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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. Likely the same people who researched "research articles" on TEMS, just to prove scientifically there isnt enough research.
  2. Regarding the article, it doesnt specify if TEMS "is or is not working". It states theres no research to determine that. ...just keeping to the facts. PRPG
  3. it will thrive til insurance companies stop dropping liability coverages for adding TEMS units to tacticasl response teams
  4. I see were on the same mailing list sir. Again, more crappy heroin. Yay. :x
  5. Rid... At the 13 month mark, no response from mine either.
  6. Charge nurse for a dialysis unit? Is it me, or is that 38/hr job sound just a bit too simple...i mean really...
  7. similar EMS call. MVA, rollover, beercans all over the car. No patient found in the middle of a showstorm. However, we did find a bloodtrail and footprints that led to his front door 3 blocks or so away...
  8. Was that there when I posted originally? I didnt think I was that tired....
  9. yes...that is the story. However, there has never been any verifyable evidence of this story, and believe me, i looked into it. I wrote a research paper on "EMS folklore" for one of my classes....
  10. Co-sign, with an amen!
  11. Absolutely correct. Extrication assessment is the same as medical assessment. Every consequence requires an action, and subsequent reaction. You dont act without just cause. That being said, there is almost always a route out without breaking windows, let alone utilizing a rescue company for that matter. Unfortunately, we seem to have shifted into this simpleton mindset of rote routine for all rescues. -Break windows -Pop doors -Cut posts -Remove roof -push dash -watch ems extricate patient -smoke cigars and admire another inappropriate cut vehicle -tell lies about all the 3 year olds youve saved from fires in the week youve been in the fire/rescue service -go home ....use your head out there and act with just cause. This is much too litigious of a society not to. PRPG 9 years fire service 7 years rescue 8 years ems
  12. Level 15....someone help?
  13. How can I respect someone who owns Aretha Franklin cd's? :? :wink:
  14. Post of the year. Well done :wink:
  15. Wow. Im with you guys normally, but your off base on this one. If you trust your basic, verify the med and 5 r's, the actual push of MS is a mechanical act, that cant really be messed up under your supervision. Your splitting hairs here. Should it happen? No Will it continue to happen until ALS providers are given a third arm at graduation with their nifty NREMT patch? yes
  16. Keep it. You'd be suprised what helps on a resume. In reality, it cant hurt.
  17. Oh, and to answer the original polled question. Right now, no. When working a limited MICU unit EMT/Medic, unless that medic knows the basic well enough, they absolutely shouldnt be able to tie their shoes without asking for permission. However, when the country as a whole wakes up, raises the bar a bit and stops churning out retarded basics at a record pace, my answer will change. In case anyones wondering, im a basic by the way. Im one of the better ones, so I tie my shoes without asking, thanks.
  18. Wtf? Ok, I will admit, I gave up reading this thread a bit ago, it gave me a damn headache. Ladies and gentlemen of EMTcity, its time for a dose of PRPG reality. Ready? Respect is earned, not demanded. Not asked for. Its funny, but people who are truely respected usually dont know it until someone tells them. This applies to all levels of provider. When we define our careers in EMS, it comes, quite simply, from the school of "hard knocks". Get used to it. The only thing you earned by getting through EMT class is that you have the ability to show up to class. Guess what, any sloped forehead goober can get through the course. What defines you, are the steps you make beyond that. Educate yourself, know your job inside and out, and recognize your limitations. Expand your knowledge, not just within the confines of the next higher certification, but of general medicine itself. Knowing how to provide oropharengeal suctioning in and out is great, but knowing all your skills plus the clinical uses of the medication lisinopril, the disease processes of diabetes, and the purpose of dialysis in the renal failure patient makes you something worth respect. Knowing how to do your job, simply means you met the minimal level of competence. Guess what, the minimal level of competence isnt all that impressive, and damn sure not worth any of our respect. Want to step up in this industry? Start with your education. Expand your knowledge. Make yourself a better EMT across the board. In the mean time, take a night class or two at the school of "hard knocks" and pay your dues. PRPG
  19. Maybe im the only fella that doesnt have that. I used to, but not for a long time. Odd.
  20. EMT-B 17.25 to start. 19.25 after 3 years with the organization
  21. Double post. Admin, can we get "delete our own post" buttons back
  22. Hellen Keller.
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