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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. I agree with Spanac. Most if the time you get into EMS, learn, and train to save lives. I know you're dad wants you to win, but no matter the outcome of the competitions, you did your best, and hopefully "saved a life". But all in all, learn something, and have fun doing it.
  2. No need to feel like you are running on. You brought up a good point. Do your best to explain what you are doing and why you are doing it, within limits. And one thing, don't lie, like when sticking someone don't say that you'll barely feel this when you know it's going to be a jabbing pain. But don't tell them it's going to be a jabbing pain either.
  3. Can't we all just get along? I doubt it. :blackeye:
  4. That's just a shame. :sad10:
  5. "Commin' Home" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
  6. It might not have been on a discography, but I know I saw it at my grandparents. It was on TV. Freddie on "Austin City Limits". First time I seen him or heard him not of radio. He didn't look anything like I thought he would. BTW: This is suppose to be fun, Not Musical Trivial Pursuit :blob7: If someone can't think of someone's name or if someone is wrong, it's OK... correct it if you want, but researching, biography, discography, isn't that going a little too far for fun? "Just You and I" - Wasn't it some lame disco duet? :violent1:
  7. One sub topic that sorts of relates to this is deaf patients. I learned just enough sign language to be dangerous. Most adults can read lips, but if there are many times someone else is around, let them translate. But always talk with the patient as if he/she is hearing you. The third person translating may be behind you, but don't talk directly to them. You wouldn't want to be in a two person conversation but have a third party talking back and forth between the two of you. It's the same thing. And watch it, some can read lips well enough to make out what you are saying even when you mumble #-o
  8. I'm not positive how it is in IL now, but at one time anyone from a rookie EMT to a Fire Chief can tell a Trooper or Officer to close traffic on a highway or Interstate, and they do it, no questions asked. I've done it and I've seen others do it. They may reroute things but the section that needed closed was closed.
  9. Remember in "Mother, Jugs, and Speed" the lady they dropped down the stairs? I don't remember if she threatened to sue. I know it would be covered in Workman's Comp., but what about a medic/firefighter "dropped a nut" or worse, trying to carry someone like that in a difficult situation? Could they sue the patient? (Sorry, just thinking out loud, I know, dangerous for me)
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you had fun, but not too much fun. :drunken:
  11. The spigot was on the wall, you know, to use a hose to wash ambulances. :laughing5:
  12. One of my all time faves. :blob:
  13. "Can't Drive 55"- Sammy Hagar (Daytona 500 Today) :blob6:
  14. The Guess Who
  15. About 12 yrs. ago we toured Excellance Ambulance Mfg. in AL. VERY impressive. Each ambulance was hand built, no assembly line. Was considered as the BMW of ambulances at that time. I'm sure things have changed and other companies have developed. And may even be better now. But any idea you can conceive, they could engineer into an ambulance. Some of their engineers worked for NASA.
  16. Uh, What patch? As for JakeEMT mentioned, a Paramedic could work as dispatch. I'm sure there are others out there like me who due to physical limitations can't do the field work anymore on a regular basis unless worse-comes-to worse. BTW: I don't cook, and I don't think anyone would want me to. :puke:
  17. There's been a number of occasions where we said, "They guy ate the bumper", Motorcycle VS vehicle MVA.
  18. With me, it seems like I've said different things at different times, depending on the possible situation. It's as if as soon as I walk in and usually within the first three seconds something pops into my head. I can't explain it. And it does help if you know what the nature of the call is. If the pt. is alert and talking to you don't get into a tizzy and act like it's something like you've never done before, even if it is. And assure the pt. and those around her that everything that can be done is being done. One "unwritten" rule that I was told back in my first class, is to never, never, assure anyone that "Everything is going to be alright." How many times has a Medic or any medical professional has said that and in just a few minutes the worse outcome has came? But if the pt. is unresponsive, and there IS other's around, don't say, "OH, CRAP!" It sort of ruins the mood. Don't say something that seems generic, crude, or what what could be construed as off color. ALWAYS be professional. Usually let the one with seniority introduce yourselves unless he/she warrants you to. NO PROFANITY [-X , goes a long way. But my very best advice, be yourself. BTW: I like the previous posts. =D> BTW 2: Some may agree with me on these points, some may not. Some may have better advice...but we can all learn from each other.
  19. It can go both ways. Some that you work day in and day out with can be your best bud. One can start a sentence and the other can finish it for them, even outside of work. Or they can be your most hated nemesis, to where you can't wait to get home and hug your blankie.
  20. "Back-in-the day". Geesh that makes me feel older....We were instructed to use that about 25 yrs. ago. One argument one of the other older ER docs was that was it worse to use "cooler" sterile water and lessen chance of infection and even though cause more immediate pain (even when when MS was given) or to have less pain at the time and chance an infection days or weeks down the road? Different docs, different school's of thought, etc...?
  21. That could be arrainged.
  22. "I Write the Songs"- Barry Manilow :pukeright:
  23. You know they make cattle prods that would get his butt in gear and mouth-a- going. THAT would get something moving. :violent3:
  24. "Midnight At the Oasis" - ?
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