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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. Wow...yall are like two monkeys at either end of a football... :munky2: When a patient gives consent for treatment, they give consent to be touched, when appropriate by the provider. There is no stipulation by the patient on how they can be touched, or even where. Searching a patient, and assessing a patient, go hand in hand. PRPG
  2. Ahh, you are correct. I will add 5 "hail kevkeis" to my prayer tonight... That being said, how often do you know someone who contracts a BBP at work? Do you not wear gloves? How often do you know someone who gets shot at work? Do you drive down the middle of ghetto wearing cowboy hats, playing country music over the PA? You have to plan for all possibilities regardless. No one will fault you for searching a patient, except the patient (barring departmental policies) Just remember, keep extra eyes and ears around when you do it, my partner got accused of theving 8 bucks and a bus pass last month. He didnt do it, but just the same, you open yourself for liability everytime you search someone. Just a thought, PRPG
  3. In his defense, anybody can sue anybody for anything...
  4. An old Ditch post, ressurected....brings a tear to my eye... "memmmmoriessssss...they are the...." Ok...nuff of that. Rid, when you talk to him... Tell him I want to take it specifically...it'll help. PRPG
  5. Do we act differently for a confirmed break, versus a patient with no confirmed break? I dont think so... Do we set fractures? No... Cool thought? yes. A true need for it? no Field lobotomies sound just as cool too tho...and would serve just as much purpose...
  6. By your definition...its a ambulance service....
  7. Check your PM's. Regards to you questions, financing and who will finance you is completely intrinsic on what your plan is. This determines need, projected financial stability, and therefore access to grant funds. Post your plan...3...4....5 thousand years of EMS experience here...im sure theres help to be had.
  8. Please read post above yours. That is the post where I agreed with you. Regards, PRPG
  9. You do this for the pay?
  10. You raise a good point. this call does not fit the standards of an MCI. That being said, im going to partially step away from my previous statement. this call, while not a definable MCI, still does severely extend your resources. Looking at it from this perspective, one could extrapolate several things. Patient #1, #2, #4, and #6 are ALS patients. Patient #3, and #5 are BLS patients. The incident mitigation is profoundly different based on the level of response, as well as proximity to a trauma center. Under a limited MIC system, with three responding paramedic's, and three responding EMT's....heres my thoughts. 1st in: Triage all patients, determine needs as such. Direct request 4 Air medical units to the scene Identify patient one, and patient two, as the most critical ALS, and patients four, and six as severe, but not critical ALS. Assign Medic one, EMT one, and Medic two to these two patients. Assign EMT two, Medic three, and EMT three to patients 3, 4, 5, 6. Arrival of the first in Air unit, handoff patient #2. Medic two to assist with patients 3, 4, 5, 6 Arrival Air two, handoff....patient 6? Arrival air three, handoff...patient #4. Load Medic unit three with patient 5, Medic 3 and EMT three ground transport. Load Medic unit # two with patient # 3, Medic #2, EMT #2 ground transport. Arrival air four, load patient #1 whenever applicable extraction from vehicle is complete. Obviously, if #1 is extricated earlier in the scenario, then the next arriving air unit would assume that patient. My apologies, It can be done, although rather tight with this scenario. Wow that was too much thinking. Im off for a nap... Regards, PRPG
  11. Lets remember, 3 ALS trucks doesnt mean 6 medics in many systems, it means three medics. Under the guise of three medics, patient #1 and patient #2 are dead. If three als units means 6 medics, I could see the arguement you make.
  12. nows that time to do that, where it would be the most understandable...
  13. DUST: Decisions should be driven by both, exemplifying speed, accuracy, as well as treatments necessary as exemplified by science. EMT: This I will say. Under your theory, we need to return to the cadillacs with some "mother juggs and speed" drivers and haul butt to the hospital. Why are we given interventions if we arent going to use them because they waste time. Sometimes, patients need help now. Sometimes, we can even give that help now.... The only time being wasted is the time your needlessly expelling from patient contact, to stabilizing treatment.
  14. I absolutely agree. To piecemeal skills together without giving the appropriate education is a disaster waiting to happen. I can see this effecting each state differently, depending on their current scopes of practice, educational standards, and levels or limitations of education. Every state will have to develop bridge courses, transition courses to bring their perspective levels to par with the NSOP. Each state is subsequently going to be effectively. This is a great idea, everyone will implement it im sure. Its just going to be a nightmare during the transition. IMHO-PRPG
  15. Dead is dead regardless of age. /Injuries not campatable with life remains just that regardless of emotion.
  16. If I had to guess, it will be adopted for the same reason that many other legislative "reccomendations" have passed. The federal government will threaten to withdrawl federal highway funds, federal openspace funds, or any other federal (insert cause name here) funds necessary to cause the good ole' fiddy states to collectively wet themselves and become obedient.
  17. Which is the reason why I didnt go in too deep with it. I have a question for everyone...does anyone know of any states that havent fallen in line? Or is everyone working to adopt this and make it a true standard.
  18. 1.) Why? 2.) Depending on the provider, and the service, sometimes are utilized quite frequently. Rarely, in my experience, are they used for traumatic hypotension, and more for splinting of suspect pelvic fx's, bilateral hip fx's and such...
  19. You seem sure of this. Please present evidence to support claim. I acknowledge your opinion that EMS is 911 only. Ok, show me some sort of numbers, statistical data to give weight to your opinion you've presented. All I ask. PRPG
  20. Opinion, not proven fact.
  21. PRPG will be there...with bells on.....
  22. All of them. Those who have been dispatched to a fall victim and arrived at an arrest will agree I think. Dust: Well put
  23. What is your name? James When is your birthday? 10/06 Eye color? Brown Hair color? Auburn What nationality(s) are you? Irish, german. native american Any piercings? yep Any tatoos? yep You have three wishes, what are they? To make Dust spend a year as an EMT :twisted:, to get Grace off the smack, and most importantly, to leave the world better than when I found it What sound can you not stand? My ex talking... Special talents? please contact these numbers for referenc....nevermind What is the first thing you do when you wake up? shower What is the last song you sang? Humpty Dumpty...to a patient actually... Do you play any instruments? no Do you know any random facts? lots and lots of useless stuff BE HONEST- Do you listen to show tunes? nope Do you want to go to college? been there Whats the first thing you do when you get home from work? Check email Is there anyone you are desperate to meet? Yeah, lots of regulars here. Do you dance around your house when nobodys home? nope Favorite quote? "simmer down fella," Main source of exercise? 4 hours at the gym, 4 times a week Yay or Nay Diet Pepsi? yay Kids? yay Bread? yay Hair cuts? #2 razor Hiking? yay Black and white photography? depends on my mood Coffee? yay What C.D.s are in your sterio right now? CD's? whats that? you mean mp3's...right? Guilty pleasures? no time anymore If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Chiken noodle soup Speak other languages? yay Favorite song (as of right now)? varied on mood Favorite flower? the simple white rose Contacts, glasses, or neither? glasses Hometown? Suburban Philly. Favorite Drink? Jonnie Walker Black, no ice Have you ever been in love? yep Have you ever been skinny dipping? on many an occasion Assertive or passive? assertive Sing in the shower? no Any regrets? regrets waste time to make new memories Do you swear? regularly Do you have any pet peeves? forgetting your roots, talking about a subject you know nothing about, whining, and ignorance. Favourite Ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip Member of the red light club? yep...
  24. Wow...that was difficult to even read...
  25. The question was posed purely to see if Im looking at this the wrong way...and the question referenced EMT basics being called ambulance drivers...
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