Wow... Just wow...
Ok, I do agree with you about fire needing to get the hell out of EMS. But not about anything else. You're focusing all on skills, which I know is the basis of this thread, but not going into education. I'm a fan of making medic the entry level with a CC level that is a BS degree'd provider. An AAS medic might have the knowledge to start to understand what's going on with the basic patients, but if we want to grow as a profession we need to stop the emergency only mindset and actually concentrate on those 'bs calls'. We can do a whole lot more good if we became a real branch of medicine instead of the bastard step child of both medicine and public safety.
If we started working community health as a full provider, we could help bring down the clog that ERs all over the country have. Look at Oz and NZ, those countries are closer to what we should be.
But of course, none of this can happen without us getting our asses in gear and standardizing EMS throughout the country. None of this volly vs paid vs private bullshit. None of this glorified boy scout (basic) vs ALS level arguments. We need to pull our heads out of our asses and look at it as medicine.
Oh, and BTW soem of the best medics I've worked with never spent a day in the field as a basic. They concentrated on their education and being the best at patient care. Not mastering a few skills you could teach a monkey to do.