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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. nevermind. Still there. just was starting to hurt my eyes and i missed it.
  2. just how many random files do you have in your computer ace? More random phrases than i've ever seen...lol.
  3. Ok, time for a lesson for everyone. Im not going to answer because I dont have quite enough time. But... There seems to be some confusion with providers on the differences between certification and licensure, and the practical differences between the two. Ill admit my knowledge is weak on this subject as well. What is the difference between licensure and certification? What is the practical difference between the two? What are the legal aspects of each? Ok time for bed. Have fun
  4. 25....ding! Feels like im at the deli counter, in a really long line...
  5. Anyone notice, after 25, you lose the center one? Nates original post is now gone...
  6. [marq=right:034309dadb]ACADIAN IS THE DEVIL :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: !!![/marq:034309dadb] That is all
  7. Yep, Im trippin... :shock: :shock: :shock:
  8. If you've heard "dude I know im in" as you watch a belly inflate with no sounds once, you've heard it a thousand times. Well put.
  9. Then we agree then. If everything came down to statistical trends, we'd be in herses with first aid cars. Like every other problem, it goes back to education it seems...
  10. Full of myself? Not in the least bit. Not today at least....maybe tomorrow and definately yesterday, but today? Notsomuch. I actually agreed with you, just was playing devils advocate, as outlined in posts between the original and the first, where I not only agreed with you, and made further points regarding the correlation between the haste of the medical community to remove skills from ALS skilsets when a few studies are presented that suggest medics are having difficulty with specific skills. Regarding the need for ALS airway management, I dont really have an opinion. There are too many studies for and against it to really give me a true opinion. Yep, thats in a post above too. Asys, doesnt seem like im the one with a reading comprehension issue, seems you didnt take the time to read the posts after the initial ones. Insult my intelligence again, i'd suggest you read everything I wrote completely.
  11. Hmmm. So know one knows if scene times matter? Am I reading that right Ace?
  12. I honestly dont remember....im searching for it now...
  13. This might be the funniest thing ive ever read...
  14. My final contribution...
  15. One more for good measure. What is the "colbert report"?
  16. Amen. I believe it was Rid who gave a story not long ago about someone who was shot in the leg, the bullet hitting and entering the femoral artery, traveling the body and lodging somewhere in the brain... Great case CB...
  17. Medicine as a whole: Millions of years old EMS: Less than 100 years old Medical community as a whole is well past reevaluating skill based regiments in treatments and provider scopes of practice. Also, I wouldnt describe increasing education in accordance to reports of poor performance as a "knee jerk" reaction. Its responding appropriately to a issue at hand. Research defines medicine, and defines how decisions are made, so making an immediate decision based around recorded issues from medical research is nothing close to "Detrimental or dangerous". IMHO PRPG
  18. Not at all, I dont really have an opinion on this. There is quite a bit of evidence in both directions on this. Too many to form an opinion. My thought is this. If prehospital ETI is being performed so poorly, and delaying door to door times, blah blah..... ....then why not increase requisite education exponentially to accomidate for the deficiencies? Seems like every study performed that shows a skill being lacking doesnt turn out to require further education being needed, they just want to take the skill away. Seems silly. Just like everyone thinks BLS education sucks, so they want to do away with BLS. Instead of increasing education exponentially to accomidate for the deficiencies....but thats for another thread....
  19. Chest GSW was right at the sternum. Blood from the left axilla. Deflection off the sternum maybe?
  20. So....you acknowledge that studies exist suggesting ALS airway management lowers patient survival outcomes, but you blame the theory on ALS makes matters worse on EMT's who are hellbent on jusdtifying lower levels of training? Just playing devils advocate here, but it sounds like your blame is going in a poor direction... ALS efficency - Literature review ALS airway review Heres a bit of research to start....concentrate on the latter study, good read and a rather reliable source...
  21. Certainly seems it... Ok...this is getting kinda....trippy.
  22. We could never change that one...my goodness! :twisted: :twisted: alot of variant responses here. Does any employer "gig" you on going beyond a certain scene time? BTW, when I say "scene" time, I mean from your on scene time to your transporting to hospital time... PRPG
  23. Good morning! I havent stirred the pot here in awhile. Time to give it a try. What is an acceptable scene time? What is the boundary between acceptable and too long? Can you even define too long? Can there even be a definable amount of time? I've always thought 25 minutes was the longest time, outside of special circumstances. Thoughts? Comments?
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