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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. Doctors are meant to be just that, doctors. Nurses are meant to be just that, nurses. Want someone of higher education on the truck? Increase the quanitative education standards for current field level staff.
  2. Not sure if I agree with this premise. 1. If the licensure requires a pair of shears on the truck, then why "require" your partner to carry a pair, before you "send him home" (wtf was that anyway? God complex?) But however, If you have no requirement to carry shears on the truck, then i see your pointe. I personally carry 2 pairs, but only because of the regularity of which i lose them. I work in a heavily traumatic area, and more than once ive sent them flying on the lap of a spineboarded patient with a flight crew. Spare can't hurt.
  3. Looking for grants specifically for community outreach for public education. CPR education First Aid education Potentially connected to return to work program, but at this point, EMS backed only for sure. Google backstabbed me on this one. any ideas?
  4. I know where weasel is...
  5. Right at this moment... -Watch -Portable external "thumb" drive with narrative templetes and other reference material -Palm Pilot -Company Pager -Company Radio -Glove pouch w/2 sets of gloves -Flashlight -bandage shears x2 -Wallet w/cards -Cash -Notepad w/spare -Black gloves for rescue/uncooperative patient handling (welcome to the urban world) -Pens / gum / mints -company Phone
  6. AMEN to that! Gossip is like gold to hospitals...especially ER'z.
  7. *ahem* In the interest of making sure all aspects of EMS have appropriate, cool sounding ridiculous titles, ive recently been informed a new level of EMS responder has been developed to become the new, more...politically correct version of the badge bunny. Expect the BRT patches, or..."Badge Restoration Technician" to be available at a service near you soon.
  8. hehe...just got that...thanks for the chuckle Dust...
  9. Be nice to them. Be understanding that their job sucks too. Be competent. ...and you will be fine.
  10. Well put. Anyone else?
  11. Connected to my other 5 EMS problems post... ...what are 5 things EMS is doing right. Remember, there is no wrong answers here, just opinions...
  12. This..........doesnt suprise me.
  13. Name the top 5 problems in EMS. I need a consensus for an article im writing...
  14. mentation? skin? (warm pink, dry, cool clammy...)
  15. Dear Dustdevil, Apparently, prayers do get answered. XoXo GoD
  16. WINNER!
  17. +5 points for anyone who can tell me why that is.
  18. interesting display of life in a modern art form... huh. i like it.
  19. My education did not include a cadaver lab, however I took a position at a hospital based MICU where parrt of your job was operating as a morgue tech for daytime autopsies prior to 8am. In 5 years I caught the opportunity to do....50 to 60 posts. Something well worth the educational benefit if you can find the opportunity to do so.
  20. ASHI Definable adherance to the national standard, while maintaining the ability to allow instructors freedom of perpetuating education methodologies.
  21. O S H A Look into their requirements for this. You'd be suprised.
  22. Rural road in Bucks County, not route 1
  23. Four 21 year olds,high speed MVC, vehicle on fire, still trapped inside. Passenger compartment was in flames, and the patients were still alive inside. The screaming still wakes me up from a dead sleep at night periodically.
  24. Stop. There opinion is what they choose it to be. Your ignorance towards current providers has been accepted, here, but im drawing the line at twisting that quote to serve your own desire to show BLS providers in a poor light. You want to do that, facts, not twisted silliness.
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