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Everything posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....whatever happened to Russ, is he still a card holding potart?
  2. Robot You are 100% Rational, 28% Extroverted, 42% Brutal, and 42% Arrogant. You are the Robot! You are characterized by your rationality. In fact, this is really ALL you are characterized by. Like a cold, heartless machine, you are so logical and unemotional that you scarcely seem human. For instance, you are very humble and don't bother thinking of your own interests, you are very gentle and lack emotion, and you are also very introverted and introspective. You may have noticed that these traits are just as applicable to your laptop as they are to a human being. You are not like the robots they show in the movies. Movie robots are make-believe, because they always get all personable and likeable after being struck by lightning, or they are cold, cruel killing machines. In all reality, though, you are much more boring than all that. Real robots just sit there, doing their stupid jobs, and doing little else. If you get struck by lightning, you won't develop a winning personality and heart of gold. (Robots don't have hearts, silly, and if they did, they would probably be made of steel, not gold.) You also won't be likely to terrorize humanity by becoming an ultra-violent killing machine sent into the past to kill the mother of a child who will lead a rebellion against machines, because that movie was dumb as hell, and because real robots don't kill--they horribly maim at best, and they don't even do that on purpose. Real robots are boringly kind and all too rarely try to kill people. In all my years, my laptop has only attacked me once, and that was only because my brother threw it at me. In short, your personality defect is that you don't really HAVE a personality. You are one of those annoying, super-logical people that never gets upset or flustered. Unless, of course, you short circuit. Or if someone throws a pie at you. Pies sure are delicious. To put it less negatively: 1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive. 2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted. 3. You are more GENTLE than brutal. 4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant. Compatibility: Your exact opposite is the Class Clown. Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Hand-Raiser, the Emo Kid, and the Haughty Intellectual. * * If you scored near fifty percent for a certain trait (42%-58%), you could very well go either way. For example, someone with 42% Extroversion is slightly leaning towards being an introvert, but is close enough to being an extrovert to be classified that way as well. Below is a list of the other personality types so that you can determine which other possible categories you may fill if you scored near fifty percent for certain traits.
  3. 1. The attitude of the city is shifting yes. Not in a good direction either. 2. Exercises like this without a synopsis of the call is simply monday morning quarterbacking without all the information. If you want to quarterback a callk for educational value, post a call synopsis and let the vultures tear it up. To try to identify issues froma 1 dimentional photo has too little information to accurately depict the situation. We can certainly disagree of the educational value this exercise. I respect your opinion, and appreciate your respect of mine. 3. Wisdom can be passed down in a myriad of ways, and tearing people apart is certainly one of them. The difficult part of that is to do so in a productive manner with fact backing your stance, instead of walking into a discussion with simple opinion that is loosely based in anything distinguishable in fact. Many times, from an educators stance, burying people in information without a sarcastic tone can be just as effective, if not moreso in passing along information. 4. Your incredible potential is nice to see, especially as you begin to realize the said potential in your agressive walk towards being a competent field provider. Your agressive nature in education is heartwarming to see, especially while wading through so many potarts lately in the EMS education cycle. 5. Potart: noun, defined as someone of feeble intelligence with no desire to improve that status. 6. Thank you for the compliment. Ok, im done. Now back to your previously scheduled debate. PRPG
  4. I think it was intended as an educational tool...i think. Otherwise, your right. Because ems education is ions behind and other education in medicine Very true. That is a law enforcement consideration, not EMS. When operating a MCI with a terroristic basis, unified command structure should be used, putting you right next to the law enforcement head honcho who can tell you if theres more to worry about. Certainly true. I also 100% agree. Monday morning quarterbacking can never turn out well. Especially not having all the details. Speak like your dumb and you will be regarded that way. Just a thought. Your right. Hence why exercises like this one are pointless and fruitless.
  5. Jmac, Like every undereducated individual who has run out of educated arguements, you leave the discussion throwing poorly spelled barbs filled with ignorance towards your opponent. I absolutely have disagreed with JP's positions before, but your being the potart today. Regardless of the nature of any incident, number of patients, the ideaology is always the same. Establish command, MCI protocols, establish resources....blah blah....blah. Doesnt matter the reason behind the MCI. Side note: When your ready to finish the discussion like a big kid, feel free. Till then, keep your derogatory comments to yourself.
  6. I work in an ambulance. Sometimes I work in a bus or a squad. Depends on my mood really....
  7. That ill give you. A 20 to 30 minute trip is a ground run. a 20 to thirty mile trip is a toss up. Good points dust.
  8. eh, thats not an absolute.... 30 miles ground rural, suburban, or urban? Weather? Dispatch to arrival time for the flight? How far are they based from the pickup pointe? Too many variables to make that statement an absolute. Example. I flew a patient to a trauma center 10 miles away just 2 weeks ago. Flight time call to hospital, 20 minutes. At 6pm in that area, a ground run would have been 45 minutes. Today, i took a 20 mile trip to a trauma center, by ground. Less than 30 minutes. More info to decide your pointe.,...
  9. The post I highlighted with a off handed smartass remark, without basis or fact presented with it. Therefore corroborating my "hit against basics" theory. I dont disagree with your point, but lets rise above the stupidity you were battling against.
  10. -1 for off topic hit on basics
  11. So your response isn't to support the obvious issues of care deficiencies in nursing homes, but to suggest people walk away from their livelyhoods to supply full time uneduated nursing care at home in an enviroment that will kill them for general inadequacies. Seems to me if you fix the issues at nursing homes, people can still make a livelihood and get appropriate care for their families in their golden years, and everyone would be happier.Hmmmmm, progressive thinking for a positive outcome....but oh silly me for actually thinking that would happen :roll:
  12. Your taking your experience in a small sliver of the country as being the baseline for the entire country. The fire service is the worst thing to ever happen to EMS, period. You had me til then. Other than that, check out www.capem.org and the forums it mentions. Seems you might be interested in the information there.
  13. STOP OVERTHINKING the ANSWERS! I know, but just looking at your post, thats what you did. First answer is usually the right one, and do the best you can. Take a refresher, and good luck. PRPG
  14. Ahh. I guess your the correct person to tell him that? We have forum mods for a reason, the least of which is for us to see you prance across the boards playing "forum police" As members, we have a responsibility to follow the rules, not enforce them. Maybe next time, you can let the administration do their job.
  15. ...what would the correct forum be?
  16. This I dont disagree with. But they also dont create games in poor taste after those incidents. 9/11 was a massive change in the direction of this country, and now we come across a game where the objective is to shoot americans out of the sky (because lets be frank, the planes arent flying themselves) No ones wallowing, grow up. Theres a huge difference between wallowing and a disrespect for the dead.
  17. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/games/new-york-defender.html WTF?
  18. toronto, ohio? I would fair to guess the toronto canada team is a bit more competitive....just a thought.
  19. The main tours end at 0600....powers shifts are variant, but 0600 is the standard for the 24 hour shift.
  20. So they most likely look at their number of full timers, multiply it by three, and subtract it from 14. EG: 3 full time, at 3 shifts each is 9 shifts. 14 shifts in a week leaves 5 open. So they take the total free shifts, let their part time staff free reign and fill in the full time from there. Strikes me that their stroking the part timers to keep them around...or the benefits are so good they know the full timers arent leaving. Either way, seems they are making things considerably more difficult for themselves.
  21. Are ya kidding me fellas? Nice to see were running a warm hearted board of kumbyyah bs... nice to see were looking out for the future of the site. Amazing.
  22. How can you do a field diagnosis without using results from tests you dont have access to. You treat off the most likely from the combinationof symptoms. Be careful when using diagnosis.
  23. No problem. Also, all CAPS for your posts are difficult to read. Try to keep it to normal capitalization and punctuation of the english language. We want to read what you write, so make it easier for us. Again, welcome to EMTcity
  24. Anti-depressant and a sedative... Monitor cardiac, iv lock and low oxygen, bloods for baseline labs... Treat symptoms as they develop and drive to some sort of ER type place...
  25. There no waitfor ALS...dust missed the thread and its point. Limited MICU comes from the principal that MICU should contain 2 ALS providers, and nothing less. Anything less is thuis limited.
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