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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. Amen Mike, which is why I asked the question. Sometimes, EMT's have general issues with believing that if they can be trained to perform the skills, they can do them. I for one, used to be of this mindset (admittedly). Vs's post illustrated a great principal every EMT should remember. Administration of any medication may bring you the results your looking for. But you likely wont be able to handle the complications if it doesnt. If you want to do more, get more educated. Til then, be the best damn provider you can be at the level your at. Instead of worrying about what new cool thing WE can do, lets actually become competent at the procedures we already have. maybe then we can progress.
  2. 1. If your specifying 'prescribed drugs past layperson education, you are correct. Your prior terminology left enough to the imagination that i had to hit you with it. 2. The 2nd response is semantics. EMT's perform BLS. They dont perform ALS. The terms can be used interchangably when in the context of a thread discussing EMT's. 3. Im against bashing of basic's based on cert level. Remember, im usually the one agreeing with you wholeheartedly when bashing on stupidity. Just a general clarification. The initial post i referenced was a generalized bash which was poorly placed at best. In the mean time, always a pleasure to disagree with you sir. PRPG
  3. Repeatedly. Alot. Bad calls, and worse calls. Had a job a few years ago with 4 teenage kids burnt up in a car. Alive when we arrived, screaming and all. I relive that damn call every night to this day.
  4. Amen. But, does furthering the education equal satasfaction? Not necessarily? Otherwise, your RIGHT ON.
  5. Incorrect. SOME pharmocology is BLS. SOME pharmocology is ALS. PArdon my own incompetence, but I ask, what complications are possible with narcan administrations? I hold no opinions til someone answers this. I'd get it myself but im a few charts in the hole. Back in a bit. PRPG
  6. Unless a federal agency took over, and progressively raised all scopes to the same, ELEVATED education and scope of practice standards. But...thats for another thread. PRPG
  7. Thought not. God EMS scres me these days...
  8. Correct. Is capnography included in ALS programs? Or is it still too new in the EMS setting...? Either way, another illustration of how all EMS issues come back to education.
  9. Similar situation. Guy nailgunning nails to the floor, between his legs, nails his testicles to the floor. Cant get up without exponential increase in pain. EMS cuts out floor. Brings to ER. Hes holding himself, crying and whimpering, and I said "so what hurts" You can guess the answer...
  10. I have learned and taught from both. As have these people. I personally believe both suck. For various reasons. As king of the world, i nominate anatomy chick and Rid to put together a text that doesnt make me want to change my rules against burning books. In the mean time, while we wait for them to finish writing one, AAOS is the lesser of the two evils.
  11. DC- Correct in all but 2 things. Pulse ox is BLS, yes. Allowable with update training if service carries it. PA will be recognizing EMT-I by the end of the year... Glucometer use varies by region
  12. We have that skill here, it works.
  13. Vitals? WTF is "tims"? Availability of flight services?
  14. I have to ask, because its something i've noticed recently. Have we discussed all the quality EMS topics? Is there really anything left? I havent seen a non redundant post in awhile....
  15. A few things... 1.) Rare to find Kelly shifts here, most operate 3 12's per week, in variating patterns and rotations, some being 7 days on, 7 days off, to Th, F, Sa, Mo, Tu, W....whatever. 2.) Someone please define "testalogical" 3.) I now see the 10 shifts reference. The standard being 3/12 hr, leaves us with 14/month average -P
  16. where are you getting ten shifts a month? should be 8...9 at most...right?
  17. You would if you moved closer to a major city. There are basics making twice what you are near Philly, Pittsburg, and in the area of Allegany General, and Harrisburg. the between areas are much different. PRPG
  18. www.safpa.org/Fiesta/2005/2005_Lecture/Lecture_Notes/Airway%20Management.ppt A powerpoint about it...
  19. Brother Ace... Every problem in EMS reverts back to education. Increase education standards, weed out the problem children, create a third cert tier and relegate the leftover problem children to this level. Allow them to handle the exponential increase in "BLS-BS" patients using the system as primary medical care. This forces the bastard children away from the professionals, allows the professionals to grow, and takes a notch of the system abuse problem off of the EMS system as a whole. This keeps the sick patients to the people who put their heart in professionalism, education, and treating patients well. Segregation yo, dats how u do dis...
  20. 12-22 per hour to start, depending on the service. There are basics making 60k plus per year here...
  21. EMT's, scared to work with Dust?? I couldnt imagine why.... :wink: I have to agree with all of this. Laziness and incompetence has become the standard. The reverse is, those who are professionals become jaded, with poor attitudes simply by being work down....which doesnt help the view from those who do the slacking...
  22. Well that'll get ya. Cot back, stuff good. Kum By Yah, PRPG
  23. Interesting thought. Any other opinions on this?
  24. Thats the truth. We got an old partner of mine a nameplate that said "EMT-Hitman" Then again, he was killing alot of patients lately. I think hes in the parks department now, and got the hint. Would I stay in it? I once would have said yes, forever. Im starting to think theres more for me out there...im honestly not sure yet. :?
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