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Everything posted by reaper

  1. I have had plenty of times where I had to have them reposition their hands or tell them to push deeer or faster. Most of the time They will do it right away. Most were never taught the proper way. Most are happy to learn the correct way. If I have one that refuses to do it right. I have gone to their cheif with it. I have had one dept. that made every FF retake their BLS class on their own time. Guess who got to teach them!
  2. Timmy, you are right. Anyone that does not know where they are at, is not competent to make decisions. A few ways to make them see the light. Find the friend that is the most concerned about them, then send the rest away. Have this friend help you convince the pt that they need to be treated. Explain to them that they can go willingly with your to be treated or you will inform the rodeo judge that they are not medicaly cleared to ride. This will keep them off, until they are cleared by a Dr. If you try to bring LEO into the situation, you will make it worse and might cause a fight to break out. We don't like to be forced! :wink: You need to be dam sure that they have an injury that warrents a ED visit. If you try these to much, it will backfire and you will get none of them to go. You stated it exactly right. These guys know their bodies better then most people do. They will come to you, if they need it. I always go to them and ask if they need help or if they would allow me to check them out. If they say no, I back off and keep an eye on them. These guys will get the help they need. Hell, I drove myself to the ED and walked in the front door and signed in with the triage nurse. I had a tib/fib fx of the left leg. They were broke clean. My leg would swing back and forth. The Dr. could not believe I walked in. It was no big deal. but I knew that I had to get it set and casted!
  3. Never has been done. You do not get fined for being injured! :roll:
  4. I would ask her, how they were hiking in the woods with no arms or legs?
  5. Yep, I used to rule that place in my younger years! If you guys want to see how it is done at the pro rodeo level. Check this out http://www.msmsinc.com/ut It was started by Dr. J Pat Evans and is now overseen by Dr. Tandy Freeman. Those in Texas, may know who they are. Dr. Evans did both my knee surgeries and did my shoulder surgery. I would trust no one to touch my shoulder, but he talked me into it. :shock:
  6. As I have been in that mentality for 20 years, I will explain it a little. Was this a small town rodeo or a professional rodeo? All pro rodeos will have an ambulance on scene for transport (which is highly unlikely). They have a sports team present that deals with cowboys on a daily basis. Most of these members are highly respected Dr's and sports therapists. Those two old men, may have been Dr's. What you described is a daily occurrence in rodeo and that is how it is done. That is why the EMT's and medics are not allowed in, until they need transport. They do not understand the injuries and mindset of rodeo athletes. There is no other sport where the athletes will compete with the injuries that a cowboy will receive. These guys don't make money, unless they compete. They don't have million dollar contracts that pay them, even when injured. I have competed and worked with pain and injuries, that would put a normal person in the ICU. You would be surprised at the amount of pain tolerance one can achieve, when you have to. As someone mentioned, the only time I was ever transported was when I was unconscious and could not refuse treatment. I walked out of the ED two hours later and was fine. Yes, I live with the damage to my body and the pain I have everyday, but I loved every minute of it. I can tell you that a rodeo athlete is the most respected by Dr's that deal with sports injuries. It amazes them at the pain tolerance that they have achieved!
  7. Majority of assault rifles in the hands of private citizens are semi auto's. Since there was no mention of a fully auto being used, then I have to assume that it was semi auto. Which means, he did have to pull the trigger 29 times and thought about each one! The only difference in owning an AK-47 vs a 30-06 is the amount of ammo it will hold. The question is why was a convicted felon in possession of any firearm? Why was his girlfriend caught running from the scene with $7500.00 in cash? I can see "drug dealer" all over this. The man has been charged with murder and two counts of assault with intent to kill. I think the police have seen right through his BS protection excuse. I do not believe in banning any guns. I believe in enforcing existent laws, that were made to keep them out of the wrong hands. If I am an honest law abiding citizen, why should I not be able to own any gun I want. I do have the right to bear arms, it does not state which arms I can have!!
  8. Yeah, Broward EMS was not that bad and had some good medics there. But, the county had to screw all that up! Just like they are doing now.
  9. I can do parachute strapping with 3 straps that will completely immobilze the pt. You can flip the board over, stand it on end or stand it on their head and they will not slide at all!
  10. Vent, When I left Davie, there still was dirt roads and cow pastures. When I went back last year, I did not even recognize the place. It is now subdivisions all the way to the glades. It is sad to see that happen. They should have never let BSO get so much control of everything. I can remember how screwed up the "Navarro Years" were! :shock:
  11. There is nothing wrong with the straps. When used correctly, those straps work the best. The problem here is they bought the wrong LSB's for those straps.
  12. Need tougher protocols for medivac use! :wink:
  13. You local CERT team should provide the training for you. Give them a call and get the info from them!
  14. You can call me. I would just pick it up and dispose of it! That's what partners do!! :wink:
  15. That's why I won't work somewhere where they try to tell you when you can or can't sleep or watch TV! I am not in the military or the FD! Our crews can sleep when they want. That way they are rested.
  16. The problem with the border patrols way of doing things, is they don't apply them to the people that they need to. Any time I have ever walked back across a border crossing in Texas, I am stopped and made to answer 20 questions. All around me, people of Mexican decent are passing by without a single question being asked! How is this helping patrol our borders? I think the guy was being a jerk and could have proved his point better. He should have answered the question and if they told him he was free to go, then question how they had achieved anything in stopping him. If you are crossing a border, then I could see a few simple questions. When an obviously American man drives up, why even stop the car, on American soil? Even with local LEO, you have no legal obligation to show ID, unless they can prove wrong doing. Yes, you will be put through hell and the will trump up something to detain you on, because you are refusing to show them. But, you are breaking no laws by refusing to show ID at a check point!
  17. They have been out for awhile. Basicly the same as the 12, just some upgraded software and a little lighter in weight!
  18. Hell, I say let them get a warrant. Just refuse medical blood draw. I can't see to many judges granting a warrant for a 18 yo that had something to drink. If they are, then AZ needs to reevaluate their priorities in the legal system.
  19. reaper

    Suture Time

    Dang man, ain't you ever heard of 911? They come pick you up and give you a nice bed to lay on. They got a/c and everything. Best of all, it's all free! You should try it some time.
  20. All they have to do is refuse the test, then they have no proof. Not very prosecutable!
  21. Dam I wish you would come work here!
  22. Any family hx on moms side of Narcolepsy? That is about the age it starts to show signs.
  23. When you work a college town, this is part of the job. You can give up on getting the college bigwigs to push education on the issue. Hell, they are pushing to lower the drinking age. What makes you think they care about educating the kids? It does tie up a lot of your service and a lot of ED beds. But, there is nothing you can do. I worry less about alcohol poisoning and more about aspiration, in these Pt's!
  24. You will get it with time. You partner should know to look out for them when cleaning up! That is common sense. Tell you sup. that this is 2008 in EMS, dump the jelco's and get saftey needles. I know smaller services are exempt from the mandate, but they should be looking out for saftey first! :roll:
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