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Everything posted by Ecnalubma08

  1. Love the name.

    Diazepam should be dispursed via aresol cans down the halls of hospitals/back of ambos...haha.

  2. sorry...I just saw that I had posted the same pic as scott33. No intentions of being a jerk here. ~Ec
  3. Right Sided Inferior Myocardial Infarction = Leads II, III, and aVF. It definitely helps to look at the monitor....watch your nitros with right sided heart failure.
  4. I work at an extended care facility (ie. pts on ventilators/trachs). It is pretty much a nursing home setting. Thank you....and you're welcome.
  5. "You Shook Me All Night Long" by: AC/DC
  6. No...it is not "normal" for EMT-Bs to be learning this. Of course you will learn these calculations in an LVN program. Your formula is basic, but it varies depending on what one is solving for. One must obviously know the volume to be infused, the time that the medication is to be deliverd over, and the drip rate factor (i.e. micro vs. macro). Give me one of your problems and I will solve it for you step by step so you can see it all mapped out (I would try and make one up but I can't think right now, as it is 0215 and I'm beat). ~Ec PS Go for the RN :wink:
  7. ahh....take it...just got off of a shift...sounds good. Leaving a kiwi-strawberry flavored vitamin water.
  8. I'm sorry...my thoughts and prayers. ~Ec
  9. A decent article found on jems.com: [web:b2513e3c75]http://www.jems.com/news_and_articles/columns/Bledsoe/saving_the_air_medical_industry.html[/web:b2513e3c75]
  10. ah what the hell...take it... rappelling australian style off of a ladder tower!
  11. my pleasure f-doc. :wink:
  12. [web:35324c3c79]http://www.safemedflight.org[/web:35324c3c79]
  13. cherry pie by: warrant
  14. If it's free then it is just 10 times better! I like the ones with the pupil gauges...I think it's Prestige Medical that I use...either that or the free little key chain ones that say "Call 9-1-1 in and Emergency - Your fire dept.'s name." - haha.
  15. I accidentaly went swimming in the ocean with my cell phone...salt water = no good. The sad thing was I only had that one for about 2-3 mo....had to go back to using the old one.
  16. hey gang!...thanks for the kind words...i've been on vacation for a few days with no internet! ahhh!...no it was great! Jake I'm working on a vent floor...the pts live there and most of them have some extent of brain damage....it is my first step into the RN role...i then hope to move onto the ED...sounds like fun huh? spenac/itku2er...if i can figure out how to put notes on the internet...sure !
  17. As of 7/16/08 (I just found out this morning) I'M AN RN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phew! It was a long, trying road, but I did it! ~ Ec
  18. I love it CBEMT!!!!
  19. it can go either way.....either you suck and failed easily in 75 questions or you are so smucken fart that you passed in 75 questions.....or the computer can't tell whether or not to boot you because you are borderline pass/fail. If one is an average test taker, it is most likely that they will be answering a good number of questions.
  20. This is good! Pulse Ox machines can just get in your way (I'm not sayin it's not good to use them). It's just that it can be deceiving to newbies. I get pissed of when EMTs are sitting with a pt who is obviously having dyspnea and you're like...why isn't that dude on O2?...and they're like...ummm his SPO2 was like 98!....Just give the pt some damn O2! :wink:
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