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  1. I work for Mecklenburg EMS Agency in Charlotte, NC. It is a county agency, with the exception of Mint Hill, is the sole provider of ambulance service for its vast array of citizens and commuter workers. Mecklenburg County emcompasses the city of Charlotte as well as other various small suburbs. Charlotte has a population of close to 800,000 with the whole county having close to a million. Our daytime population is around 1.5 mil thanks to our multiple banking hubs. We cover 544 sq mi utilizing SSM with 40 trucks on during the day and 20 at night roughly. We handle 100,000 calls a year. Now compared to LA or NYC, that may not be busy, but for our growing area it's a lot. We have the "best of both worlds" in that we have the inner city of Charlotte and the farms of Huntersville and Davidson. It's a fun place to work, but has its issue just like any other system. Ya'll stay safe and remember, if its cold, wet, and not yours, don't touch it.
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