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Everything posted by reaper

  1. =D> AWARD! Post of the month :cheers:
  2. Why don't you work EMS full time and volunteer at your other job? Oh wait, that would be hurting your livelihood and profession!(hint hint) P.S. since you DON'T want to be a medic, Change your screenname!
  3. =D> Very well written! That about sums up the whole thing, :wink:
  4. What does he deliver? Could be a poisoning to something he hauls.
  5. That is the point of having the weapons training. If it comes down to the medic having to shoot someone, then that means the six guys in front of him are down. By then no one will care what the press thinks of a medic shooting a suspect. That is why they train, for worst case scenarios. These guys are a team of specialized professionals!
  6. Well, You could always try for the mentally disturbed vote!
  7. They go through the same weapons training as LEO. They have been doing it for 30 years, with out a problem!
  8. They make entry with armor. No weapons, but trained in them if they need to use them.
  9. Our agency runs all the tac medics for the county. They are medics only, no LEO. They train with the leo constantly, so they work as a team.
  10. I have worked many college towns. The drinking is getting out of hand on some campuses. I have taken in kids with level of .550 and higher. These are kids that cannot maintain their own airways. While I think we do not need to tie up the ED's with drunks, I think there is to many complications possible for health services to deal with. Screw the bill or the parents finding out, that may be the best thing that could happen. It may wake then up a little. Drinking is not the problem, drinking to you pass out is the problem. Our universities our getting out of hand themselves. They do nothing to combat these issues. Hell, look at the news, some college presidents are wanting to lower the drinking age to 18 again. This is our educational leaders at work?????????????
  11. Leave that out next time, It's a big hint. Make people ask if he travels a lot!
  12. How were they going to knock him down to an EMT-A? Unless you mean at that agency only?
  13. Heartsaver with firstaid. Contact someone in your area that teaches CPR.
  14. I do not see this as an argument for or against. There does not need to be scientific evidence to say you should or shouldn't. This is a parental decision and that's all it is. If the parents do not want to research it, before making their decision, that's their fault. There is no evidence that foreskin or lack of, has any effect on anything. This can go back and forth forever, as people have different views. this is still a parental decision and that's all it is. If people do it, because it's the "norm" then that's their rights. If they choose not to, then that's their rights. If you have children, then you have made your decision. If you don't have children yet, then you get to make your decision, when the time comes. If you do plan to have it done, then the best time to do it is when they are babies. They forget the pain quickly and will heal faster. I would not want to have it done as an adult, you would then have the memories of the event.
  15. I guess I really like PRETENDING I know anything about medicine. I must like punishment! :shock: :roll:
  16. You would be surprised at how many people think O2 is flammable and explosive!
  17. Amen, Could not have said it better!
  18. To Start, Why are you against it?
  19. reaper


    I could do interior attacks with FF1! As AK explained. in FL you must have minimum of FF1 to volley. To work for a paid service you must have FF2. FF1 is mostly your full physical part of FF. FF2 gets more in depth in the book knowledge and as you stated, the search and rescue side.
  20. All I can say is OUCH!!! :shock: :shock:
  21. How do you feel about penis piercings? :shock:
  22. You keep that train of thought going. I can see you will go far in this profession! :roll:
  23. A lot of us have fought hard to try and make EMS a profession. Someone with tattoos that are exposed do not project professionalism. I for one hate to see it. I have tats, which are not exposed. I had enough sense in my younger days to think about my future and the effect they would have. I would not even grant an interview, to someone who walked in with tats on their forearms. You do not see other medical professionals with tats all over. Most hospitals have a policy against them showing. If you want tats all over, then work at the FD, where it is accepted. Just my .02
  24. Has your service put you into the system? It is usually your first initial and last name (Jsmith). The initial password is what ever your service has it set for.
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