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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. Today is my 1st day off in over six months. What am I doin? Talking to yall.
  2. Neon Green Bicycle cop shirts, with purple "MEDIC" or "EMT" Lettering, and purple BDU shorts to match. I specifically turned this job offer down when it was implied this was the uniform. Something to be said for self respect...
  3. Yes....my apologies. TO ALL. Should general science programs be added to the EMS programs, such as biology, chemestry, micro-biology...etc...
  4. What is everyones thoughts and preferences on this? Would you prefer a medic with a more Scientific background from a educational perspective? (Edited as appropriate)
  5. What is everyones thoughts and preferences on this? Would you prefer a medic with a more Scientific background? (Edited as appropriate)
  6. Joins hands with the posters... "Kum by yah...EMT city.....Kum by yah!!!!!"
  7. Gentlemen, theres a HUGE difference between levity and crime, and the line can be seen from one post to another. Lasix in coffee....bad Trying to sell your bosses house over the internet?....not quite as bad. Depends on perspective I guess. Be safe to all...J
  8. Heres Cut and Dry...yearly retests for everybody!
  9. *now accepting ideas for a more unique uniform*
  10. Thought I might toss out there a chance to share a few EMS station prank stories...im sure there is some entertainment to be had here... My best two are... My boss went on vacation a few years back...while he was gone we listed his house for sale with a realtor...he came to to people touring his house... We signed the same boss up for a NAMBLA membership...and had his membership goodies sent to him through the hospital mail system... anyone else? Im in the mood for some levity...
  11. Looking like cops is bad, yes. If that's the case, aren't we wearing the same uniforms and going with them on calls? Badge isn't going to make a difference. Wear your badge fella, if you think it will help. I will say it does improve a uniform with a more professional look. Just my thoughts. Commence firing!!
  12. Require a yearly retest for all drivers, regardless of age. I'd agree the primary problem is 16-25 and 75+, there are numerous people in the "safe ages" that also, well, for a lack of a better term, suck. If safety of the general public is what your after, thats the way to do it. Jweb
  13. if you've ever been dispatched to a KKK meeting... if you have been dispatched to a militia compound... if your station is on gigglehill rd....and your substation is on "dirt" road (yes...its address was 16 Dirt Rd) if your station is 10 feet by 12 feet...total if your chief comes out to calls in overalls....and / or their primary response vehicle has a show plow on the front... God im happy to be back in the hood...PRPG
  14. Got tazed once during a training course a few years back, definately an experience. From a perspective of treatment, im not sure if removal of Tazer barbs is within our scope? Is it? I honestly dont know. Any thoughts on this from anyone??
  15. http://www.officerstore.com/store/product.cfm?pID=1615 What we have in-service thus far. ANSI compliant, with appropriate markings, and comes with a number of options for ID name. James
  16. 1:1, 10:1, 20:1 50:1, 100:1,...does it matter? We do as were told, as the guidelines change. We cant arbitrarily default on these guidelines however we'd like. From a litigation standpoint, whos to say we cant get sued for doing 49:1 instead of 50:1 on our next code who doesn't make it? Lets protect ourselves... Just a thought.... PRPG
  17. "Police Radio to 26-16?" "26-16" "take 123 Main St, at Garden Apartments for an animal complaint" "26-16 ok" "Reported to be a 2 foot long snake in the roadway" :shock: "2 foot long snake? Caller provide a direction of travel?" :roll: "Arrival, subjects GOA, clear it out"
  18. 2004 GMC Yukon with 22's...Black with tint, and station sticker to the rear... Sad but true,,,
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