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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  2. Hmm. Tell me more about these mushrooms. What do they look like? More about the appearance of the residence, social description, police familar with them?
  3. Definative care, starts at the initiation of 911. Your right on. As you should be, and I would expect nothing less. Medicine is a huge picture, with each facet being as important as the last in making the system work. Similar to sprockets on a wheel (or some other silly analogy, you get the idea)... Now, without any of those points, does the patients care get completed. EG: Cardiac Arrest Home 911 (they aint getting EMS without 911) EMS (ACLS, and transport to the facilty for the next steps) ER (further ACLS, ABG, scans, initial cardiology consult for nexxt step) Cath lab (why did it happen? If EMS and ER werent there, morgue would be in this place, dx) Icu (primary tx of underlying conditions causing arrest) CCU (2ndary tx) EMS: (transport to rehab) Rehab (get better time) Discharge (with instructions) Home (to call again at some pointe im sure) Now, remove any of those sprockets, and the rest of the treatment fails. But, are any of those sprockets the definative, final care of the patient standing alone? Nope. Now, relate to scene times. How would extending scene times adjust this system? How would violating everyones apparent 10/20 minute rule?
  4. Yeah. Incesticide poisoning on the new mushrooms. Treat what you can, and get rolling.
  5. Obviously more about the mushrooms, but my gut tells me thats not it. Unless they are the magic mushrooms my buddies used for pizza back in the day. Somethings missing on this story...
  6. I was unaware She did. That upsets me. Sharing is caring, and why am I ALWAYS THE LAST TO KNOW THESE THINGS! TPBM: Also has no idea Rat had an oral fixation
  7. Aha! Now were thinkin! Whew, I was hoping someone would go there. Thanks Mike. Hope the new job is working out well... Now, relating this to scene times. Lets look at the big picture. Lets face it, the overall scope of medicine is the big picture, and EMS seems to narrow in and get a bit o' tunnel vision quite often. How does a longer or shorter scene time effect a patients care, when relating to the "bigger picture" definative care that EMS is involved in? PRPG
  8. Correct, your medic is 5 feet away in the wheelmans seat for this scenario.
  9. Sure you don't mean the Compton olympics?
  10. Yes, but only after a long night of hot sweaty amazing mind blowing yet strenuous.... . .. ... .... ..... ...... . .. ... ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ......... .......... ........... Firefighting. Ha! Dirty minds you all have. Speaking of dirty minds... TPBM: Is having a dirty thought about me right now.
  11. That might be the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. Ok, seems I need to send my gleeful lynch mob down south to have a discussion with your EMS rep's? *buys stock in rope*
  12. Weez, just point to their patch one the first BLS patient. They will soon get it.
  13. Zippy. Shhh. Not everywhere is a whimsical land of lollypops and dancing popcorn. Lets stay on topic. Thanks.
  14. I want to swim everydaY in a lake of "friendly" nude supermodels and endless beer. That isn't going to happen either. Consider this your warning. Now we can both be sad.
  15. Does anyone seriously wear those things? My father bought me one years ago. I use it as a serving plate now...huge the thing is....
  16. For the Medis who responded that they would ALS the patient. -why would you ALS the patient?
  17. As quoted before. Limited MIC P-B. This area is primarily P-B til you hit Philadelphia proper. Even then EMT's are creeping in.
  18. Nothing actually. This is completely made up, to get opinions on a arguement my partner and I have been having all day.
  19. No family hx. Were not to blood sugar, were just getting opinions if they are going ALS or BLS. For the record, my partner and I are debating if a patient should be ALS no matter the situation.
  20. Denies recent falls or head trauma, no head, neck, or back pain. Neurological assessment proves normal. No signs of CVA/TIA, pupils E/R, patient when questioned defines the prioblems as "Im dizzy!, im not lightheaded, im not nauseated, im dizzy! Thats it, yo."
  21. Her responses: Describe what you are feeling right now. "Dizzy" Describe what you felt before you called. "Dizzy, duh" Any change in how you are feeling between then and now? "Dizzy. Are you new or somethin?" Have you ever experienced anything like this before (and if so what happened)? "Nope, never" What were you doing when this occurred? "Sitting on my couch, watching me some TV" What have you been doing today? "Bit of housework in the morning, relaxed til then. Nothing real strenuous" Yesterday? "Work, dinner and some laundry. Nookie with the husband and a good nights rest" How about meals/fluids for the past 24 hours or so? "Normal food and drink, full meals, eatin and drinkin good" Any chance you may be pregnant? "Nope, got me tubes tied after my 12th kid. Dont want to have unlucky number 13, ya know?" For the new posters, take this information into consideration whenh posting. To all, remember, im looking for why you would triage the patient the way you would....whats the reason.
  22. Dispatched: Unknown Medical Arrived to find a 34 year old female, alert and oriented, complaining of new onset dizziness. Began 5 minutes prior to 911. Denies any other medical or traumatic malady. PMHX: None Meds: None Allergies: Ragweed Exam: Neuro: Without noted deficits SKIN: Warm/Pink/Dry Head: Benign Face: benign Airway: Patent Neck: Benign Chest: Benign Lungs: Equal all fields Abd: SNT all quad PELVIS: Benign EXT: Good ROM, weight bearing with normal gait Vitals: 124/82, 84, 14, 99%, LS clear and equal, Pupils EnR Your the medic on a limited mic unit on a semi-urban enviroment, with the patient in a large park area. Do you triage this patient ALS and ride it in? Or triage to your EMT, and drive happily to your locaL ED, singing happily to your kumbyah self for gleefully avoiding a chart? Please reply with what would you do and an explanation of why? XoX, PRPG
  23. Correct. The purpose of my post was highlighting trauma is time sensative. Cervical precautions are still one of the more important standards. Thanks for sharing the obvious. XoX
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