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Everything posted by Fluffpaw38

  1. LMAO you some of you guys need some therapy. STDs from aliens?! Will smith?! WTF!? j/k
  2. LMFAO! true story.
  3. You squeeze half a tube of oral glucose on a tongue depresser and after convincing the man it will help. On the way to the hospital, the man tells you, that morning he had eatin and taken his BGL which was normal, he had told you he has had the flu for about a day and a half and threw up after eating. Then walked to the fair. His Altered Mental Status drastically cleared up. His pulse slows. And he is stable. You have a nice ride to the hospital, talking about wrestling. The man leaves the hospital almost as soon as he is wheeled in.
  4. alert and oriented x 3 Blood glucose level 34
  5. Vehicle accidents (number 1) Dyspnea/Cardiac calls (number 2),
  6. there could be some sort of bleed. But they are the same color, which rules that out, it could even be some sort of infection, his sac might be filling with fluid.
  7. The patient states in slurred speech, "The aliens are coming and this is where i came to get picked up. They told me to come here." As you assess the man from a stepping distance you reach to grab his wrist you let him know what your doing, you notice his skin is cool and clammy, and his pulse is a little fast at 108. You look at his clothing, chunky vomit is gathered on his sleeve and collar but you cannot smell alchohol on his breathe. You notice he has a small bandaide on one of his fingers. The man pushes the officer and says, "THEY ARE DEFINITELY COMING! OH MY GOODNESS!" the man falls to his knees and states, "my shoe is eating my foot" The man sits crying as his shoe is sapposibly eating his foot, the police officer removes the mans shoe and out falls a half filled bottle of Pepto-Bismol. You manage to calm the man down. Your partner tells the man, "i have a space ship, and you can come with us if you want." The man states, "ok" You go and get the ambulance as your partner gets a set of base line vitals. Skin is cool and clammy Blood pressure is 128/82 Pulse 110 Resp 22 Pupils Normal and reactive Mental status: Patient is alert and oriented, he follows instructions. History: patient states he was probed by aliens.
  8. during my EMT class my instructer had told us he had only used Activated charcoal, maybe only once in his 30-40 years of being an EMT/paramedic. Although for an overdose you should use it, he said he never liked using it cause it causes vomiting, and vomiting could cause an airway issue. Im not saying activated charcoal shouldnt be used im just amplifieing his opinion, which really isnt a bad one. He told us if we could burnt toast would be better for the patient. Does the same thing. minus the vomiting. FEEDBACK?
  9. The officer has searched him for weapons and found a small pocket knife. The knife has been taken away. The patient states, "thazz wazzazz a git from mah mozer"
  10. i use a GPS when i go on calls. i live in a rural area, and u have fallen in love with the GPS, instead of looking on a map and wasting all my time i type in the address and follow the highlighted path. i use a "Garmin Nuvi".
  11. thank you. thats exactly what i wanted to hear. I had asked a paramedic friend of mine and he told me to never use activated charcoal on someone with an altered mental status as well as anything oral, like glucose on someone who is hypoglycemic. Thank you.
  12. This is a actual call i went on. You are working at a fair with your fire department (you and your EMS chief). You are on stand-by at the first aid station. You receive a call from security of a "Intoxicated person" about 100 yards from where you are. Apon arrival you find a male in his 34 year old male, talking in slurred speech to an officer. A shop owner tells you he was walking around talking funny and tripping all over the place. What do you do.
  13. I go in for my EMT-B practical testing in Connecticut. I walk in to the medical station. I am presented with an overdose of sleeping pills. I am obviously sapposed to give activated charcoal. The patient is tired, dizzy, somewhat alert but is ignoring some of the questions i ask/not answering me. I tell the instructer that i will not give activated charcoal because of his altered mental status. 4 days later i get a letter in the mail, saying i failed the medical station because i did not do correct interventions (give activated charcoal) I went back 2 weeks later AN PASSED! =] yippy. So fill me in. i know i should have given activated charcoal but i am correct that you dont give charcoal to someone with an altered mental status/not responding to verbal stimuli? If i was in the field should i have given charcoal? i think i should have. But AMS means no charcoal.
  14. (as an EMT- Sounds like maybe her appendix. What could i do? As questions. SAMPLE, Pertinent past history would be a biggy. Base line vitals Rigidity? tenderness in any of the 4 quadrants? Just the lower. (Appendix is in lower) Nasuae and headache. Airway? clear? Adequate breathing? What was she doing the say before? Could even turn out to be a poisening. Treatment: High flow oxygen. 15L via non-rebreather Transport in the position of comfort. Re-assess vitals every 5 minutes ALS otw Re-assess initial assessment if any changes
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