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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Believe me, a KED is perfect for ped. traumas. Works great as a papoose board too if you have a "squirmer" on your hands.
  2. That's why so many do stay as Medics. They are more or less given the option to drop it if they decide to.
  3. The dept. I was on has done this. A couple of years after I got on full time they made it mandatory that in-coming personnel had to become Paramedics within three years. That's how long your probationary period could be. Lucky for me I was already a Paramedic before I got on. They were afraid that by going by the usual voluntary system that they would not have enough new firemen become Paramedics to have 24hr. coverage. It's still that way now. But how many couldn't do both? If someone was an outstanding Paramedic but had trouble with the fire service side or if someone was great at firefighting but couldn't pass the EMS tests or classes, they would be out of a job. I think in the long run they lose some really good personnel. Sure now they have plenty of Paramedic/ Firefighters, but when you become a Lt. they will let you drop the Paramedic, but you still have to be at least an EMT. It can be somewhat confusing when they start doing that. But I think most stay Paramedics when they make Lt. anyway.
  4. "Puking In the Parking Lot" - Pork & the Havanah Ducks
  5. Take it from someone who had to get out of EMS all together. If you have the opportunity and means to get a degree in something do it. If you do decide to go into nursing, I would recommend you take the entire class. Dust D is right about the bridge concept. And actually almost any job in the health field will always have opportunities for employment. Not just nursing. There will always be people, so there will always be a demand for some one in the medical field. And keep in mind that there will be a time of adjustment if you got directly from EMS in the streets to a job that is in a clinical setting. If possible you need to ease yourself into a position. Usually taking classes helps. But just a heads up on the fact there will be some adjusting to do.
  6. I agree with you, GFF. Sometimes it does get a bit too negative and the name calling is uncalled for. You do need to be somewhat thick skinned, but sometimes it is uncalled for.
  7. Leave it to the Irish. :headbang:
  8. "All you need to make a total idiot out of yourself and to get in the way of the guys you are wanting to be" Buy Now, be the first on your block to be part of the "Oh my God Squad"
  9. "AAAAAHHH" - Bluto screaming at the picture of Flounder in Animal House
  10. "The Weight" - Robbie Robertson & The Band
  11. "Right turn, Clyde" "Strip the Caddie, Clyde" - Clint Eastwood.
  12. It was about the same time I was leaving the area when the local hospital started doing cardiac caths. Before that they were all transferred, usually by ground (us) and occasionally by air if there was a chopper available. You have to remember this was between '83 & '96. Closest was St. Louis with average drive time hosp. to hosp. for a cardiac priority transfer of just under an hour. But would have to go as far as Springfield, a little more than double the distance. So when they finally got a Cath Lab it was a big relief.
  13. That's good. :laughing6: Our neighbor has two or three parots.
  14. Huh? Who? What? Me? Naw... GUILTY
  15. Sure... "GREAT SCOTT Throwing of the toilet paper in the audience.
  16. "Freebird" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
  17. Job well done. Have fun, which I'm sure you will.
  18. We had a report of a shooting in "south town". The owner of the ambulance service, over the radio warned us, "You boys watch your a$$ down there". Ricky looked at me, I looked at Ricky and neither one of us could respond back and actually couldn't speak without laughing until we got to the shooting.
  19. Yea, guess all that crunching and banging and all is hilarious. :blob6:
  20. "Brain Damage" - Pink Floyd
  21. "Dr.Scott!" "Brad!" "Janet" "Dr. Scott!" "Brad!" "Janet!" -Rocky Horror Picture Show
  22. We had an ER nurse whose thing was Demerol. I'm not sure but she left one hosp. before they actually caught her. Apparently she would always have the patient laying down and rolled over in a way they could not see her. She would give them just a fraction of what was ordered, turn around with the same needle and pop herself in the leg with it right there. I'm not sure how she did get caught other than she was in a break room. But she lost her license, for good.
  23. Along with:" THAT'S A FACT, JACK".
  24. I would have responded back that I was skinny dipping. :blob:
  25. Oh, I don't know. Benefit of the doubt. Not all vollies are wankers...
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