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Everything posted by DirtyBlackSocks

  1. I knew it was some thing less than optimal with Riverside County being a way better area to seek work in.
  2. Don't mean to scare you and probably take this with a grain of salt. But it's my understanding that L.A. uses Fire Department only and the nearest EMS is in Orange County with a more prominent job market in Riverside County.
  3. Ugh, I'm not going to get into the huge debate over this. I stated in my first comments that I'm well aware not everyone agree's with the notion of carrying a blade in the small of their back. I've got a lot more then 3 months of combatives training - I was in a Combat Arms MOS with bi-daily training with the United States Army under a program designed with Royce Gracie as the main consultant. I was stating that a 3 month hand to hand combatives course for your average EMS employee would help a lot with understanding the mechanics of the body and how to apply certain submissions to neutralize a combative patient. I've been carrying a blade in the small of my back for years. I've been in fights with it there, some of which ended up on the ground. I've never had to use it - don't plan to use it. If you think pulling a knife on a combative drug addict wouldn't make them hesitate I'd have to disagree.
  4. 1. I stated to take a 3 month combatives course as an introduction to how to defend yourself. 2. Some thing is totally wrong if you're on the offensive in the first place in EMS, knives are completely useful both for skull bashing with the tang of the blade and self defense. A person is a lot more likely to think twice about bum rushing you if you're holding some thing in your hand. 3. Since when do folding blades with safety's cause damage from falling on your back? Is everyone in here completely blind to what knife safety means? Do you really think I'd condone carrying a fixed blade in the small of your back? Apparently nobody here has any sort of training when it comes to the use of knives and their applications in combat - collector or not - some of what you're saying is contradicted by just plain common sense. On top of all of this I suggested that the best method of defense is to run the hell away - not play Joe Rambo. If I were to carry a knife in EMS as a means for defense and utility use I'd choose something like this: http://www.bestknives.com/gerberauto.html Which is not only a folding blade (DUH!) but also carries a safety - if it were to come into the hands of an attacker they'd likely have no idea how to engage the blade in the first place. (I've handed this specific knife off to many people to check out and nobody ever figures out how to disengage the safety right off the bat - period.) If you lose a knife like that to an attacker after opening it, with that style of grip - then you shouldn't be carrying a knife. Some people have the discipline and foresight to take the time and put the effort into learning how to properly defend. Knives are a last resort and used more as a psychological measure then a true defensive measure. As was already stated, running away and learning hand to hand combatives would be a much more effective tool. Your average Joe isn't going to know what the hell's going on if you're trained in hand to hand combatives. Even a short 3 month course.
  5. Suppose there are a million and one factors that people could dig up in theory as to why it would be alright to violate the scene safety rule. Personally, I was trained as a Combat Medic. As a result I'm a little more selfless then I should be, but I'm also trained to be a little more wreckless and size up combat style situations. If I come up on a patient whose been shot in the leg, is outside of a doorway and the gunman is still inside threatening to shoot anyone that helps them. Then you bet your ass I'm staying away, sorry victim. Another body isn't going to do anything but escalate the situation quickly. If I come up on a party where some one's been stabbed and they're spurting bright red blood or have obvious chest/abdominal wounds then I'll gladly put myself in harms way - provided I think I've got a fairly good chance of being successful. You'd have to be pretty nuts to want to head into a lynch mob trying to save the victim without any backup. But like I said, it's all situation dependant. Having a good judgement comes with age and experience - nobody should be looked down upon for their own personal decisions until they make things worse for everyone else. Be that waiting too long to save a life or risking your own life to save some one else. Nobody is more of a hero for doing things either way, too.
  6. It's a parenting thing, or absence thereof! Your inference that society is in some manner responsible for the reason these people are the criminal parasites they are is what is unbelievable. A dad that stays in the home and is a role model for the kids would be a good place to start. Coming to America legally would be another. It's not always strictly a parenting thing, though. I was born and raised in the Los Angeles area, growing up in gang ridden areas until I was in my mid teens. My parents were hardly ever around due to going to school and working to keep me fed. Yet I still turned out fine, while other friends - who were a lot better off then me - ended up going to the dogs because of drug addictions. It's a combination of both how society perceives you when your family isn't well off AND bad parenting. There are certain areas out here that cops won't even visit, when they're the areas that need the most attention out of all. So what are we supposed to do with the children being raised there? It's not their fault their parents are degenerate drug addicts who have been forgotten by everyone but the other degenerates in their neighborhood. If some one has the potential of quitting a drug addiction and contributing to society again, rather then continuing to burden it by going in and out of jails at 500 dollars a day. Then why not put that 500 dollars a day to better use? Hell we're the ones paying for it, not the government. I'm not saying people deserve a free ride in life, but there are way way way more productive ways we could be dealing with diseases that plague American society such as drug addiction, alcoholism and depression. A lot of these people have been at it so long that they've lost their humanity and forgotten what it feels like to be self motivating. Empathy is a more powerful tool, in my opinion. As for my comment regarding utilizing the military, gangbangers, drug dealers, thieves and murderers are the only ones in society that "wipe their ass" with the constitution daily. If a person is a hardworking, honest, taxpaying, law abiding citizen who winds up killing one of these vermin in self defense or in defense of his family all of the liberal elite rush to crucify the good guy in this equation. In my opinion if some one's on your property or threatening your family you've got every right in the world to defend them, if that means killing some one then so be it. Real life doesn't run on hippy dust and pipe dreams. As far as your being a disabled veteran, I meant you no disrespect as you are obviously an honorable person who served your country. It just seems contradictory for you to have the personal ability to serve in the most honorable role on earth yet at the same time not expect people to accept responsibility for their actions. Everyone should be held responsible for their actions. One of the reasons this country is starting to decline is that not everyone is held responsible for their actions. I've seen plenty of ex gang members, and drug addicts completely reform after paying their dues in the military - because they were given the opportunity - something they never had before turning 17. Another disgusting element is the default extension of the Bill of Rights to illegal aliens. As far as I'm concerned if you aren't here legally you should have only the right to leave and return legally. Living in Southern California I deal with illegals all day every day, it completely sucks. Employer's caught hiring illegals should have their company's shut down for a year or be fined huge amounts - period. The only way we're going to cut out all of this business is eliminating the jobs. This country is founded on people being over to come here and start a new life, though. I know some guys who have been waiting on their citizenship for over 5 years, while some one else merely hops the border and waits outside of a Home Depot for some one who wants to work them like a dog at cheap wages. We need to address the immigration process, as well. It takes entirely too long to gain citizenship in a country that's supposed to be based around diversity.
  7. Are you Hillary's campaign manager or what? I'd never vote for her and forsee this Country going to shambles if she's placed in office. This liberal excrement is exactly why society is rotten to the core! No personal responsibility and no accountability for one's actions. There have been a myriad of threads on EMTcity that have included elements of this type discussion. If we could just speak to little Gary Leon Ridgway's inner child perhaps his nasty habit of killing people wouldnt have reared its ugly head. Not everyone can be cured, some people belong locked up for their entire lives away from human interaction. Especially murderers. I was referring more to drug addicts, the homeless, alcoholics ect. whose behavior is in direct correspondance to a curable disease. Obviously we shouldn't just say "Oh he murdered his entire family because he didn't get enough hugs." You're totally misconstrewing what I say. Gang bangers and thugs regardless of color or race are the parasites of modern society. The people are rarely rehabilitated and continue taking and taking from society until someone kills them. Hopefully its their scumbag friends that kill them and then get charged with the murder (a two for one special) The best scenario is they both die in a shootout that doesnt involve anyone else. EMS brings out the handy dandy ziplock disaster pouch and for a moment in time things are better, but only until another looser takes their place. Typical thought pattern and ultimately destructive to our society. Our Prison's are overflowing with drug addicts and gang bangers because we refuse to address the situation. Instead we just recycle them through the prison system at 500 bucks a head. Sooner or later it's all going to catch up to us and we won't be able to deal with it. Whether they're degenerate scum bags or not, the problem needs to be addressed. People aren't born gang bangers, it's directly related to them being raised by other gang bangers in neighborhoods where cops treat everyone like they're dirt rather then human beings. Maybe efforst to reform won't work 100%, maybe not even 50% but something needs to be done to start putting a dent into prison populations. Locking some one up because they're addicted to drugs, subjecting them to the emotional abuse guards do and then cutting them loose with $50 in their pocket is only going to burden society further. I think we should suspend the Posse Comitatus act for a week or so and send the military to kill as many of these people as possible. It would be good practice for the military and urban renewal for the country. Who is doing more harm to American anyway, al-qaeda or the drug dealers and gangs? Try the fools for treason and execute them..... I don't even know what to say to this, it makes me sick to my stomach that people think like this and I'm a former soldier. EDIT: Cleaned up for DustDevil.
  8. Isn't that in place as a requirement for Park Ranger's in conjunction with an EMT-B Certification?
  9. I wear a knife on my belt in the small of my back every day. It's never done anything to my pants If some one has a gun and you're on scene close enough to get shot at the Cops aren't doing their job. I was answering this question with the impression that the scene had at least been secured by the police and you were being assaulted by a violent victim.
  10. If I'm mistaken let me know. This information was relayed to me by my Uncle, who is a Catholic Priest and a Philosophy Professor at his town's community college. Personally I've never read anything prior to the New Testament, I'm too young.
  11. The New Testament has additions, I'm speaking of the original Bible. If you trace it back the concept of Heaven and Hell was applied by the Church, not by those who originally wrote the Bible.
  12. You said in full support of God that could create a Hell. Just pointing out that nowhere in the Bible does it actually say anything about it. I'm not here to say what's wrong or right. Just giving my two cents on the matter. Religion's a dying institution, as science progresses faith in old beliefs dwindles. I consider myself a Christian because I try to follow the ideals put forth in the Bible and teach them to my son. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell, or that Jesus walked on water and rose from the dead... EDIT: To the best of my knowledge the original thought of Hell came from Jureusalm. The poor could not afford burials and were often burned outside of town at a rate that almost made it seem like an eternal flame. Those who could afford it were buried underground. Hence Hell being an eternal afterlife of flame underground.
  13. Heaven and Hell are not biblical, they're scare tactics invented by the Church. Anyone who claims to be religious should figure that out after they're done reading the Old Testament...
  14. Joe Rambo's a joke term the military uses. For example, if some one were to ask: "Who would win in a fight consisting of 1 Navy Seal against a Platoon of Marines?" The answer is Joe Rambo. When people ask ridiculous questions, the all around American Hero Joe Rambo will always prevail. In terms of society being set back, you're nuts. This day and age is the first where we've actually had a steady flow of medical personell in this sense. Society is so far evolved from what it used to be, especially since electricity came around, that it's just wishful thinking to say "Is this what we've come to?". It implies that we used to be better then we are. Targetting violent offenders is an entirely new debate, which goes more towards the way that we just throw people in prison, rather then providing the psychiatric support they likely need. We don't live in a society that tries to reform it's criminals, we simply throw them off to the side and discard them. How would that make you feel? Everyone reacts differently to adrenaline, people with drug addictions can be going through completely uncontrollable thought patterns - especially on drugs like crystal meth where they become sleep deprived or PCP. The key to avoiding confrontation is having absolute empathy. Don't ignore some one on a scene because you think they're a degenerate ect.
  15. Judgement Day and Armageddon are man made concepts. The efficiency at which the Universe runs and whatever powers that created it can better be understood through taking a more scientific look at it rather then thinking some higher being created humans in it's own image. Faith is a tool used to try and help explain the good and bad that happens in a persons life that seems to be outside of their own control. The Bible is nothing more then our ancestor's trying to create a style of living that brings some sort of order and good will into society. All of that got screwed up in medevil times when men with bad intentions in places of high power decided to abuse and misconstrew what was written in it. But still, the points put forth in the Bible, unbelievable stories aside - are good points, if more people followed them and lived their lives out in a giving peaceful manner the world would be a lot better off. But yeah, all of that Adam and Eve and Jesus returning from the dead mumbo jumbo is nothing but stories from a time long gone. When stories like that were an effective tool at inspiration due to a lack of order in society. Society is by nature now far more intelligent and more scientifically driven, of course it's going to be hard to buy into some thing you know can't happen. Back then they didn't have the concept of physics to make them believe otherwise, y'know?
  16. Proof of a higher intelligence or "Creator" beyond our scope of thought lies in trying to figure out how the very first atom came into existence, or what atom's are created of etc. You get the idea... We came from something and obviously it's beyond the scope of human beings to try and comprehend what it is.
  17. Blah, just carry a pocket knife in the middle of your lower back, so that the clip is hanging on by you're belt and the entire knife is concealed inside of your pants. People say carrying knives is too dangerous because attackers can use them against you, but if you hide them properly and get a decent knife with a safety on it. You're generally going to be good to go. Other then that, without the proper training you shouldn't be playing Joe Rambo to begin with. Perhaps a 3 month introduction to combatives course would be beneficial. Your best defense is going to be staying in shape and running the hell away, though. If you're un-armed and some one hopped up on drugs gets combatives, odds are you're not going to come out on top without some fighting experience under your belt.
  18. Wendy, That's a lot of text, I didn't read through all of it. If you're going for a BSN, though. Then it makes sense that you want to work in a hospital setting. My Aunt actually had her entire BSN paid for and was working as a Nursing Assistant because she wrote letters to every single Medical Director in her county pleading her case and offering 2 years of service after receiving her license in exchange for employment and helping her through college. You may want to try and go that route, it's at least worth a shot. If not just do your best to keep on track, things will get better once you get your BSN. Don't comprimise your goals because you get frustrated.
  19. Last I checked EMT's scope is a pre-hospital setting. In fact, I thought they made that very clear in almost every training course you go to. If you wanted to work in a hospital, why would you get certified for a profession that is by nature pre-hospital? I don't have any experience with it, but I'm sure there are a lot of protocols one has to learn to be allowed to work with patients in a hospital care setting, vs. O2 and transport.
  20. Can you give me an example of absolute conformity within reason?
  21. By that same token I could argue that Christianity's good because it's a mass population of people conforming to one idea. I've definitely regained some of my humanity being a civvie for over a year, if I were still on active duty debating this topic I'm sure I'd of had a completely different opinion on the matter.
  22. All humans have faith, the more productive ones; who have the largest impacts on sociecty - have followed their faith and beliefs past what normal people do. Often being ridiculed for whatever it is they believe. Where people place their faith is their own business, trying to shake some one of their faith out of spite doesn't make you a better person. Trying to understand why a person keeps their faith may help you to become a better person. It's not right, it's not wrong. It's just different.
  23. Hey thinks JP. EDIT: Thanks, even! Hehe.
  24. Out of curiosity when I was researching different labour markets out here I came across some of the private ambulance company's out here requiring all EMT-B's to have a Medical Examiner's Certificate/License on top of their Ambulance Driver's License and EMT Cert. I talked to a few guys out here involved in the educational side of EMT-B's but none of them have any idea what it's for? Anyone on here have any ideas? California based, by the way.
  25. Yeesh! Lucky guy to walk away from that! I thought those things were there to prevent cars from careening off the road, not to impale them.
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