And they will give a ticket. All in all, stay in the same lane, the other's usually move. BTW; Nice post
  10. I think Timmy said pretty much what I would say. Practice, practice, practice. Even when you feel like you've got it down, practice some more. At first I had probems with mapping, then one day something clicked and I got over it. Sort of like it's so easy, it's hard. Keep up the good work, keep on wanting to learn, and more power to ya.
  11. Hey Ruff, great work. I joined up and will be coming back to finish the rest of my info. Take care, man. Wayland firedoc5
  12. firedoc5


    Thank y'all very much. I can't express my appreciation enough. I'll catch up with everyone a little later.
  13. "Take the Long Way Home" - Supertramp
  14. "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" - The Carter Family/ Johnny Cash
  15. Cookie beat me to it.
  16. 4, actually it got knocked out. How old were you when you decided that even though you hated a certain subject in school, you still had to learn it?
  17. And to think of how I fell apart at getting my girlfriend pregnant at 17. I won't go into the whole story, but I was a total wreck. These kids seem to be like, "Oh,well". I'm trying to figure out how a more "mature" girl would be in a relationship with someone younger and looks much younger than she did. Girls at that age are more prone to wanting be with "older men" like the capt. of the soccer team (since in Britain). And usually most 12 yr. old boys still think girls are yucky. I just wonder how accurate the Sun article is. Did they make it up, or did the girl get pregnant by someone else and using the boy as a cover story? I'm sorry, but something just doesn't seem kosher.
  18. It's quite possible that all the "discouraging" words did make her give up. One thing I've noticed about the elderly is how they thrive on the will to live. You remove that will to live and they can decline rapidly. That's what it sounds like in your story, Terri. I get so frustrated when I hear nursing home pt.'s families that come in and do just that. I've even heard some nursing home staff say it. To me, no matter their age or their condition, you talked to them with encouragement and positive comments. But that's just me.
  19. firedoc5


    We'd been expecting for some time. Sort of like it could be tomorrow or it could be 5 yrs from now, but my Grandmother passed way Fri. 13th. She was probably the most influential person in my life. The services are here in IL on Wed. She was in La. so they are flying her back here. She was born in Tx. and grew up in Tx. and La., she was a true southern belle. We always joked that she was the last true Southern Debutante. I might not be on for the next couple of days, but I'll keep y'all posted.
  20. So, is animal control going to be issued a trampoline that can be set up quickly?
  21. Hmm, 10 or 11 How old were you when you learned the "real" birds & the bees?
  22. "Break On Through" - The Doors
  23. Petra was a Christian Rock band in the '80's and early '90's. I've seen them in concert and they were outstanding. I don't know what ever became of them though.
  24. I've personally known of very mild problems with this. Mostly of what I have seen is skin irritation to the face, arms and chest causing a burning sensation.
  25. You're not that far off. There's been many that have been didn't even hit the target, non the less the center.
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