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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. 1.) Im not a fireman 2.) Yep, we get paid now. 3.) theres no glamour in getting crapped on 4.) EMS is more than paramedics 5.) im not a taxi 6.) No lights and sirens unless requested in a major city simply means ill forget to turn them off then i come in the house. More to come...
  2. I still contend EMS company mottos to be high on the list of things that dumb down the profession. EG: UPS has a motto, USPS has a motto, dominos has a motto, and EMS has a motto? WTF? How many police departments have a motto? How many doctors services have "millions and millions served" outside their offices? Its stupid.
  3. Either that, or the thread is made of pure "farking" gold, and he forgot to mention that part...
  4. Just polling for a general consensus... Im hearing alot about hospitals no longer accepting prehospital lab draws. Some, are no longer accepting field IV starts (major big type hospitals)... Are your area facilities doing this? If so, whats their reasoning?
  5. Thats not an absolute, high variants with that statement.
  6. A current registry member can buy a patch for less than the 28 bucks its listed for. Thus, I wonder who would want it bad enough to spend 28 bucks for it? Sounds bad all the way around. PRPG
  7. If 10 of 81 patients actually had a heart attack during the study, it never would have gone farther. Where are you getting your info? Care to share some links? Not even fen-fen was quite that bad...
  8. Good start fellas. Somethings to keep in mind 1.) Rural road, one community hospital with no trauma 10 minutes away. One community hospital 15 minutes away. All further hospitals are more than 30 minutes away. 2.) Flight services have declined scene flights. You do have a working runway with illuminated helipad and running strip about ten minutes away. 3.) Its a rarely traveled roadway, 30-35 mph. Now, time for the arrival details. You arrive to an intersection, and all vehicles are in the snowly embankment on the southwest side of the intersection. You pull up to the scene at the corner, and see this. A pickup truck, split in 2 pieces, with the nose of the front in the dirt, and cab in the air. The tail of the pickup truck bed in also in the dirt, up in the air. You can see markings in the snow where the rollovers took place, too many to count. There is a bleeding man with the vehicle. The vehicle and man are 75 yards from the corner of where the roads meet. There is a blood trail in the snow, drips initially, then a sliding trail lasting approximately 60 yards from the truck, and 15 yards from you. There is a unconcious female at the end of it. There is a moaning coming from a bush about 50 yards from you. Unsure why the bush is moaning. Off to the left of the corner, there is a late model jeep cherokee rolled over into what is the beginning of a sewer basin. It had rained before the massive snowfall, and the car was flipped into 4 feet deep of icy water. There is a gentleman with blood on his face, walking around the scene, screaming "theres people in the jeep" "help them!" A few notes. This is a state police area. With the traffic, your ETA for any police help is 45 minutes+ First due rescue company is committed on a rescue on the turnpike (you didnt hear it, you were busy sleeping). 2nd due service is 15 minutes away, clearing a hospital fire alarm at the 2nd closest community hospital. Next thoughts? Oh, and yes, this actually did happen. Prior to the easy button.
  9. Dispatched via county for BLS mva with injuries. Your the EMT on a limited MIC ambulance, dumped for the call, in your moderately rural district. While enroute, call gets upgraded from BLS to ALS, from ALS to rescue, and from one vehicle to two, to three, to four, with multiple ejections and entrapments. Its -10deg, middle of a blizzard, on Christmas day, and many of your local services are off status for lack of staffing. Your closest ALS next due is roughly 20 minutes drive away, your 20 miles from a trauma center, and suddenly, you feel like going home. But your not even there yet... Lets take this one conservative. What do you want to know so far?
  10. Has anyone yet asked how long, or how intensive firegirls education is? Im hoping not were not jumping the gun, assuming she is of a lackluster breed. Im comfortable saying this, haven already given my opinion. Firegirl, is the EMT-I course in your state the NREMT standard, or is there additional didactic and practum education applied? Of course, im aware of the answer, but the bases should get covered...
  11. EMS cant carry on the squad, but...its not a squad without the cot. ...thats all im sayin. Also, check your email, and thanks bro. PRPG
  12. hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa There is now a easy button installed on the side wall of the open space between the driver and the patient compartment of the truck I used yesterday, and are popping up all over the squads in the region. Staples sells the talking plastic version for like....3 bucks. I used it once, for a 600 pound woman on the 2nd floor with chest pain. It worked, firemen showed up and the world was good...
  13. umm, yes? where are you going with this? You might have well asked if the sky is blue...
  14. Im with you to a point on this, but a slightly different spin. Traditional training in EMS is, at this time at least, a monkey see monkey do course, regardless of level. This allows for a narrow viewed mantality, and discourages thinking outside the box. EMS doesnt teach medicine, just technical level monkey see monkey do BS. When EMS providers are taught, or self learn actual 'medicine', they will be able to see the bigger picture, and fully comprehend why this thread shouldnt have gone past one page of responses. His issue, isnt lack of competence, its that his education hasnt brought him to a point of being able to see the bigger picture. When EMS providers are actually taught medicine, as medical practioners, I will give you the personal PRPG guarantee that this discussion wouldnt even come up. XoXo PRPG
  15. Any system can change, with the right people behind it. With time, patience, and good ideas, as well as appropriate influence, progression will occur. Nursing didnt become its powerhouse overnight. But...baseless whining with incorrect information will get you nowhere, and is better left unsaid, or in a blog. If your going to whine, at least have the information about your gripes straight before you post. Otherwise, amen dust.
  16. Im astounded that someone hasnt called you on this already. Heres begins the list of points your wrong on. 1.) Do NOT suggest that every EMT-basic is here for the (L&S) effect. This is a huge generalization that has absolutely no basis. 2.) Your thesis is geared towards EMT-basic as LS junkies. This is a system-wide issue, where people are more interested in operations than care, and advancement of education. Medics / EMT's / First Responders / PHRNS....whatever. 3.) There are many reasons why the field hasnt advanced quick enough as it should. Education of all ALS and BLS personnel being a primary example, vollunteerism being another, as well as multiple others. The primary reason is NOT being of your half asses stupid theory about how every basic is in EMS because of the "cool woo-woo's" I have read several of your posts recently, and they all are geared toward removal of BLS staff, basics suck, basics this, and basics that. You have a issue with education? Lets be productive. Come up with ideas on what to do, and how to bering this said change. Your opinion is baseless at best, with no information behind it with exception of a profound dissatasfaction with your current certification level. Leave the silliness off the boards, and be a productiive member of the community.
  17. 1.) when taking these exams, are you sure your job description for the job your applying for doesnt include some sort of fire suppression? If not, i can only think that they are trying to test for canadates with a more rounded background, and cross trained. Or, they are stupid, and you should run...
  18. I agree with everything but one point. I dont think its the ego of EMT's that causes them to believe they should do these skills. IT goes back to another point you made in a prior post. There is a drastic shortage of EMS providers being taught "medicine". These people simply see the skill, its definable simplicity, and what it does, aand want it. None of these people are educated far enough to see the bigger picture.
  19. Want to be a tactical medic? These guys are right on. A/P, any trauma based course you can get your hands on, empty the box of and WMD/Bioterrorism education you can get, as well as your basics. Tactical medicine is simply the use of medicine in a situation requiring big guns, guys in black, and inevitably one guy with more radios than there are channels (this is usually the fire chief actually). Learning to operate within these confines isnt difficult. Learning to perform good medicine in these confines, defines your quality. ...and if you walk around wearing a BDU shirt with tactical patches on....your an idiot, and i hope someone hits you. XOXO PRPG
  20. ive been waiting for this response...im suprised it took so long Rid... *waits for response that inevitably wont arrive*
  21. Because "because i wanna" and "cool toys fun *Grunt*" are unacceptable explainations, they know it, we know it, and thats all they got. XOXO PRPG (the EMT-
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