We started having problems with the MS coming up missing from our drug boxes. It was actually by accident that it was noticed. Since each box has a pad lock and a seal it wasn't noticed by day to day inventory. There was a code and afterward when doing a mandatory inventory of the box by the lead medic, sometime's along with a nurse, the MS was missing. OK, they thought. It might have got knocked out or something. They just said to keep an eye on it. Some of us said to do an immediate inventory on each box in the system. But they didn't. Guess they were hoping it was a one time deal. But on another code, same thing, missing MS. NOW we have a problem, they decided (DUH). All but three boxes had MS missing. The "investigation" was a joke. But for about six months things seemed normal. The owner of a private ambulance serv. that I worked with for about five years had been in the biz long enough and he showed some how someone could remove the seal on the box without breaking it or taking parts off two different one's and put them back together. All new pad locks were placed and everyone assigned a key got a new one. But there was something odd started going on. Even myself noticed that on calls that required MS, the MS we were administrating didn't seem to be beneficial. Someone wised up. Whoever it was had to have a new key, so they knew it was a medic in the system. But instead of just taking the MS they were replacing it with NS in the syringe. Finally they found out who it was. No, NOT me. It was a medic that no one would have even been suspected. He'd been a medic for about three years. Was one of those tall, dark, handsome, almost preppie appearance. A new ACLS Instructor and on the short list for getting on full time with city fire, where I was working at the time. He had a gorgeous wife who was an RN. He was very smart, probably too smart for his own good. But he threw all that away over what all he did. Over that three years who knows how much he stole from patients, drug boxes, anywhere? He had large quantities almost anything you could imagine stashed in his car. Once he was caught he admitted to it all. It was about the time I was leaving the area so I don't know exactly what happened to him. But I know he was diagnosed as being bi-polar and possibly split personality. Whatever. :jerk: