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Everything posted by Nurseman

  1. Another thing, try getting the Pt. to flex their arm, put your fingers on the inner elbow as if to palpate the brachial pulse then get the Pt. to straighten their arm. Keep pressing, you should find it quite easily.
  2. The way I have been taught (student nurse) - Attach cuff, Pt relaxes arm - Palpate radial pulse, inflate cuff until pulse not felt. Note number - Deflate cuff - Palpate brachial pulse, place stethoscope on - Inflate cuff to 30mmhg above reading when radial pulse was occluded - Deflate 2-3mmhg per second - Auscultate first sound, note systolic - Auscultate last soud, note diastolic
  3. Hi all, I'm alex! I'm a student nurse in the UK qualifying in 2010 (all going to plan). I have another sign-in on here but I have forgotten it and just rediscovered the site. I do voluntary work as a first aider with St John Ambulance UK. Nice forum, enjoying browsing around again
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