The dept. I was on has done this. A couple of years after I got on full time they made it mandatory that in-coming personnel had to become Paramedics within three years. That's how long your probationary period could be. Lucky for me I was already a Paramedic before I got on. They were afraid that by going by the usual voluntary system that they would not have enough new firemen become Paramedics to have 24hr. coverage. It's still that way now. But how many couldn't do both? If someone was an outstanding Paramedic but had trouble with the fire service side or if someone was great at firefighting but couldn't pass the EMS tests or classes, they would be out of a job. I think in the long run they lose some really good personnel. Sure now they have plenty of Paramedic/ Firefighters, but when you become a Lt. they will let you drop the Paramedic, but you still have to be at least an EMT. It can be somewhat confusing when they start doing that. But I think most stay Paramedics when they make Lt. anyway.