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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. [web:f7137c1bfe]http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/WeirdNews/2006/02/16/1446950-ap.html[/web:f7137c1bfe]
  2. We disagree for once. 1st time for everything. Meh. As a proverbial white flag of truce, heres a photo of two dancing cats for your amusement
  3. I disagree with you on this. Your job is not medical care, nor customer service. Its both. To do just one or the other, does not accomplish the job. EMS as a whole is simple. Patient requests service. We provide service. Patient gets bill. Patient pays for service. Simple as that. No if's, ands or buts. Simply broken down, this EMS equation is the same as requesting a handyman to fix your dishwasher. Request service, provide service, bill, and payment. EMS is a customer service based business. Ambulances aren't the only mode and method of moving a person who is ill and injured to a hospital for treatment. Wonder why we get no respect? One reason is why we dont give it. As an administrator of several current businesses, and a prior EMS administrator, I have always looked at the bigger picture. Everytime you aren't courteous to a patient, that patient thinks twice about utilizing your services in the future. This creates PR issues. This creates a decrease in volume. Its a snowball effect. This cant be allowed to happen. Especially because the crew decides the aren't going to take the extra step to provide quality care, and customer service. Always remember, NOTHING SAYS A PATIENT HAS TO CALL 911.
  4. 99% of EMS is inter-patient relations 1% is patient care It didnt used to be this way, but the scope of EMS has changed drastically. Patients arent deathly ill when they call 911 anymore. We arent just there for "emergencies" anymore. EMS exists not simply to treat medical problems, we exist to "fix problems", whatever they may be. Considering this, your approach of being nice will do nothing but help you in the future. Continue this approach, and you will be a shining reflection on EMS as a whole. Your doing well grasshoppa... ...in the mean time, PM me the email addy for this preceptor you have. Hes stupid, and someone needs to tell him....
  5. Agreed. Also, find someone you respect in the industry. Learn from them, find a mentor. Those who are open to learning will suceed, those who are closed will always stagnate.
  6. [marq=down:63be872b25] Sounds like Bullshit[/marq:63be872b25] But in case im wrong....do a follow up...
  7. Going rate for 911 BLS is 13-14.50 here. 16 is high, but will give me a edge on acquiring top providers in the area. Same goes for ALS pay.
  8. You Are a Prophet Soul You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone. Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people. Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run. No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way. You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle. Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings. A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning. You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer. Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul What Kind of Soul Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofsoulareyouquiz/
  9. [web:f4bae7c7fa]http://www.advocatesforems.org/Library/upload/NYUEMSreport.pdf[/web:f4bae7c7fa] I normally leave study postings to the Ace844's of the world, but this was a good read...
  10. Two threads are twice the fun? www.lessstress.com for decent price scopes. PM me if you need anything else...
  11. For profit... $25.00 per hour...$16.00 for BLS. Ill be expecting your resume on my desk around june....
  12. Something I never would have thought of... great ideas Rid...
  13. It has become painfully apparent many people are unaware of how to get a job, or specifically get a job in EMS. Those people "in the know" are going to share a few tips on how to do something so incredibly simple, it pains us you dont know this. Time for the list... 1st: Find out about the job market in your area, determine how far your willing to drive, and what you need to make. 2nd: Ask EMT's and paramedic's in the area where the good places to go, and where to avoid. 3rd: When your getting started, something to remember, NOT EVERYONE STARTS with great paying 911 jobs. Keep in mind, working your way through the world of inter-facility transports isnt always a bad thing (Dust shush) 4th: Develop a great resume. If you've never made a resume, heres a tip, ask someone who has! 5th: Take every exam you can... 6th: Find out who to follow up with....who do you call to find out the results of your exam. 7th: If your hiring is interview based only, get a good resume, add good references...buy a suit, refer to the interviewer as "sir" or "maam", and for the love of god, be completely honest. If you BS your way through an interview, you will BS your way through the job, and it wont last long. 8th: Dont feel bad about calling....follow up within 10 days. Follow up after that regularly. 9th: For every 1st job you get, you will get turned down a few times first. Dont let this discourage you. Your place is out there, you just need to find it. 10th: and most important ...For every good job, there are ten bad ones. Dont feel bad about bouncing around until you find a place that fits you. Sucess is measures in steps, not miles. To make this first step will take you to where you need to be. Im sure there are ole timers and sucessful EMS folks here with other suggestions. Lets here them. All those on the job hunt, good luck
  14. I work a service that works either 2 basics and a medic, or two medics and a basic, depending on time of day. Also, there is a service down the road that requires 2 medics and a basic for every shift. Its a nice theory, sometimes works in practice,...problem still remains, you can fill an ambulance with 50 crappy EMT's and Medics, you still suck. EDIT: Im realizing I sound more like Dust. *looks for shotgun*
  15. You can get rich teaching CPR...you just need to own the company to do it. In regards to the post, no one is going to contact you to do CPR without a backing from a major accredatition firm READ: ASHI, AHA, NSC, and red cross. PM me if your looking to get involved, im always looking for help, and can get you set up. PRPG
  16. New company altogether, to be developed as a private service 911 ALS provider. Private companies cover the large majority of 911 in PA. Rare do you find a municipal service...
  17. Well kids of the EMTcity, i come for advice. I have started the second phase of a project to start, open and operate my own 911 EMS agency. Heres where we are so far. Done All financing secured Corporate business established Tax ID, and all other business operation aspects Legal representation secured Administrative team secured Also, we've completed a call volume evaluation of the proposed districts, as well as evaluated the location, future building projects slated, and viability of surrounding services. We've concluded 1400 dispatches, 70% ALS 30% BLS by dispatch type, and almost 50/50 ALS vs. BLS for call outcomes. There is a wonderful tract of land owned by the proposed township that will give a good spot to take territory from...8 other services. The township resident load has increased 70% in 2003-2004. Anticipated 150% increase by 2009. The proposed district has 2 nursing facilities, and other major building projects slated by 2009. All of which will bring traffic to the district. Of the surrounding services with territory that would surround the new service, 5 of 8 are in serious financial trouble, the rest are stable. Heres what I need from you all. I have a very specific list of my next steps, up to opening day. Time for suggestions. Its a huge project, and an opportunity you dont get everyday. Things to remember? Words of wisdom? General ideas? Im open to suggestions, lets hear em' PRPG
  18. In my opinion, dont try to identify it. To be honest, you open yourself for a liability by doing so. In forensics, bullet direction, and specifically location of entry or exit can be intrinsic in an investigation, and can (and is) used as evidence in homicide investigations. Problem is, what if your wrong? Do you really want to testify something is a entry, when its an exit? You then can turn an investigation simply because of a personal lack of information. No matter entry or exit, i dont believe care changes. It is a wound, regardless of where it came from. Treat as such.
  19. Michelle, Move east, and all but double your pay scale. Typical starting rates for Southeastern, PA EMT 911: 12.00-14.00/hr EMT transport: 13.00-15.00/hr MEDIC 911: 18.00-22.00/hr MEDIC transport: 21.00-26.50/hr These rates are based on a salary survey I completed three weeks ago for a start up of a new 911 service im beginning from scratch. These are generally starting saleries for base services. Of course, these generalities are flexible with varying experience. I make between 15.00 and 16.75 per hour, depending on the service im working for that day. PRPG
  20. "Canigeta amen??" But in all seriousness, This isn't the responsibility of the student, this is the problem of the educator. When operating in the capacity of educator, you have to maintain a professional decorum above all else. I do understand that certain things happen, but when in this position, the educator needs to make a distinct choice. Be involved with the student, and no longer teach the course, or do NOT be involved with the student and continue on. To continue as a instructor after the act is an incredible conflict of interest, and shouldn't be allowed to occur.
  21. "Master of the Universe, EMS god" is the suprise 5th chioce that was hidden by the poster...me thinks...
  22. spanish, spanish, and more spanish. Math is your friend, and technical writing is a good thing too...
  23. 1200 today : Lawyer had MI "due to birdshot" lasdt night
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