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Everything posted by BigEMT310

  1. Having just recently gone from volly to paid staff, I feel your pain, the real problem as I see it in your case is, you're providing the milk for free so why should the taxpayers buy the cow? A united front in the entire department is needed to address the issue of paid staff versus no staff. Get local newspapers involved, local politicians need to be on board, let them do some ride time, let them see what kind of response there would be...volly vs on site staff, here in my county, we had to do just what you're explaining, an uphill battle that CAN be won.
  2. As a newly formed service, from volly to paid staff, we took a huge hit in the local papers for raising taxes to become paid. Whenever someone wants to tip or tries to offer any monetary "donation" we simply ask them instead to back us in an editorial the next time rural ambulance issues are raised. I will tell you right now, you can't buy endorsements like that.
  3. Just keep hauling medicare and medicaid patients until I burned through the whole amount, if we are being realistic here.....hahahahaha
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