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Everything posted by Ecnalubma08

  1. Sweet! Flight Paramedic! My goal is to become a Flight RN! Helicopters rule!
  2. this was nice to read...thanks for the helpful tips!
  3. the ol' O2...now that's another story...oh well.... :?
  4. I agree! I myself do not drink...I do however, have friends that have done the whole IV start for a hangover....i was just curious to see how many others have too. And any nurse, doc, medic, EMT, etc. who comes in to work even remotely drunk should be fired!...Grow up!
  5. One: I (Ecnalubma didn't write the above quote (no worries...just wanted to set that straight) Two: I work in city hospitals....we usually medicate ETOHers
  6. ahhh the famous banana bag! yes...yes this is true! Hey it's what we administer to the Hx of ETOH pts in the hospital!
  7. anyone ever do it?...come on!...
  8. YES!!! And if psychosis is a problem...."hospital level of care" will be given.
  9. Some educators require experience as a Basic and or Intermediate before one can enroll into a Paramedic class... But yes! Education is important! It will never hurt to go "above and beyond." Have you thought of Nursing?...Great field with so many options as to what you want to specialize in! Hmmmm....I think you should just do WHAT you WANT to do!!! I believe that you know what is best for yourself.
  10. the treatment depends on the size of the aneurysm...i believe anything under 6.0 cm in size, they would not operate.
  11. I've heard a lot of good things about these.... http://www.panasonic.com/business/toughboo...-PAN184-400x400
  12. I'd say higher too... :wink:
  13. My first call was a LOL (Little Old Lady) with a c/o general weakness... pssh...ha! She was cute though...one of the nice ones.
  14. Good afternoon!!! I just joined today!!! I'm a Nursing Student graduating this year (May) and I love ER/EMS....I intend on getting my EMT-B when I graduate...I've been on ride alongs with Rescue Squads and I love the Ambulances too! I enjoy the community...keep up the good work!
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