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Everything posted by Raistlin

  1. Thats the ticket, my friend. We fight the good fight, regardless of whether a figurehead with a big brother complex decides to keep us on an arbitrary short leash. The EMT community's support has done much for keeping up my confidences and pursuing this through every branch of bureaucracy thats come along the way. Thanks guys, and we're gonna carry this to the end!
  2. Well, I called Karen Meggenhofen today, who is almost impossible to reach (always voicemail). She directed me to the city bureau, where she said an investigation was started on Xaby and my behalf. I called the city today and it turns out they had us on file but didnt begin the investigation yet. I found the person who was supposed to investigate and was told that my case was not begun becasue there was a more urgent sexual harassment case to address. I was told a deep investigation would be done because I was never registered, and that I would get an answer in a month about the case.
  3. Well, I am happy to report that Karen Meggenhofen has had an investigation begun by the EMS Bureau in the city. She acknowledges that our situations is quite odd and that she will get to the bottom of this. Wish us luck and a proper registration so we can retest for certification. I relaly hope this works. Thanks for the suggestions guys, they really helped us out. We wouldnt have known what to do without them.
  4. The administrator of the program said he could not help us. As of now, we both sent letters to Karen Meggenhoffen, Training coordinator and assitant director of education at the State DOH. We also sent letters to Eunice Mitchell,Sr. Emergency Medical Care Representative, also of the state DOH. We have been told an investigation will be started by prompt of a written letter, but we havnt received written or formal replies yet.
  5. Indeed, we spent far more many hours than what is required. This was due to the fact that the one instructor involved in all of this was teaching more than a 6 student class, which the state would require to have 120 hours. Since there were more, he had to teach more hours.
  6. Hey, I'd like to voice now, here at this message board, that I am in the same situation as Xaby. In fact, we were in the same class with the same teacher. I knew those physical skills exam down to each step, memorized. HOwever, our CIC asked questions outside of the test. He asked me what the pt had and I named some possible diagnoses. He said I was wrong on all of them and he got me nervous, and then just dismissed me. This followed 3 prior incidents during the test to his "count-downs" to failure, counting to 10 until I got the right answer. He was very unprofessional about the test, as well durign the whole year. His arrogance is unrivaled by any teacher of professional I've ever met or had been taught by. His past students told me he had done a poor teaching job this year. Furthermore, I had passed 4 of the stations already, like xaby. We both approached him to ask for a retest, as he did not offer it, and he said there was no time and room in the school. I let him know that I personally knew the principal and he would grant time and location. He refused, told me I didnt exist in the EMT database anyway, said I "did not understand these things" and walked away. I got in touch with the program sponsor and he let me know that this CIC did not register students who didnt pass the physical skills exam, which he should have done at the beginning of the year, like all CICs should. The program sponsor let me know he couldnt do anything because course we took was categorized an elective in our high school, and the teacher holds sway in how he runs course. This was done in conjunction with a health professional training facility across the street. Wasn't the CIC required to register us for taking the class with the DOH? My high school transcript says I took it, but thats not enough. I cant do anything now because he didn't put me in the EMT database. Theres no retest for me, although I deserve one. I was number 4 in my class and I did very well in it. I received a 90 in it, and a 99 average in the last third of the term. This is the only thing I ever failed in that class, and the he did not give me a moment's consideration. I can't even go to someone else and get my certification without taking the course all over again. This is utterly and truly unfair. Isn't there any justice in this system? Someone please help us. We were planning to do volunteer work, not even make money. We are very serious about our certification, but this CIC's inconsiderate and indifferent temperament, as well as his unprofessional manner, have left us nearly hopeless. I apologize for the melodrama, but Xaby and I would really appreciate some help and/or advice. We thank those who have replied so far, and those who have any advice on this situation.
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