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  1. Being a high school student and volunteer with my local ems has allowed me to mature as an adult... When i first started many looked right past me when it came to helping...but know i am called to go on transfers and other BLS calls...many students that i go to school with could never do what i do...But i have stepped up and proven myself and now have the respect of older and younger ems personal.
  2. Well there seems to be a lot of different views but for the most part i have come to the conclusion that most of you say go and do the emt-b class. At the present moment I do not plan on going and getting my paramedic right after I get out of class. I would rather get some field time. I have had the opportunity to speak with my local ems and what i have gathered most of the Emt-B's that went straight on to becoming a Emt-P would have rather take the time to get there feet wet a little more. And while others agree that going straight on was great for them they would have also rather had some time in the field. Thanks for the replies...
  3. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the help. I have chose to go ahead and begin the class. I know that this is what to do and with this i am going to do everything in my power to pass the class at the best of my ability. Agin thank you to everyone that commented!
  4. I think that it is an ok idea if the person ridding has had some type of training in the medical field. I personally do ride along time but i do it through my trade school...I have had to sign papers dealing with patient confidentiality and have had first responders training. I have also hade my immunizations and have been trained on infection control. I personally do not think allowing someone who just wants to see what is being done in the back of a truck should be allowed.
  5. Sand
  6. Hi i am 18 years old and still in highschool and scared to death about starting the emt-b class...I love every min of ems...i am on our local rescue squad and love every time we go out...I have been ridding with our local ems for almost 2 years and i am now at the age to take the class...I have learned alot but i am afraid that what i have learned may hurt me in some ways... :shock: I am ADHD and have a hard time staying focused but i think that since this is something that i rtuley want may be it will help...The question is should i start the class or wait till i am out of highschool...Another thing that i have ran into is i have to be 21 to drive and i will not be 19 when i finish the class so any suggestions???
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