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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. Just because its right, doesnt make it economical.
  2. Either way, both pay scales suck. Just dont move here, im avoiding being affected by supply and demand.....thanks.
  3. So because the MD "pecks" on you, you have to peck on your partner EMT? Treat your BLS partner with respect is all the GOD complex refers to. Raise the basic level to intermediate standards....i can dig that. Agreed. Side note, this wasnt even a part of this discussion. Stay on topic. Agreed. Sad, isnt it? Actually, god complex boy,...I dont have to prove a damn thing to you. Your stuck with me, so now its a two way street. You want to know where im at, ask. I want to know how you work, ill ask.Im not getting on the truck with you on the first tour to run though skills so you can further feel "god-like". Period. Side note, if you want that, i want to see you do a stick, a line, tube a airway manekin, tell me the adverse effects of every med you push, while standing on your head and spinning plate on your toe. EMS reject, rears its incompetent head. You have questions? Ask. Want to quiz me? Lets do it. I will not go out of my way to prove to you I can do my job. If you expect that, your lucky a few basics havent whooped your as$ and left you on the wrong block in LA. Thank you for the god complex illustration. huh? Semantics. I used the chest pain example of medics triaging obviously ALS patients BLS. I dont care why your whining about your code. Its your job. Shut up and do it. No whining. bullshit. you have other ambulances coming in with supplies. double your stock for what, so the next due doesnt need a thing? Thats crap. its insecurity. . Well thanks pumpkin. This is a problem with educators, like you and I, and the standards students are held to. Nothing else. Agreed. meh. A good EMT will be able to competently able to perform all procedures within his scope, master BLS pharmacology, and general EMS operations. A great EMT, will perform said skills, while taking a patient history, and drawing up your Epi.
  4. Next shift, please punch said medic in the head, and scream "PRPG says your an idiot". Thanks in advance, PRPG
  5. I guess this is the first time you've tangibly presented something that NEMSA accomplished Hugo?
  6. allheart.com....scopes with electronic amplifiers
  7. Your wrong on this actually. The EMT and Medic will hang for it. Similar to a nurse fouling up a med dose and killing someone. The nurse hangs for the mistake, the doc hangs as her overseer, and up the chain. For some reason, people see BLS as being liability free in the chain of events in patient care. There not... Matter of fact, if YOU screw up, and the EMT has the knowledge to have stopped you, the EMT is just as liable. In the litigious society were in, no one is free of legal implications in this business.
  8. LOL, yes, I also have a god complex. Does that make me a "EMTGod" or a Basigod"? For another day I guess. Your right in your thought though....
  9. The pay differences are higher than that actually...and we have volunteer medics too here... Kristina, look to other areas. Believe it or not, you can make a living in the BLS world. Just find the right places to do so.
  10. Missed this one. Probibly better, im too tired to yell at you like you deserve. I dont care what uniform you wear. Your an embarassment to it. Period. PRPG
  11. First, thank you for finding your spelling and grammar checks. 2nd, if you want more money, your going to have to move elsewhere. North, South and west of you in adjoining states are paying pbasics twice that. Otherwise, Walmart seems a better option. PRPG
  12. Im going off topic here. Shoot me, warn me, whatever. General question. When weighing the good and bad points of this device as much as we have, does it really do us as much good in EMS as it does harm? Maybe something to toss till we make EMS a touch more educated maybe? *Now return to your regularly scheduled thread*
  13. 100% right...amazing how unqualified personnel are allowed to perform aspects of care in this situation. One law suit, and that squad is shot. To 1ace....do accountants do other peoples tax forms to 'see if they like it???' Do surgeons perform surgery to 'see if they like it'? Do mailmen bring me my bills to 'test the water'? Do women strip to 'see if they like it'? Ok....last one was a bad example, but you see the point. Why are we in a field where people are allowed to try it out before you commit to education? This is one of a multitude of things to stop before EMS elevates.
  14. 100% correct. Jerks are jerks. But, these are issues EMT's are seeing with medics. The point of the post is working on that dichotomy regardless of situation. As a side note, i work limited mic and bls 911 trucks. I have many of the same issues with medics too. So im on board with this. Just like many of the issues you outlined in the "medics issues with EMT's thread" ive had with medics. For instance, you dislike an EMT who argues with you about non emergent rides to the hospital with non emergent patients. I have medics who drive me BLS with L/S. You have issues with EMT's who argue about running strips on DOA's. I have issues with Medics who dont run them, in accordance to the protocols of one of the counties I operate in. There are jerks everywhere, your right. One of the major issues in this field. But, the thread was designed to highlight issues. As well as solutions. Your a smart fella, lets try to find ways to actually make this dicohtomy better. You want a partner, and we all want to make this dichotomy work, but it takes efforts from both the medic and EMT to make this happen. Now, back on topic. This is the easiest solution to a good working dichotomy between a Medic and EMT. 1.) Talk. ALOT. Learn what your EMT knows. Find out what he doesnt know. Fill in his blanks. Never know, he/she might fill in yours. 2.)Outline specifically how you work. When it comes to style of operation, every medic is different. Make sure there are no questions on how you want your calls run. 3.) Run as many calls as you can together, and quickly. Squirrel them if you have to. More contacts together, the better the flow. 4.) Give them as much leash as you trust them with. Just dont underestimate them ahead of time. Be sure to hit steps 1-3 before the forth. 5.) Find out from your basic what they are looking for from you. Remember, in this 2 person dichotomy, you are not the most important. Lose your god complex, and you will gain a partner. Your EMT, god willing, will know his role. Let them do their job, continue to fill in their gaps, and your partner will grow to your mold. Give it time, be encouraging, and follow these last steps. 6.) Do NOT allow incompetence. All of you know what a basic can do. You all were one at one pointe. Show them how to be the best they can, to the standards you hold. If they have the basline skills they need and are already capable. Respect that. This goes back to losing the god complex. More to come, but this is the big stuff. Education comes in many forms, and this is a form. Medicine is based on education. Lets be proactive in that role. One way, is during this relationship outlined. PRPG
  15. Well, since no one thus far has a idea what this thread was meant for, let me offer an example, and others can follow in kind. Issues with medics from the BLS level 1.) Paragod mentalities. Simply stated, the "i am god, and no one measures up to me" 2.) you went to school to become a medic. I know your tired, but when your sleepy, chest pain doesnt become BLS. 3.) If I ask you a question, it doesnt mean i dont know the answer, im likely making sure were on the same wavelength. 4.)If I dont complain about my 10 charts, dont complain about 1 code. I dont care. You went to medic school to treat ALS patients. Deal with it, no whining. 5.) You dont need 30-20g needles, 400 alcohol swabs, 80 tournequets. These is NO REASON to stock the truck 4 times past the state standards. This is a sign of insecurity. 6.)If the patients obviously BLS, why do you have to start the assessment? Thumb lac is a thumb lac, yo. More to come...with positive answers to making this better.
  16. Please quote information to support this. Easily the crappiest analogy youve made. This disappoints me.
  17. West Virginia interpreter? Someone?
  18. Amen. An ER is an available ER 24 hours a day. If ED staff would spend the time they spend avoiding patients on clearing them out, they wouldnt have to go diverting anyway. Their, at one point, was hospitals in the Southwest part of the US who were stopping EMS diversions alltogether. Denying the ED the ability to do it simply ground them into clearing out the house quicker. Im still looking for the article...
  19. Basics 12-20 Medics 16-25 Avg 30k basics Avg 40k medics Eastern PA area
  20. What decision is there to make. If a EMT is setting up a 3, 4, or 12 lead EKG, there is a ALS provider on location, or soon to be there. If not, the bigger problem stands as why would they be setting that up in the first place. sounds like a few basics with scope of practice confusion. PRPG
  21. In kind to another post, i'd like to get an idea of the issues EMT's are having with their upper level partners. Lets keep it professional, and possibly come up with several productive ideas to improve the limited MICU kumbyyah. Keep the mudslinging to yourself, lets try to generate a few ideas here. PRPG
  22. My god, a thread showing an issue in a positive light, with ideas to correct it. I shall post the reverse. PRPG
  23. Now I see where your coming from. Ok to that. To the admin, threads change and evolve. This, and several others have. Lets try to accomidate for that. PRPG.
  24. Do I need to start spouting the "i had a dream" Martin Luther King speech?
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