This is from the horse's mouth (or arse). Fibromyalgia is what got me out of EMS/ Firefighting. This is the second time I've had to write this since like an idiot I hit the wrong key.
There are docs and others out there that don't believe that fibro is a disease. And every year more and more are changing their minds. While I was at LSU in Shreveport they concluded that I was in the top 2 % of most effected. I could go from a pain scale of 9, have 125 mg. Demerol and come down to a six. What I'm trying to say is that no matter what analgesic, ansaid, anti-inflammatory, ASA, etc. the pain may reduce some, but it doesn't go way completely. Just remember if there is a patient with fibro, they are in more pain than just caused by the injury.
And yes, there are those who have heard of fibro and might take advantage of it, drug seeking. But after a few experiences and talking with those who do suffer from it, and you have just good old common sense, you can tell the difference.
Much of the time, for me, I don't know what hurt's more, the pain at a level of 10 physically, or not being able to be involved in the field of EMS/Firefighting. It all hurts in every way, physically, emotionally and frustration.
Anybody can argue this post, pick it apart, slam, argue with me or what ever. But for me it's how it is and how I live with it,..