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  1. She isn't holding an EKG, she is holding an assault rifle. So let us look at the EMS equivelant, put her on the hood of an ambulance pretending to shoot up some narc's, would that be a ok?
  2. While responding to a medical emergency a "lifeguard helicopter" was having trouble finding the scene. The fire department incident commander contacted the helicopter and gave them the following information ( I am paraphrising), we can see you and you should be able to see us shortly, you are between us and the moon.
  3. During a busy friday night our communications center used their transmission over ride signal to announce that the local trauma center was closed to all traffic except for trauma. His exact words were: "All units, University is closed to all but trauma. All units please confirm that this message was recieved". All fifteen units on the street responded: " Unit 1, 2, 3 (whatever the unit number was) copies that University is closed to all "Butt Trauma". Every medic that responded by emphasizing the word butt was written up but it was worth it, truly worth it.
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