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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. And the funny part is......?
  2. "Tom Sawyer" - Molly Hatchet
  3. You mean it doesn't??? Just kidding, about 9 when my dad had bankruptcy due to a crooked partner. How old were you when you decided you hated alcohol, if you do hate alcohol?
  4. I'm a member of The Fellowship of Christian Firefighters, which does include Paramedics. Great that you are pursuing a new chapter. Are they affiliated with the Firefighter's organization? Like the song by Petra, "More Power To Ya".
  5. 12, didn't want them. But by 17 I blew that How old were you when you first drove?
  6. "Shooting Star" - Bad Co.
  7. Some Medics unfortunately have a "god complex". So don't encourage it LOL :wink: . Medics put their pants on just like you. I've seen some seasoned EMT-A's (B's) that can run circles around some Medics doing a trauma assessment. So just because you are a Basic right now doesn't mean you don't have the potential for honing your skills. If you are going to be a Basic, then be the best Basic you can. I agree that if you are serious, you need to run more often than a couple of times a month in the field. Keep up the good work.
  8. "Lola" - The Kinks
  9. Some say the rush seems to never go away completely. With the low call volume you have annually and you don't get anymore experience than that from anywhere else, it's going to feel like you are still a rookie. That adrenaline rush is still there. Many will say that it's good to still get a rush. But you may want to look into a volunteer service to run with. Get some field time in and many more calls than you are already getting under your belt. Keep up the good work.
  10. Butterfly, sounds like you're off to a good start. Things can get exciting, but being a rookie you might be given some of the menial tasks, such as a go-fer. Almost everyone starts out that way. Don't let it get you down or be disappointed if it seems like the exciting stuff is passing you by. Learn all you can about your unit. Ask questions. During your down time go over all the equipment, what's what and what's where. Find out what is expected of you. When things make you feel a little overwhelmed, just step back and take a breath and keep going. The main thing is to have fun. Good luck, be careful. Don't worry about the young'uns. Many people have started at a later age and done just fine. :wink: If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask anyone on your dept. or anyone here.
  11. Get feeling better, or else.
  12. "Free Bird" - Lynyrd Skynyrd, in memory of Billy Powell, RIP
  13. five, the hard way. How old were you when you first shot a gun?
  14. Isn't it for every job? Congrats on losing a job. :wink: Been there, done that. Keep up the good work.
  15. "Mommy, mommy, I hate grandma's guts!" "Shut up and keep eating."
  16. It was a doctor, and I agree with you about how it didn't sound kosher to pick 1996. I was just repeating what he said. I knew either you or AK would "sound off" on it. :wink:
  17. Is this you first ever EMT job? Or is it just first Fire Dept.? Listen, learn, pay attention. Take it easy and don't get stressed out. Things may be different with them than any other place. You'll do fine. Have fu doing it.
  18. "Long Cool Woman" - The Hollies
  19. Why did the pervert cross the road? His d!ck was still in the chicken.
  20. Asskiss, or being flexible and cooperative???
  21. 18 How old were you when you wanted to be a parent?
  22. That's one of the first things I thought of when I first heard that she already had six kids at home. Why in the world would anyone that has six kids want more? And, what kind of doctor/clinic would go along with the procedure? I know there are large families like the Duggars, but they didn't go through science to get that many kids. They had fun doing it. Maybe she had the money up front to pay for it and the facility was greedy enough to agree to help her. It begs to ask who is going to help with all these kids? I know her mother is not happy at all. Will she be raising them or a group of nannies? I know the laws have changed, but years ago the more kids you had the more money you would receive from the state. So people were purposely having more kids to receive more money. When they changed that and put a limit on how many kids could be claimed the applications for financial help with kids went down. Maybe she was thinking she would get all these donations from companies like Pampers, Evenflo, Little Tykes, etc. Or expecting to be able to have a book or movie deal. But all in all, I think she's way over her head.
  23. Very nice article, Urbanmedic. I was at a seminar one time in 1995 and the speaker stated that those involved in EMS prior to 1991 were to be considered pioneers in emergency medicine in the US. He said that 1966 was the year EMS had become well established and that 30 yrs. was the time period considered for the development of modern day EMS to be successful. Whether or not it's true, compared to other areas of the medical arts, it is still a relatively new medical field.
  24. Early Happy Anniversary
  25. Thank you all. Yes, our families were close. As a kid I learned to respect and look up to Jack. The family is taking it quite well. Betty will now be selling her house and move close to their daughter in IN. She was the school secretary for 30+ years so everyone knew her. We were lucky to have them as neighbors, then and now. She will be missed in the neighborhood and the town. Guess there was a large turn out for the funeral, which is not surprising.
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