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Everything posted by Astro-Aaron

  1. I've been hearing it from several people. I took my classes at Metro Tech, Spring Lake Campus and they said that they are still teaching Intermidiate but they unofficialy recremand on not taking it if you want to go on to Paramedic. However Im still just a fresh EMT-B so for right now Im still tring to get my foot in the door before I try to upgeade my education in EMS.
  2. Here in Oklahoma, a lot of prople(Paramedics, teachers, co-workers) tell me that they are going to get rid of the advanced catagory and only go with basic and paramedic. Now I'm a new Basic so Im still learning, how ever I have noticed that most places hire only basics and pereamdics. Let me know if other places are doing this and what is your stance on this topic.
  3. I had to pump out all together about $700 for my EMT-B
  4. 43% wacker
  5. I work in Oklahoma City for a private company. Im a EMT-B/Security Officer and I started out at $11.50/hr. But that is with a 3% raise each year and very poor benefits.
  6. Hey peeps. Just got my EMT-B a couple of weeks ago, stumbled onto this site and found it pretty cool. Look forward to meeting some of you people out there in cyberland so chat with ya later
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