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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. "Radar Love" - Golden Earing
  2. About 25 yrs. ago in ICU a doc friend motioned me and my partner over. Said, "Feel this". You talk about funky. It was the same guy we got out of a ditch collapse. The guy himself was sort of laughing about it even though he was tubed. Ain't we sick?
  3. Coffee ain't got high enough in my system, I'll be back. :coffee:
  4. You would have loved our uniforms. They were identical to the Duke's of Hazzarrd. Light blue with dark blue pockets and shoulder lapels. But as a joke on my first day they went to Wal Mart and got me Garanimal pants, like the kids wore. They got me size 16-18. But guess what? They fit. I wore them for two years. Joke was on them. :thebirdman:
  5. You hold, I'll wrap.
  6. Have you ever heard of duct tape and a body bag?
  7. One thing I'd like to point out is that there are so many "A"-Type personalities there might be constant squabble. Too many chiefs, not enough injuns. I don't know about anyone else, but I want to be an injun, but I want to be the top injun.
  8. "In the Midnight Hour" - Eric "Slow Hand" Clapton
  9. Never did it myself but many times at the start of the shift I'd to out into the bay and hear guys sucking on O2 to get rid of a hangover. Most said it seemed to help.
  10. This is from the horse's mouth (or arse). Fibromyalgia is what got me out of EMS/ Firefighting. This is the second time I've had to write this since like an idiot I hit the wrong key. There are docs and others out there that don't believe that fibro is a disease. And every year more and more are changing their minds. While I was at LSU in Shreveport they concluded that I was in the top 2 % of most effected. I could go from a pain scale of 9, have 125 mg. Demerol and come down to a six. What I'm trying to say is that no matter what analgesic, ansaid, anti-inflammatory, ASA, etc. the pain may reduce some, but it doesn't go way completely. Just remember if there is a patient with fibro, they are in more pain than just caused by the injury. And yes, there are those who have heard of fibro and might take advantage of it, drug seeking. But after a few experiences and talking with those who do suffer from it, and you have just good old common sense, you can tell the difference. Much of the time, for me, I don't know what hurt's more, the pain at a level of 10 physically, or not being able to be involved in the field of EMS/Firefighting. It all hurts in every way, physically, emotionally and frustration. Anybody can argue this post, pick it apart, slam, argue with me or what ever. But for me it's how it is and how I live with it,..
  11. The one Fire Chief I did mention that did not want EMS in with the FD, he may NOT have wanted but when he found out how much funding he could get, well by all means let's get involved. Once he did find that out he became an "authority" on EMS/FD operations. He was also a egomaniac and very narcissistic too, by the way. (Just thought I'd throw that in)
  12. We had two guys returning from a call and there was guy trying to drive one of the rigs out of the bay. The ambulance was so old it yet had a battery switch so it was the only one he could start. He was too drunk to even walk and he kept pulling forward, backing up, and trying to turn while in the bay. Even though there were five other ambulances in there the only damage he done was to the one he was in and he knocked off a water spigot.
  13. I was in a little bit of hurry so my wife could get on-line before she was going to work, but what I was going to say is that it seems like the cop was having a power-trip-type of hissy-fit.
  14. "Brandy" - Looking Glass
  15. "Ride Captain Ride"- :-k
  16. Well, Dwayne. I signed your niece's guest book and told her the best advice I could give her was to have fun. She seemed like the fun loving kind of kid. Keep us posted on how she's doing.
  17. I like that. :thumbup:
  18. I guess I was being wacky. Not too serious. Funny, ha, ha,. :happy7: But if I was being serious, I'm sure there are areas that has expanded growth, especially out in the South West, or where there is an old, outdated private service getting ready to fold that may want take on new a new organization or want to sell outright. And I know that there are some here that would like to at least give it a shot, running their own system once a resource hospital willing to take it on. But as for management amongst this group...no offense to anyone at all, but it would be a bloody free for all. :boxing:
  19. You know, I might be thinking off my head and out my ears, but theoretically something like this could work. It might take 3-5 yrs, a lot of cussing & discussing, give & take, and maybe have to conceive a new way of coordinating EMS as we know. But I could be wrong. :dontknow:
  20. 09:54 PM CST on Thursday, February 14, 2008 Watch News 4 coverage Tell us: What do you think? (KMOV) -- A police officer in Hazelwood will have to pay thousands of dollars for getting into it with a firefighter while he was trying to help an accident victim. News 4 obtained police video that shows the Hazelwood police officer arresting a fire captain while he's trying to move an injured driver. Watch raw video from the dashcam It happened on Interstate 270 back in May of 2003. Officer Todd Greeves wanted a fire truck moved to open up another lane of traffic. The Robertson Fire Protection District Captain wanted the truck there to protect emergency workers. Officer Greeves has been ordered to pay $18,000. His attorney says he's disappointed and that his client's conduct was not malicious in any way.
  21. i know it's Valentine's day, and I'm like the Grinch, but... "All You Need Is Love' - The Beatles
  22. It wasn't over the radio but we were dispatched to the "Best Inns" motel. Later we were looking through the log book and the "dispatcher" had wrote down "Best Ends" motel... :-k
  23. Sort of like getting called to the same address three times in two hours for OD's? #-o
  24. I didn't feel like looking back to see if this is a repeat, (lazy today) but... "I Will Always Love You" -Dolly Pardon & Kenny Rogers/ Whitney Houston.
  25. No but I knew of a guy who tried Beam IV before. Never did hear of that outcome.
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