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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. 2.James was killed by Robert Sellers, for sleeping with his wife Mary Robinson. ...they always told me id go this way....
  2. Day of week, my name, my wallet, my keys, my pants, my laptop, my phone, my ambulance, my car in the mall parking lot... Yep....once or twice... This person eats pizza with a fork and spoon (I never understood this)
  3. Cried yes, from the pain of having to sit through that god forsaken movie... The person below me is a card carrying member of the mile high club.
  4. Get back in the field a bit, and somewhere besides the system your used to, and we can revisit this discussion. Basics, in many services and circumstances, serve as a decent functional part of the EMS system. Regarding there inadequacies, there are just as many poor medics on the street, yet your ok with them providing care. Re-format your arguement with experienced directly related to EMS RIGHT NOW, then feel free to make your point known. Until then, with all professional respect to you and your experience, please keep it to yourself. XOXO - PRPG
  5. Your an angry, angry man. Regarding the scenario, triage, for the love of god triage. Step back, assess all patients, determine priority, request resources, send patients off. Go home, climb in bed, forget day ever happened...
  6. do not take offense to this, but Id like to see said studies...
  7. It is analgous....just not in the way you chose to look at it... Regarding practicing unsound theories? I agree. But is their any other way besides "field X-Rays or MRI's" to be completely sound in judgement? Realistically, MD's remove spinal immobilization soon after a short assessment. If MD's are doing that, and its sound for them....why isnt it sound for us?
  8. So were working off the "wear a rubber just in case" theory in spinal immobilization? There has to be another way....
  9. After a motor vehicle crash, I was on a spineboard for 31 hours, from pre hospital to clearence from a head of trauma. From that, pressure ulcers, nerve pain, and muscular atrophy in the neck. Not after the crash, but after hour ten on the board. I have to agree with AZCEP...some need it, some dont. Does it cause them more harm that good? Only in patients who dont need it...
  10. Finally work for services that arent....thank the lord :whew: The person below me isnt wearing underwear.....at this moment.....
  11. Theres a brake pedal? the person below me has a fear of Santa claus.....
  12. Kinky presents yes.... *chants to self* "leather is my friend....leather is my..." anyway..... This person has raised a barn with the amish....and liked it....
  13. [Dustdevil/quote]Already asked and answered multiple times.
  14. I wholeheartedly agree with you there. Thats a whole additional public education issue to discuss....
  15. You can fill any school to capacity with the rejects of society, but you can always get them to pass. This gets back into a quality of education issue....
  16. Were still short on eggs to begin with...there needs to be a huge recruiting push before you start "cracking eggs"
  17. Just the billy pocket...not the club. Nice to have for paperwork, patient ID, or a spare pair of shears. We've never agreed on uniforms...so I wont touch that. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all, PRPG
  18. Mine either....im figuring sometime around July 4th next year...
  19. I like that style uniform...just needs to be a touch more functional with cargo pockets or a billy pocket on the pants...
  20. Eh, if you have the space, use it I guess... Is there anyway a company can do a motto well? Can a company motto actually come off not being tacky?
  21. Corporate Sponsorship for new Ambulances... There is a police department not far from here, as well as several services in the region utilizing corporate sponsored ambulances on the street... For those who are unfamilar, this is when you solicit companies to buy your trucks, buy the equipment in your trucks, or donate part of the truck cost in exchange for using the big billboard space on the side of the truck as exactly that...a billboard... Im curious to see everyones thought on this phenomenon, Im possible needed to be buying squads of my own soon, and am kicking around this idea... Good idea? Bad idea? Let hear it....
  22. Nate is right, yes. But,...we already are short providers. To just toss the bad providers wont leave enouigh providers to cover the workload. But were past this discussion. Scroll up to Ridryders last thread, and mine. PRPG
  23. Rid, I emailed Pennsylvania's EMS director, and the EMS medical director this morning. To everyone. Rid has come up with yet again, a great idea. Use his link, as well as this link to determine their email addresses. http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/departments/n...a/CODESdir.html Anyone having difficulty locating their State Directors email addresses, please feel free to ask. I hope each and everyone of you does this. If you even truely have an inkling of desire to make a difference in this service, now is the time to respond. Also, Im sure some of you will have some uncertainties regarding what to write. This is what I wrote to PA. From: "jamesweber@capem.org" <jamesweber@capem.org> Subject: Upcoming street level provider cyberforum Sent: 12/19/2005 11:25 AM To: jschmider@state.pa.us CC: dkupas@geisinger.edu Director Schmider, and Medical Director Kupas, Recently, many street level providers across the country have engaged in several discussions regarding the current state of affairs of our profession, both in Pennsylvania, and across the nation. The street level provider in this country has many concerns regarding our profession, in which we've discussed in these forums at great length. We are extending to both of you, as well as every EMS state level official across the country an invitation to participate in these productive discussions. Your imput is welcome, and we look forward to hearing from you. Discussion Forum: www.EMTcity.com Regards, James Weber, AAS, EMT Basic Founder, Council for the Advancement of Pre hospital Emergency Medicine Director of Operations, Safety Education Training Associates 215-317-1552 (cell) 215-261-6059 (fax) jamesweber@capem.org www.capem.org Feel free to utilize the body of my email to ease the process. A call to arms, email your directors. Copy and paste your email to this thread after youve sent it. Lets see who from the State Levels steps up to the plate. Warm Regards and Happy Holidays, PRPG
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